OVERRATED study tips to ditch ASAP. (+ their alternatives to ACTUALLY get A's)

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🕙 Chapters:
00:00 - You've been bamboozled! Not to worry though...
00:57 - Overrated Tip 1
02:43 - Overrated Tip 2
04:55 - Overrated Tip 3
08:10 - Overrated Tip 4
09:07 - Overrated Tip 5
09:41 - BEST Underrated Tip
12:07 - Cool trick to show your friends
12:55 - Important application update!

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Stop using these WRONG study tips.

📅 Filmed: Aug 13

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For some people studying in the morning is better since they are exhausted by a long day so they need to rest and recharge themselves before studying


1. Let your learning marinate. You are a chicken breast absorbing them joozes overnight.
2. Take breaks after gains. Time passed is not an indicator of success--actual wins are.
3. Stick to the basics/use an iPad (sponsored portion)
4. SQ3R (SURVEY: What can I learn from the text? Skim and find the main ideas. QUESTION: What do I hope to learn from the text? Think about what you already know. READ: Look for the answers of your questions. RECITE: Consider what you want to remember from the information. RECALL: Reread your notes and relate it to your own experiences).
5. When you feel like procrastinating on your studying, pick the lowest hanging fruit. Do what's easiest, then work your way from there.
6. BEST TIP. You can feel confident about anything, given that you put in enough preparation.


oh my god, i just started a new school year like a month ago, and the syllabus and workload is crazy different from my previous one. i was feeling lost and so, to seek help, i looked up your channel, and coincidentally you posted like in that very moment, it's weird. it's like everytime, i need help, you appear out of nowhere and post a video, it's honestly really cool. thanks man, appriciate your effort.


on a personal note, waking up early and pomodoro have done wonders for me. I went from a B (sometimes C) to an A+ in maths. So i wouldn't say they are wrong, just didn't suit you.


I think waking up early to study works better for me, though. During my last exams, I noticed that my brain just shut down after 9 pm, like I did not want to study after that time. So I used to wake up early to cover the rest of the syllabus and actually felt more refreshed and confident. But like you said, study tips are different for each person and the rest of your tips work pretty well for me! Thank you so much, Amy!


1. Studying in the morning
2. Pomodoro
3.Fancy stationery
4.Rewriting notes
5. 5-minute rule


I can relate with the POMODORO one!!! Seriously, I have tried many times to set the timer and focus but when I am really HONESTLY PRODUCTIVE, exactly at that time the break occurs. LOL then I decided not to follow this hack and started " break after gain" 😅


Your tips are always effective Amy!Thank you for saving us from failing!


1st one waking up in morning and studying works for me as i can revise the content wholel day initially i started it to replace overthinking with something productive .

anyways can't explain how motivating you are you made me believe that even with my asthma I can pursue my dreams. now I am working on my YouTube channel and preparing myself to be a good surgeon I am 16 I wish to meet you after I achieve what I want thankyou Amy


The fancy stationary one 😭 hinestly no one needs it for studying! Decorating? Yeah! Thank u 💜


1. For me studying during daylight hours is the best. Timely sleep is very important for me.

2. I agree that Pomodoro never worked for me either. Though I do an extended version of it, 1-1½ hour study then a 10 minute break.

3. There's a middle ground to pick here. Your notes should be neat enough for you to skim through and not miss anything important. I like to write it neatly and highlight all headlines and formulaes. But it shouldn't be too much effort to the point it's counter intuitive.

4. Notes are always for REVISION. I only use them when coming back to it after studying. So rewriting is a waste of time.

5. This is soo true, always aim to complete a task as different tasks take different times.

Just my take on these tips


For the pomodoro: the 50 min work 10 min break version actually helps me a lot! I struggle to get down to work immensely after I burned out months ago, so having a timer telling me, "this one hour of your day is for school ONLY!" helps me actually start studying and make that one hour productive instead of procrastinating half a day away in dread


Guys, It has been confirmed that amy is watching us through cameras
You have given solutions to all of my problems and because of that i became a straight A+ student this year. Thank you so muchhh amy 💓


Remember to smell the roses! Thank you so much, Amy, for your continuous efforts to empower people. I'm grateful to have found your channel and have you as my role model/ mentor :D


Our queen's back! 💅✨

The blooper😅😂

Ps: congratulations on submitting the application!!


It's really helpful sister Amy.
Thank you!


I might sound dumb with this but, whenever I'm well prepared for my test, I feel underconfident but score good but, whenever I am not prepared, I feel confident that I'll ace it but score badly, is it only me who is having opposite thoughts?😅😅


I saw this randomly and it said 21 minutes ago, I watched it and it clears up some of the strategies I have been using. I am about to study the whole day so I’m going to try using this. Thank you for making this!


Hi Amy since your last video before this one my school has started and I didn't have enough time to watch your videos even that I really needed them too . Tonight I had some free time like 30 min and I decided to come here, and while watching your video after a long time I felt like peace and that really nice vibe of your videos, I had really missed your cute and fun jokes in videos and it really made me laugh and smile when you said '' she's just jealous because she can't make thing pretty '', and I am so thankful that you are saving us from study tips that are not working and now I can see why even that I tried hard in past 1 year at school I wasn't improving and one of the things that I can feel and mention it in all your videos is that how much your honest, you show us the reality and simple and beautiful view of life not that fake perfect view, even with that you show us your house as it is not tidy it up before videos or hide something there that is a part in all of us lifes, like showing you family or yourself when you are working and everything behind you is so simple and beautiful and there are just some amazing roses :), I hope that I could say what I really mean of it, and about your miny vlogs it was all the thing that I needed to hear now in this moment of my life that '' WE ARE ALL TOGETHER IN THIS JORNEY '' thank you Amy really thank you that you show us how to don't give up and try after a lose too ( even I don't believe rejecting is a lose it's a part of life and experiance that can teach you much things ) and you give us comfort with showing that you are some how in same situation too and we are all together doing it, and I can't leave without saying that you are so beautiful without make up and thank you that you give us comfort with that too :) wish you the best Girl


love the video, i have three tests on monday and these tips will definitely help me. thankyou
and yeah remember to smell the roses
