Top 10 Reasons NOT to Move to Nashville, Tennessee

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The Top 10 reasons You Should NOT move to Nashville, Tennessee and the worst things you NEED to know about moving to Memphis or Knoxville instead.

What's it like living in Nashville? Well first off, it's the capital of Tennessee and gets hot and humid in the Summer, just like most of the south. It's actually the largest city in The Volunteer State, and along with Charlotte, Chattanooga, and other Kentucky suburbs, one of the best cities to live in America. While it isn't the cheapest place, a lot of people are moving to Music City, making it one of the fastest growing cities in the US, so why shouldn't you live in Nashville, TN?

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Hope you all enjoy Nashville! Honestly it's one of my favorite cities in the country, and definitely one of the more unique places everyone should at least visit!
*What city / state do YOU want me to make a video about next? And should I make a Top 10 BEST Cities or Top 10 WORST States for 2019 video?*


We have a shit ton of homeless people selling newspapers on EVERY corner.


There is no "allergy season" in Tennessee, it's just one long continuous allergy.


Please move here and move to East Nashville. I get a kick out of all these hipsters crying about how they get robbed all the time cause they tried to move and take over the ghetto!


There are NOT plenty of jobs here in Nashville. Please stop moving here, our lowest cost for a one br apartment is 1000 a month... WITHOUT A WASHER OR DRYER OKAY? Y'ALL RUINED US.


I've lived here all 26 years of my life. I wish people would quit moving here. Traffic is as bad as Vegas traffic and southern hospitality is disappearing.


How you pronounced Murfreesboro let me know you don’t live here. 😆


Also, there is no way in hell that the average salary is 64, 000. No one I know makes that. The average is usually 30, 000 to 45, 000. 50, 000 if you're lucky.


After living in Nashville for over a year and a half I can say Nashville isn’t that great and the food here is really over hyped. The roads/infrastructure are in terrible condition, there is no tax base, the city is terribly segregated, there is a huge homelessness problem, and local government won’t get out of its own way to solve these issues. I give Nashville 2.5 out of 5 stars.


The crime rate is up because a large majority of minorities are being gentrified out of their neighborhoods. East Nashville and north Nashville are an example of that.


I m from Nashville but the rent is getting to high like any where else


“You need a car” where you gonna park it though? 😂


The video doesn't lie. It's a very good video. I'm a Nashville girl, and I'm about to go full Debbie Downer on ya, so you may want to stop reading now! Serving up some brutal honesty. Yes, I love my city; however, in the past 10 years (especially the last 5), I've noticed more negative changes to the Nashville way of life I know and love. It's become hard for me to recognize the charming, authentic, endearing town it once was. The culture here has changed tremendously due to so many outsiders moving here. It's more like LA trying to squeeze itself into a small town now. It seems more shallow than it used to be, and so much of what made it special has been disappearing.

Schools: the video did a great job talking about our school system. It's a problem. Not enough funding for our children, our teachers, or necessary resources for the schools--our most precious little minds and their futures deserve more attention. Too much money goes toward the tourism and entertainment industry, and we need people with money to just start privately funding the public schools already. BAD, Nashville, BAD! Pay your teachers and fund your schools, Nashville! Sheesh.

Crime: There are shootings and murders around here every stinking day, which is frustrating, disgusting, frightening, and ultra sad. Break-ins even in the "good" neighborhoods are more common now. There are lots of car break-ins. Even if you play it safe and are vigilant, there are gangs and crackheads that want to see if you have guns, phones, money or music instruments in that car, and they are bustin through that glass to get it. It's gotten especially bad the last few years--the crime is getting worse.

Traffic: When we're not in a pandemic, the traffic is insanely heavy. Due to the influx of so many new people all the time, the people on the road have also gotten crazier and more dangerous, much more rude, and WAY more aggressive over the past 5 years in a way I've never seen here before! They would rather hit you and cause a giant accident killing even themselves, before they will willingly let you over to switch lanes. The roads are very dog-eat-dog. You better be ready to drive aggressively or you may perish while simply attempting to enter the interstate. Free parking in town...forget it. You can usually find public parking garage spaces available for a pretty penny. But it's generally crowded everywhere. Nashville's infrastructure has not been able to keep up with the rapid population growth, and it's a problem.

My main qualm is housing. The people of Nashville deserve fairly priced, good quality housing offerings, affordable for low-middle income families. It's just not there. The housing market has run amok due to everyone and their brother wanting to move here. The housing prices are super jacked up. Major gentrification in just about every neighborhood has forced actual Nashvillians (people who have lived here their whole lives), to have to leave their homes to make way for the newer upscale developments--these primarily house the rich newbies in town that can afford the exorbitant prices. So many of us cannot even afford to live in our own city anymore, it's sad. If you aren't making at least 100k/year, don't even bother looking for nice housing in Nashville. You'll end up in a veritable dump. Also, since many newbies are willing to pay 2k/month for a dilapidated old East Nashville 1-2 bedroom, there is no incentive for the slumlords to improve the older apartment homes--they'll just wait for some developer to offer the right price for the lot. If you are a rich yuppie, Nashville welcomes you with open arms in the way of upscale housing, delicious expensive restaurants fit for the most discriminate of foodies, and fabulous boutique shopping. If you are an OG Nashvillian netting 40k/year it's another story. If you are a low-middle income family who wants to move here, you'll probably have to move farther out due to the high cost of living in Nashville. Madison, Lebanon, Antioch, Mt. Juliet, Smyrna, and Murfreesboro are small towns about a 30-45 min away where many of Nashville's exiled commonly re-locate in order to survive.

The healthcare industry is HUGE here, but be warned if you want a job in healthcare, it can be smarmy and corporate, they increasingly expect you to do more and more with less and less, they'll cut staff without batting an eye, and they don't give raises that keep up with the cost of living whatsoever (some companies get 2% raises/year, which amounts to mere cents on the dollar/hr...I speak from experience).

Just expect pollen and mold allergies year round. Allergy shots have saved my family's life--we no longer have sinus infections, ear infections, and bronchitis multiple times a year.

The weather: virtually no snow in winter anymore (you might see some flurries come down), but generally snow avoids Nashville like the plague. 10-20 years ago, I remember still having at least 1-2 good snows each winter that you could enjoy and play in, but no longer. We don't have enough deep freezes here in winter anymore to kill off a healthy portion of the bug population, which leads to a huge mosquito and ant population in spring, summer, and fall. (And girl, that all-natural bug repellant you found on Pinterest will not work). Prepare for high humidity pretty much all year round, but especially from June-Oct. It's hot and dank. There are times we've had rains that seem endless--like whole months or more go by without seeing the sun. It'll just pour and pour. I think we need more sunshine here. Oh, and tornados...yeah, we have those around here. Expect tornado watches and warnings with every thunderstorm. We don't have basic, simple thunderstorms here, oh no, our storms are EXTRA. There's always a threat for tornadic activity. Can't emphasize this enough: Get a place with a basement. I'm serious as a heart attack right now. Also, low-lying areas WILL flood here...just a question of when. If you live anywhere close to a river or creek, may the force be with you.

Bugs: prepare yourself for a wide array of pestilent about brown recluse spiders (haven't heard of them? Google these baddies), camel-back crickets (I call them spickets because they look like spider crickets--aw, adorable!), centipedes(they look like fake eyelashes on the run), and "palmetto bugs" which are actually just flying cockroaches (super!), red hornets, super aggressive yellow jacket wasps that nest in the ground and catch your kids off guard and sting the living crap out of them, ants invading your house a few times a year, fruit flies taking over your home every spring and summer (a delight!), as these are all prevalent here. You WILL encounter them. It's not a question of IF, it's a question of WHEN. Make sure your new Nashville dwelling is fully treated for pests BEFORE you move in, or you could find yourself elbows deep in a brown recluse infestation. This has happened to me and to some of my friends, it's a nightmare, so be proactive.


The reason Nashville is called the Music City is because when the Fisk University Jubilee singers went to sing for the Queen of England at the end of the 18 hundreds the Queen loved their voices and said they must come from "The Music City". Also, Nashville is home to amazing colleges and universities even if our public school system sucks lol.


As a Nashville native I can tell you this is accurate and on behalf of everyone I know PLEASE STOP MOVING HERE !! You've ruined our city and now most people who grew up here can no longer afford to live here, we have to move to the damn boonies.




Dear God! We are FULL. Please stop moving here the traffic is infuriating everywhere now! 😭😂


I live 20 mins from Nashville, on weekends don't go down town, everything is taken OVER by people. I hate the growth that's going on, if there's a just a acre of land, some nut job will built something on it, I hate concrete jungles.


🙄Omg yes pls DONT MOVE HERE to Nashville or Murfreesboro TN!! All y’all out of state folks done ruined cost of living and such for us everything so damn high! 😂🙄

So if y’all wanna still considering coming well guess what it’s prob. Not any better than where you are @. Stats says you need to make @ least 6 figures to live comfortably in Nashville. So ya welcome 😌☕️


don’t move here please we’re overpopulated 🤚🏼
