Honest Advice About Body Fat Percentages (Real Examples Included)

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In this video, I dive deeper into body fat percentages, how to best use them, and why some physiques look so different even though they’re at the same body fat percentage.

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About the video:
Body fat percentages can be really confusing. You can have two people who are at 15% body fat but look completely different. We store and lose body fat differently, depending primarily on genetics. So even if you have the exact body fat percentages as someone else, it will look different. Your physique is unique. Also, we don't all have the same lean muscle mass, and not all muscle groups will be as developed. All of this is to say that there's a lot that goes into estimating your body fat percentage for visible abs. Just getting a lower body fat number from a DEXA scan or a body fat scale doesn't mean that you'll automatically have a six pack or that something is off with your physique.

And in this video, I've done a deeper dive and shared body fat percentage examples and how your physique might change as you get leaner and build more muscle. This will help you better understand what to expect on your fitness journey to make the right adjustment as you go.

About Me:
My name is Mario Tomic. I specialize in helping busy entrepreneurs and professionals get their ideal physique in the most efficient way possible and turn it into a lifestyle long-term.

Since 2011, I've spent over 10 000 hours practicing, studying, and coaching fitness, nutrition, and high performance.

Most people don't know that my native language is Croatian and that I worked in computer science before I started my fitness and personal development coaching company.

#bodyfat #bodyfatpercentage #fitness

Disclaimer: Mario Tomic is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Mario Tomic will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this video, including but not limited to economic loss, injury, or illness.
Рекомендации по теме

Let's keep spreading the message. 15% is a beautiful target, even if it doesn't sound as cool or appealing as single digit, etc. Let's be realistic!


Abs are built in the gym and revealed in the kitchen. Brilliant.


It took me almost 2 years to reveal my abs even at 10% BF. What really made a difference here was that in the meantime I built some muscle and completely forgot about my abs, I was just happy with my fitness life style. 2 years later my abs have naturally appeared after hard training, healthy diet, good sleep and maaaany litres of water


I started my fat loss journey with the goal of having abs but I very rarely trained my abs before. Watching your videos really helped cushion the reality that I most likely will not see my abs when I get to 12-15% body fat. I would have probably thought I did something wrong by not seeing abs if it hadn’t been for the truth that your videos bring so thank you very much for saying what most people won’t say


As bizarre as it may sound my goal is to get up to 10% body fat. I'm a cancer survivor in my mid fifties, 180cm tall and weigh 65kg. I'm fairly active, regularly doing weights, cycling, running and yoga. My trouble is eating enough to put on weight. The gym I go to has a Tanita body composition analyser. I jumped on it recently and it said my body fat was 6.2%. I am quite happy with the way I look. I have a lean and muscular physique with visible abs. However I do think that my lack of body fat has an impact on my endurance. Also if I get sick again I'd like a bit more fat to help tie me over.
However I'm grateful I'm still here and glad that I can do these activities.
Prior to getting cancer, in my early 40's I weighed 80kg with around 20% body fat.


Thanks for a very realistic take on body fat percentages. A lot of guys walking around the gym aiming to be sub-10%, when they really should appreciate that a true 15% is damn good!


Thank you for also putting every measure in metrics and kilograms! Really helps us outside the US to doesn't have to convert all the time!


As long as one is progressing physically: getting stronger in the gym, running for longer distances or time periods, sprinting faster, jumping higher or farther, and stretching better, aesthetics is besides the point.

By focusing mainly on my physique and how it looks has led me deeper and deeper into a pit of body image insecurities and eating disorders. I suspect there are many in the fitness space who have the same problems but will not or do not admit it because they may even think it is not a problem.


If you cannot take off your shirt on a crowded beach despite having a love handle, you have a problem. If you cannot skip a workout or cardio session without feeling agitated or annoyed or fearful that you may lose your gains or stagnate your progress, you have a problem. If you cannot even HAPPILY go out with family and friends for a meal without feeling concerned about calorie intake or whatever, you have a problem. If you constantly worry about family holidays because of the changes that you have to undergo to manage your exercise regime, you have a problem.

I have all the above traits. I used to feel as though my midsection will be larded with blubber if I eat a piece of milk chocolate or some processed meat or whatever. I used to fret over how many calories I put in daily and how many calories I burn. Really, that is not the way to LIVE.

And yes, I'm one of those blokes who lose fat last in my midsection. My face is hollowing out. My thighs and calves have vascularity to the point that I don't like the look of them. My biceps have vascularity that I find aesthetically pleasing.

But no, my abs are still one of those that are only visible under lighting or if I'm in the sun. I am still not as shredded as when I was 17. I'm 41 now, married with five children. Admittedly my children say they can see abs on me, but of course, that's in comparison with my tubby self in the past.

So...I am not going to bother about getting any more leaner to really get shredded. It is not worth it. I no longer count calories but continue to eat healthily.

And I'm now just focusing on functional fitness.


You explained it very well and I learned a lot today. Started in the gym for the 1st time and I'm currently at 21% body fat & almost 40% muscle mass


A half year I had 16%. Now I have 12%. The only thing I changed was my occupation. I dropped out of college and now I'm a mailman. It changed my physic a lot without trying. I didn't notice that I lost fat. I don't have a mirror but after 5 months without hitting the gym I got a sixpack by just working for two months.


Great vid as usual, Mario. Love the useful information. Your channel, Along with Sean Nalewanyj, Gravity Transformation and Jeremy Ethier, has really inspired me to go to a calorie deficit and also ramp up my workouts.


15% body fat looks different on different people.
I don’t look anywhere’s close to what you do when I carried 15% lol.
My genetics don’t allow it unfortunately. For me to look shredded and lean, like I want to, I have to carry single digit body fat.


This guy is so underrated it's insane


One of the only ppl on YouTube preaching truth and healthy ideals!


This is by far one of the best fitness videos I’ve ever seen. Simple, logical, to the point and I learned a lot. Thank you.


Mario, thank you so much for this. 🍀 You have one of the few channels that gives spot on, no nonsense tips. Also, your progress is amazing! 💪


i love that you show your personal results as you speak. great content.


I need a really good explanation on why Mario isn't one of biggest fitness YouTubers out there. I mean, his content is extremely valuable, free, no BS, straight to the point while explained in depth, and I could go on and on on the valuable of this channel. Such a shame that people prefer to watch garbage "fitness influencers" who only care about themselves and sell their products to make some cash and make fake promises while taking advantage on the vulnerability of their subscribers who want to look a little better and feel better about themselves.


I’m 6’0”, 155 lbs, 10.5 % body fat year round 24/7. Keep it up everyone!


I started to work on my posing this year and man oh man its life changing
