Top 5 Beginner Jump Rope Mistakes

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⏰ Timestamps:

0:00 - Intro
0:59 - Mistake 1. Elbows too wide
1:38 - 2. Incorrect jump rope length
2:26 - 3. Using arms too much
3:33 - 4. Jumping too high/leg kicks
4:23 - 5. Too much too soon
5:06 - How to start jumping rope
5:58 - More jump rope mistakes to watch out for
6:56 - Get our jump rope 15% off

Disclaimer: The information provided on the Jump Rope Dudes channel is not medical advice, nor should it be taken as a replacement for medical counsel. Jump Rope Dudes does NOT assume liability for the application of the exercises or information presented on this channel.

#JumpRopeDudes #DoTheThing #JumpRope #Cardio #Fitness
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0:57 bringing elbows too high
1:36 wrong length of jumping rope
2:26 using arms too much
3:32 jumping too high / using legs too much
4:22 doing too much too soon

noted sir 👍💪


5:04 I needed to hear this. I started last week, and the first day I did 15 minutes of non continuous jumprope. The next day I could barely do two minutes before I was completely out of breath. Day three, and my calves hurt ferociously, but so too did my lower back, I left the jumprope alone. Day four I tried again, but by the fifth jump my back hurt far too much to continue.

I want to get more fit, but I also need to listen to what my body is saying.


Live in the Uk doing 100 skips every day in June for Cancer Research you channel has helped me improve my style and at 64 been a long time since I skipped


Great video as always! I started doing the thing about a year ago. Took me a long time to work up to where I was in august. Then, I broke my wrist. After the first couple weeks, I jumped without a rope. By the time I was ready to start twirling a rope again with my wrist, I felt I hadn't lost too much. Fantastic exercise for anyone, any fitness level.


I started jump roping again on June 2nd, since childhood. I bought a new rope that’s adjustable. But I struggle in the beginning and keep watching these videos, learn something new each time. I’m still not as good as the guys in the videos. But I did get up 90 jumps over time in between the rope hitting my shoes.😣

I think I did decent since I’m in my sixties. But I do wish I can get as smooth as the JRD’s and everyone else In the videos. I take breaks jumping every few days to rest my body.😊


man you are hilarious and informative at the same time, starting my jump rope journey, on my 2nd week now!


Thank you. Exactly what I was looking for. I will continue to follow your channel. My jump rope journey begins! 🎉


No joke! Skipping rope is "the thing" and I be "doing" it. I've got the "get fit" and "get strong" crossrope. I enjoy pyramid workouts using the 1/4lb ×300skips, then a bodyweight exercise, 1/2lb ×200, bw exercise, 1lb ×100, bw exercise, 2lb ×50, bw exercise, and finish each set with a 1 arm farmer walk with a kettle bell. 4× sets of that and I'm good. Usually takes about 45 min.
Thanks Jump Rope Dudes!!!! I'm 41 years old and have visible abs for the first time in my Hooray!!!


Massive improvement day 3 and I'm able to jump 1000 less than 18min with my weight and yes I'm proud of me... Better days ahead


I always do jumprope everyday.. idk it seems addictive. it's like I did not have my workout proper with no jumprope. also that's my cardio only since I stay in house.. so after listening to this, I think twice now. tssk tssk tssk. it may bad


These videos constantly motivate me to do more! More & more!


Number 5 was me for about a year or two. Tried so hard to get into jump rope and kept battling pain in my left ankle. Taken it much slower this time around and it’s been good so far!


My first time watching a video about jumping rope and surprisingly I got it all right. All from number 1 to 5. Also, I do it right as you advise. I do it every other day (Mon, Wed, Fri). I usually jogging 30 minutes then followed by jumping rope for 2-3 minutes (I'm really new to this exercise so I'd like to take it slow day by day as I gain endurance also I found joy in jumping rope). Thanks for this video, I am more confident now in jumping rope.


This home workout is exactly what I needed. Thanks for sharing these effective exercises!


Thanks Dan … another great ‘beginners’ video … thank you 🙏🏼


Am starting back to jump rope after a month of rest. Great reminder from the vids guys! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Hi Guys - Craig from the UK
Just starting out and over the past few weeks I think I've done all these mistakes!!
Loving the vids, on the beginners 7 day challenge.

Great stuff ☺️💲


Thank you so much today I decided to follow this journey. Thank you for the advice !!


Another informative vid.
I loved the fake falling and injury gag. It made it for me.
Great Stuff!


It´s alway a good thing remember this!! Thank you JRD!!
