The REAL Reason Why China Needs WAR With Taiwan

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📢 China on the Brink of Invading Taiwan? 📢
China is ramping up its military presence around Taiwan, with Xi Jinping emphasizing reunification as a top priority. 🌐💥 But how will this impact YOU? From semiconductors to global economics, we dive deep into the potential effects. 📉🔍 📰 Discover the history, geopolitical tensions, and what might happen next.

#China #Taiwan #XiJinping #Geopolitics #Semiconductors #GlobalEconomy #Invasion #TaiwanCrisis #USChinaRelations #TaiwanHistory #TechIndustry #SupplyChainCrisis #EconomicImpact #MilitaryStrategy #EastAsia #WorldNews #GlobalSecurity #Technology #InternationalRelations #ConflictAnalysis #themilitaryshow

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An interesting analysis, but you missed a vital part (most analyses like this do). Speaking as someone who worked in semiconductor manufacturing for twenty years...

Manufacturing even relatively low-tech semiconductors requires very complex supply chains and high tech equipment and software, most of which does not originate in China or Taiwan. For instance, the bare silicon wafers are themselves a highly specialized product produced in Japan and elsewhere. No wafers = no semiconductors. The photolithography machines are almost exclusively made by specialist firms in Holland, and also require regular calibration and servicing by the manufacturer. No photolith = no semiconductors. The software on which the chips are designed is American. No software = no semiconductors. Seeing the picture yet? On top of that, once the wafers are processed, they have to be sawn into individual "chips" and packaged into the small black plastic packages that you are probably familiar with. This is itself a difficult process which is largely carried out in, for instance, Thailand and the Philipines, not Taiwan or China. No packaging = no semiconductors. On top of that, semiconductor manufacture is still (believe it or not) as much an art as a science and to do it successfully you need a skilled, experienced and *willing* workforce. No workforce = no semiconductors. In order for China to capture Taiwan's semiconductor manufacturing base and carry on using it, they would have to convince almost the entire First World to carry on supplying all that highly specialized material, software and technical support as if nothing had happened. If any single element is missing then the whole thing grinds to a halt. If all of those different countries and suppliers DID agree to carry on cooperating after a Chinese invasion then they would be handing China control of a massive chunk of the global semiconductor capability and the potential for blackmail and coercion (which China would exploit ruthlessly) would be enormous. Of course, the Chinese are not stupid and know this already, and also know that the West would never allow them such power after an invasion, so for that reason I do not believe that a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is likely in the near future.

Personally, if I was the Taiwanese government, I would make it abundantly clear to the Chinese and the world in general that, the moment the first chinese boot landed on Taiwanese soil I would dynamite all the fabs and associated facilities, off load all IP to offshore servers then destroy the originals and disperse the workforce into the general population under new identities. I would also post footage to YouTube of my military engineers positioning demolition charges in readiness to carry out exactly that threat. Scorched earth. I'd also threaten to seed the ground with salt, but that's just me.

Quite enjoyed that...


Unfortunately, this is the kind of video that is needed to get everyday Americans to pay attention to relevant geopolitical issues. Keep up the great work!


I have to take exception to use of the word 'reclaim'. Reclaim implies Taiwan once belonged to China, which is false. PRC has never governed Taiwan. Annexation would be a more appropriate word. Fate of Taiwan can only rightfully be determined by Taiwanese.


Hence why chip fabs are being built in Arizona and elsewhere in the American southwest right now.


Does that mean that the government in Taipei will also rule over mainland China? Not a bad idea!


Good reason for Taiwan to appeal to the UN for a rethink accepting & recognising Taiwan's democracy & independence!


why should ccp west taiwan take taiwan, when should be opposite, after all taiwan is the true taiwan, and ccp west taiwan is just its west part that belongs to taiwan.


China's economy is falling and people are starving. they need taiwan's prosporous industry and marine food and oil in wps. that is why they are so desperated up to the point they look always in a dillusion on their statement


Could china even manufacture the chips? I’m doubtful.


"PREPERE [sic]" -- "PREPARE"!


Guaranteed, the US can produce solar panels with less emissions than China ever could. Also, I am not convinced that EVs are more clean than gas cars. Need to see more data. Productions can be moved to India, Vietnam, other friendly countries. A boon to their economies, strengthened relations and a loss for China. Also, America has more proven oil & gas reserves than any other nation known. We would not have our energy shoot up in price. If anything China's gas bil would go up and America would have far too much oil as it would no longer have that Chinese market.


You lost me when you said we couldn't fight climate change if West Taiwan invaded Taiwan.


I think alies will block oil delivery to China and goods delivery from it. It ma push oil prices little down.


Chinese is not free to become a commonist


But plutin knows he is lying about Ukraine


What does "Prepere" mean in the placard in the listing?


60% of the comments are bots as of the time i write this comment


Not being able to get a PlayStation Five, doesn’t seem like an earth shattering thing


Too many commercials why do I have to listen to all these commercials?


None of this is surprising from someone who has grown up, watching Americans give away their farms…. As I believe their saying goes
The United States invented the microchip!

Isn’t the USA supposed to supply the world with automotive jobs?
Isn’t the USA supposed to be the social worker of the world?
Isn’t the USA taxpayer supposed pay the bill?
I guess I am confused as to why the reporting, and why the shock?