5 Signs You're An Independent Person

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Are you an independent person? Are you able to do numerous things by yourself? Or do you rely too much on other people?

Writer: Camilla Oliveira
Script Editor: Parker Vanessa
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Vanessa Val
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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I love that you guys are making psychology more accessible.


1. You try to solve your own problems, but ask for help when you need it.
2. You know people don't owe you assistance.
3. You're attentive to your finances.
4. You don't rely on others' opinions on you.
5. You accept constructive criticism.
Edit: omg 425 likes!!! Thank you


Me: *sees title*
My introverted quarantined self:


“Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses, and start making changes.”
― Roy T. Bennett


1. You try to solve problems by yourself
2. You are aware that people don’t owe you support
3. You are attentive to your finances
4. You don’t care about people’s opinion on how you live your life
5. You do well with getting constructive criticism


*To the unique person that’s reading this:*

*You’re a very intelligent and adorable human! Stay healthy during quarantine*


When I was younger I didn’t like being seen as needy or dependent and truthfully I still don’t.


Me: *sees the title and clicks*

I already know I'm a pretty independent person. I had to be because of how I was raised. My mother kind of neglected me and my brothers, so I had to figure things out. But thankfully I don't live with her anymore. I'm safe and happy.

I should clarify that I'm still in highschool and live my dad. All contact has been cut off with my mother. I haven't talked to, seen, or heard from my mother in 3 years. I don't even know where she is or what she's doing. There's so many things that happened that a child shouldn't have experienced, but I did. I'm not too comfortable talking about all of it, but bottom line; I'm safe. That's all that matters.


Can you do a video on “How Does Having No Friends Affect You?”?


I have been an independent person since I was 21. I got my first apartment when I was 24. I am 28 now. I have friends but I still do things by myself when I feel like it.


I can definitely see myself as an independent person. I’m always use to working alone on certain things. I can also take care of myself as well. And your drawing is evolving. Amazing! 😊😊😊🙂


I'm still working on being independent, financially, emotionally, mentally, physically, but I can see the gradual improvements more each day in small ways. I'm happy with my progress. Can't wait when I can feel true independence.


I'm an independent dependant..
I rely on my mom for support, and a roof over my head, as I cannot get a job, due to mental and physical disabilities. I do however, cook, clean, and fix up the apartment. If I could work from home, I'd still need help making and getting to appointments, as well as getting groceries, as my anxiety keeps me from leaving the apartment by myself, and making calls.


6 Ways to Become More Independent, Less Codependent👇

Get to know yourself. “You can't be independent if you don't know who you are, ”

Challenge your beliefs and assumptions.

Become assertive.

Start making your own decisions.

Meet your needs.

Learn to soothe yourself.


Yeah I am an independent person, i resolve problems myself and i like writing, drawing, or thinking to myself to express my feelings, and it is like i am in in my own universe, i dont need people’s help usually, because i have tactics to solve them myself. Who else is like this?? Is it just me???


Artstyle: Very good
Voice: very good
Content: very good
Hotel: Very...


I'm a extremely independent person! Always have been. I lost everything I knew at age 13 because my house caught fire. My mom, sister, & 8 month old niece died. I lost every material thing I owned, & ended up moving to a new state and ultimately having to have myself placed in foster care. I at a young age very quickly learned to only depend on myself & be independent 😢. No one going to look out for you the way you will. No one owes you anything!


Me, a college dropout who's been unemployed and living with their parents for a year: hUh, I wOnDEr wHat 5 sIgnS I dOn'T ShoW?


self reliance, a lack of a need for validation, and mental point of origin are the main 3 things to not only be independent but build a confident independent life.


1. You try to solve problems by yourself, but you don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it.
2. You know that people do not owe you assistance.
3. You're attentive to your finances.
4. You don't rely on the opinions of others regarding yourself and your livelihood.
5. You accept and are receptive to constructive criticism.
