How to reverse type 2 diabetes

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Jay Wortman, MD, tells the story of how he reversed his type 2 diabetes, using a simple dietary change. Ten years later he is still free from the disease and needs no medication. He just stopped eating the foods that turn to sugar in the body.

New scientific studies demonstrate that this common-sense approach works well. More info here (completely free):

Dr Wortman's website:

My Big Fat Diet documentary:

The two books recommended by Dr Wortman during the interview:

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I just love this video. So inspiring. Carbs to a diabetic are like water to a drowning man. Remove the water, he is no longer drowning. Remove the carbs, he is no longer diabetic. 


I had been feeling very bad for a long time, Just didn't understand what was wrong with me. I just assumed that my young past carefree life was catching up to me. But for some reason i asked someone to check my blood sugar about a week ago after eating a big cheeseburger and onion rings from a local cafe and was feeling very weird in my head, and discovered that my level was 247...I was shocked! I immediately began a low carb high fiber and within days it has almost came back down to normal. I feel great! I have almost to much energy, and i feel like a different man. I am more loving, less angry. I was tired ALL of the time, I had very frequent anxiety, and pee'd ALOT during the night. all that has went away! I used to eat fast food for almost all meals, and also no exercise. I now walk with the wife every night and am losing some belly fat as well. LISTEN to this man people! he can save you a lot of heartache!


I am a type two diabetic, I have been eating a low carb diet my glucose levels are within the normal range. I do not use any meds


I'm 64 and have been power walking/jogging for 25 years, and have just developed mild
diabetes 2. The exercise is intense: 6.5 miles in 90 minutes, walking 4.3 mph for 5.5
miles and jogging for 1 mile. I do this 4 evenings a week summer or winter.
I'll tell you, this routine makes me feel fantastic. However, I have a sweet tooth, and
eat things like apple pies and chocolate cakes too often. This will stop starting tomorrow. I have decided to lose at least 10


I met with Dr Jay Wortman and everyone in the study has been doing amazing. He is for real and you should know, that he is not selling anything. He is just a very passionate and caring Doctor.


Answer ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting.


Dr's are not the end all, be all. Thank God for the internet and easy access to research.


What was your blood sugar when you first tested it and recognized you had type 2 diabetes? This would be helpful to know.


I've been sugar and carb free for 2 months now, I feel great and I can't see turning back to the way I was!


"There ain't no money in the cure. The money's in the medicine"


Great interview, I'm now on a low carb high protein high fat diet. Meats poultry farm good. The weight is flying off. Feel incredible. Before I was on intermittent fasting which did work great, but this is a whole new level.


Just eat healthy and stay away from processed foods such as non organic and reduce the intake of sugar.


This works.  I know someone who is 80 and diabetic.  For 15 years under the care of the medical establishment he got steadily worse, ending in Type 1.  After 2 weeks on the no carb diet, he got off of his insulin, and was in the upper range of normal.  He also lost his cravings for sugar and carbs.  I am sure that the medical establishment is very regretful.  Now all those profits from an every progressing disorder will be taken from them.  Health is anti profit.


The day I was diagnosed with diabetes (2 months ago) I stopped eating all refined sugars, all starchy foods, all wheat products and all high sugar fruits. My blood glucose dropped from a fasting 335 to 150 within 24 hours. It spiked a few times as I tried different foods to see their effects but since then I am averaging 135 while not fasting. I am on the metformin and some vitamin supplements but that is all. I am still fighting the neuropathy but am actively working on it. I am not over weight at all (5'8" at 168# and muscular) and didn't lose weight with the diet change BUT I lost 3 inches on my tummy (down to 31 inches).The funny thing is that when I went to the doctor a week ago he told me I need to start eating carbs... not a chance.


No Al, YOU saved your life. Dr. Atkins just provided a tool for you to use. It was your perseverance with sticking to the challenges of a dietary change that made the difference. That's something many people are unable to accomplish, likely a major reason why we still see so many resorting to pharmaceuticals for a 'quick and easy' fix.

Bottom line, good for you. Keep it up and best wishes to you for a continued happy and healthy future!


Dr Jay has saved the life of countless first Nations and we love him


Diabetes is a serious complex condition which can affect the entire body. It is described as a ‘chronic’ condition, meaning that it lasts a long time, often for someone’s whole life. Diabetes requires daily self-care and if complications develop, quality of life is reduced.


YES YES YES...he is talking about the Ketogenic


I am glad to see you are uploading more videos, Dr. Eenfeldt. I always enjoy your interviews. They are always so informative.


Why he still insulin resistance? After 10 years of low carb food
