Does No Contact Work For Short Term Relationships?

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Does the no contact rule work for a short term relationship?

That is, can you get your ex back using the no contact rule if a relationship was short.

Coach Lee defines a short term relationship in this case as being less than six months.

In a short term relationship, usually there isn't as much "connection leverage" when compared to a longer relationship in most cases.

However, there are exceptions where the relationship was strong.

And even if there is not enough time to have as much connection leverage, short term relationships can still be salvaged by use of the no contact rule as Coach Lee explains in this video.

Coach Lee also explains that short-term relationships also allow more flexibility as far as reaching out simply because the window begins to narrow as far as how much time can pass before the odds of your ex reaching out drops significantly.

Be sure to watch this video to the end and learn more about what to do to get your ex back if your relationship was a short one.

Coach Lee explains how there is still hope and that that staying away from them while they are confused can get your ex back.

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Inspiration for you guys: Most of my shortest relationship interests (1 week - 1 month) have come back within a few months. They've come back more than my longer relationship partners have.


It's pretty good advice BUT I don't agree with initiating contact with someone that dumped you. I've done it in the past and even if you are casual with them, it still gives that ex a sense of ego power, and the idea that you will always initiate. If the ex knows you're cool and they haven't made an effort to reach out to you, then they're not ready to talk to you properly and they don't miss you enough. High value men and women have other options and are too busy with life to be lingering around contacting ex's. If you linger around you will kill your chances of respect and value, and they won't miss you enough. Allow their anxiety to get bad that they need to contact you. If that doesn't happen then they didn't value what you had enough.


I can't believe I'm back to watching these videos again.... I really wanted this one to work but my anxious attachment style refuses to let me be happy.


I have found girls I’ve dated in short term (up to 3 months) and have broken things off, they almost always reach out again. Sometimes I’m over it and don’t bother but sometimes we see each other again. Essentially, it’s because there’s still enough mystery and curiosity there about what things could have been and so they often come back. Also what’s very common is that they will go on a couple dates with others and realise you were much better and then they realise they acted too quickly.


His advice is the real deal. All you can really do, especially if you did make mistakes post breakup; is no contact.
I went with the “let me know if you change you mind” at the breakup, and then did the dumb “good reminder” text after 16 days of NC. You have to do NC, that’s the only answer. Especially if it has worked before, and especially if you had set the best standard for your ex regarding what they are looking for.
If your ex has said the words “I like everything about you” or “you are what I have been looking for”; give them the gift of missing you.


Yes! No contact worked for me, thank youu. We have known each other about six months, two/three days in a week. It takes 21 days and he contacted me, after casual texts and meeting he told me, he wants to try live together! And yes, he went through the stages (curiosity..), that Coach Lee describes after break up. Be strong and believe :))


I'd say the chances they contact you are favorable more than 50%. Especially if you both got on very well


I loved your video but I have to disagree with this one. Even if it’s a short-tem relationship, you should just go to no contact and move on. Don’t ever text them first, don’t even wait for them to reach out. It doesn’t matter how long the relationship was, it only matter what the interest level they love you, they’ll comeback


My success story: Not sure who will see this message but I had a 1 month talking stage/situation ship with this girl. Connection was intense and I ended up scaring her away asking too soon for exclusivity and trying to exert a boundary. 1 month and a half of no contact, I promise it felt like she couldn't care less. I felt so discarded. I kept doing me, leveling up. Quiet on social media, only posting social activities and at one point I decided to just forget about her loving how empowered I felt and she ended up reaching out. Now I m not even sure I want her back, it feels like she s 2 weeks too late. A reminder to everybody to love themselves. No contact works once your energy moves on. Thank you coach Lee, you truly helped me with my self esteem during this time and your advice, listen to this man people, don't get influenced by naysayers in the comment


I was going out with this girl for a month, very intense relationship, then she distanced herself to an extreme to the extent of ignoring me etc.. and dumped me after a month of going out (wanted to stay friends, I kindly didn't agree). Started no contact immediately then she contacts me after 6 days, but didn't have it in me to take her back as I was able to see her true colors (which I am not gonna mention). Not only no contact works, but it allows you to see things clearly as they really are by keeping your integrity and heart intact. Please respect yourself when you get dumped and allow time to reflect, to withdraw yourself inwards, it is magical, it sets you free.


I have three things to say about Coach Lee's principles... IT WORKS, IT WORKS OH AND IT FREAKIN' WORKS‼️ BLESS YOU, COACH LEE‼️😁👌


Got dumped for no reason so no contact for life for me! Reach out to me else good luck with the rebound!


I’m on day 15 of no contact. He sees my snap stories here and there. I’ve been posting my great life on their too. He’s probably wondering what I’ve been up to. Also please don’t tell people “Just block him.” “Just forget about him.” Because that doesn’t help the person who’s going through the break up. It only makes them feel worse.


I had very short relationship, about a month, intense relationship with calls and dates, that ended because I couldn't settle for less than being appreciated, sometimes he was canceling dates at last minute .. we ended because I hate that, I did argue about that stuff and never called, but he did, he waited first moment to get near me again. I recommend if you like him/her and you made the mistake call and don't wait a second but try to fix the problem, if they made it don't ever call, don't settle for less. Even if it's short with some people you can feel the connection don't lose that


6 month intense and accelerated relationship. Went no contact for 12 days (being broken up for 25 days). She messaged me asking how I'm doing on the 12 day. NC and Coach Lee's advice works!


Two weeks no contact today. Thanks coach lee for the support. It is getting slightly better


3 weeks of no contact now and it is like hell. First 10 days is the worst but it still hurts today.


That's why I stay no contact forever until it's reach my goal. I just want her to say something to me I am not gonna Contact her anymore..


Thanks coach lee. You are a lifesaver. During this sudden breakup. I wanna see no one and just stay alone. Watching your video is my routine now and feeling like I m getting my strength back by doing what you said


It worked for me.
2 months of dating with love bombing and hot cold games.
It was toxic. I got obsessed but managed to keep emotions for myself.
We decided to stay friends.
5 weeks of low contact : I reacted few time to their story to make a friendly jokes, we’ve met once for a friendly talk, they were reacting a lot to my social media, I was answering politely to direct messages, then I stopped posting I wanted to detox from internet.
I was working on my life, was fighting the attachment by going to new dates even if motivation was low.
But when I finally felt free of all this they reached excused and said wanted me back to their life.
But now I’m just so unmotivated and scared to get in the same trouble. I said we can try going very slowly.
