Honest Advice for Getting a Lean Physique (Cold Hard Truth)

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Here is my honest advice for getting lean if you're starting at a high body fat percentage and you’re tired of not seeing results.

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About the video:
The fundamentals of fat loss are pretty simple: It's a set of habits that most people have already heard of. You create a calorie deficit, lift weights, get 10000 steps per day, eat a healthy higher protein diet, get plenty of sleep, and repeat that over time. But it's usually not a lack of information that is holding people back. The real issue is how to do this set of habits consistently over a long period of time. And the reality is, to see results from working out and dieting, you need to know how to effectively build those habits and make them a part of your lifestyle.

This is why in this video, I decided to share with you my honest advice for getting lean that will help you bridge that gap between knowing a bunch of information and actually doing it. I got expectations about seeing results and the difficulty of getting down to 10 - 15% body fat. Especially if you're starting at a high body fat percentage, such as 30% body fat or 35% body fat. I also share what I found to be the most helpful advice for staying consistent and a framework for building healthy habits. So if you're looking to finally get to your goal physique this year, this video will be what you need to hear.

About Me:
My name is Mario Tomic. I help busy entrepreneurs and professionals get their ideal physiques in the most efficient way possible and create a healthy lifestyle long-term.

Since 2011, I've spent over 10 000 hours practicing, studying, and coaching fitness, nutrition, and high performance.

Most people don't know that my native language is Croatian and that I worked in computer science before I started my fitness and personal development coaching company.

#fitness #getlean #bodyfat

Disclaimer: Mario Tomic is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Mario Tomic will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this video, including but not limited to economic loss, injury, or illness.
Рекомендации по теме

I have recently realised that going down to 10 or 12 % body fat to see my full six pack is not gonna make me any happier and definitely with work and everyday life I wouldn't be able to sustain it for long , so I decided to up my calories to about 400~500 a day, stay around 15-16% body fat range with better pump at the gym, more energy throughout the day and at the same time looking good, not shredded but lean, it's all about how you feel and not how you look that matters the most.


Excellent as always. You helped me get from 36% bf to 20%. My journey is still happening, but I fell SO MUCH BETTER. Thanks a lot.


This is like having a familiar conversation with an old friend. It's welcomed, needed, and appreciated.


I've lost 130 lbs in total in a little over 2 years. I went from 311 lbs to 181 lbs last Saturday. It's a constant grind with the mental aspect of this being most difficult. I really locked in this past January I was 26% bf and got down to 16% by April ish. Since then just continuing to grind. He makes so many good points. There's no magical food or diet. The best advice I can give anyone doing this. Is not looking to far ahead like most people do. Make it a day to day battle. Attempt to just win each day consistently over time. Sorry for the long post!


Went from 29% to 18% in one year. Hardstuck right now at 18%. Thanks for the tips


go to sleep early is a big one for me. Hard to get tempted by bad choices when you're asleep.


I've watched this video several times and its FINALLY settled in...I think what I've been doing wrong is working backwards. I used to be incredibly fit but depression, anxiety and alcohol addiction over 7 years put me in a horrible place. Now I'm working back and I've gone full on. I went back to eating plant based, gave up alcohol, off my meds (with dr approval) and working out 6 days cardio and weights each day. But I wasn't even eating 1000 calories. I'm at about 33% body fat. The plan I made for myself would be good at later fitness stages (maybe 15% body fat and lower) but as early on as I am I probably shouldn't be as strict and should DEFINITELY be eating more...thank you for your content. It provides such clarity and allows viewers to understand the how's and why's on their fitness journey especially when we hit a snag! ❤


wow, just 1 minute in, no bs, no stupid intros, amazing man!


Never in my life have I been actually properly “lean” to show my abs. I’ve been working out consistently and extremely hard for over 2 years now and this year is the time. I’ve always hovered around 18-25% bf. Cut 6kg in 1 month and now I’m on my way to that >15%, I will see the abs and muscle I’ve worked so hard for this year. Thanks for the info


I’m retraining as a Psychotherapist, and there is some superb advice here with regard to the psychological aspects of weight loss and dietary control. Stress is a part of life, however chronic stress caused by a variety of issues is often medicated with convenience foods which are often hyper palatable and high in sugar and fat. These are foods which are nutrient poor and calorie dense. They satisfy a person for a few minutes but you will feel awful afterwards! Managing stress is absolutely critical for effective weight loss! I struggle with such stuff myself! Great video!❤


Zero days. Oh yes, spot on as usual! My biggest challenge


Being active is such a happy and good place (for body/mind and spirit) that once you manage to cross the critical points you do encounter, it becomes an integral part of your life, without even thinking about it. You just do it! Love it ♥️


Mario understands that its all in the mind. I have gone down from 25% to 18% and am tapering the diet now, adding calories but still losing. At end of june i will practice maintenance for a while. Its actually getting easier and confidence is way up.


You’re content brings unparalleled knowledge with action habits and how to develop the mental state for the task at hand


One of the few people that I know I can always hit the Like button before I even watch it. Great info as usual. Always appreciate the sound advice and legitimate information. Thanks!


I really like the three versions of habits concept!


Your deep experience and knowledge are so impressive. Thank you.


I went from 33 - 24 % body fat in five months. No walking, no calorie counting and no hunger. I payed a lot of attention to weight training, about 5 times a week and cut out pretty much all junk food. Almost no pasta, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, bread, liquid calories, candy, desert, sugar. Also no cheat days, just occasional light cheat meals without too much overload.
Since I also eat high fiber, high protein, low and medium glycemic index food controlling hunger was easier than most people report.
Had some massive cravings early on the diet but now its easy to maintain. I'm still loosing 0.5-1% body fat per week but if get stuck I will try walking more, probably I should do it anyways regardless. My target is 15% body weight, Its quite important for me to understand ahead that even though I'm half way there its not really half way because the next half will be a lot harder.


thats a dope approach to habits, having multiple versions so u have 0 choice but to stay in momentum !


I have always found working out, doing cardio, and eating pretty well to be the easy part. The difficulty has been staying away from the extra stuff. Too many beers or desserts on the weekend has tested my will power. Exercising and getting the macros in, no problem. The other things are the issue.
