New relationship? The one question you MUST ask. — Susan Winter

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Are you wondering what your new partner wants and needs, but fear asking? What if you look weak or needy? Here are two methods that empower you, while opening the door to the answers you seek.

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In psychological terms what she is alluding to is simply the power of " I statements" validating and respecting someone else whilst respecting yourself. Powerful.


Brilliant Susan, 👍

I admit i have done this. Must remember next time to stick to what i say i want. I messed up in a very recent 2 month dating/relationship. How bizzare this is the video that comes up on you tube when i just said goodbye to this guy.
I was meant to see & hear it again.
Thank you kiindly Susan 🙏

From Suze
Perth WA 🇦🇺


I love the way that you give very direct strategies. No point in wallowing in the psychology of why I would instinctively act or react in a certain way; rather just follow a plan to act in a way that is direct, authentic, honest, and takes the burden off of me to get someone to like me - rather be who I am with my needs and wants, and let them deal with it!


Thank you - I needed to hear this today


Susan, I admire your wisdom, insightfulness and assertiveness. Have you always been so assertive? Also, just wanted to point out that millions of people deal with mental health disorders, in many cases undiagnosed. That definetly impacts relationships negatively, since so many of them are very hard to control even with meds and therapy. I also think that many people struggle with high functioning autism, bpd, bipolar, anxiety, depression., chronic debilitating illnesses.. Some of those conditions are often misdiagnosed. It makes it very difficult to be in a relationship when the person can't handle their own mental and physical illnesses, it's so common nowadays... It would be a good subject to talk about, just a suggestion. 😁


That's how I AM! ...they mostly get intimidated though. 😞


Excellent advice, Susan. I am single and focusing my attention on attracting a healthy, happy relationship. This concise and insightful video reminds me of the truth that is so easy to forget when we are emotionally vulnerable. Thank you!
Shared on Facebook & Twitter.


Always enjoy your wisdom Susan. You are awesome!!!


I like you. I really enjoy seeing and being with you.
I want to explore the possibilities of this relationship


Gee you make so much sense. Just found your channel. So glad I did. Thank you.


This is right in time for me now. Divine. Thank you much. Helps me a lot in my situation with a new man. XXO Annie


Your advice resonates with what I feel is right for me. Since this type of communication is new, some more example phrases would be helpful for me to better know how to say what I really mean without sounding demanding and/or unclear. Thanks for your great videos!


Thank you! I have so much inner peace and a clearer perspective on things compared to 3 days ago when I first seen your videos. Thank God for your videos!


I _LOVE_ the idea of the monologue technique. That tiny bit of advise is some of the best I've heard. I'm going to give that a shot on my next date.


Hellô Susan. You help me so much, it is like the univers put you on my path just at the perfect time. I'm in a new relationship and I've been scare of many things because it has been so intense for both of us. After a short while all my insecurities, worriys, fear kiked in and I of course she felt it. I almost destroy what was blooming. But this morning I was very very inspired and I sent her an Email telling exactly what you describe in this short video before I watch it. I'm ready for her answer even if it's not what I'm hoping for. If it doen't work with her I'll make my grief (deuil en français) rapidely and I know that I'm ready for a danse with a partner. I go with all I am, even my fears, doubts but also passion, love, love for the life. Everything!! I'm ready to take risks. But again you put a spolight on what is happening for with now. Tank You, I love you!!


I have learned so much from you in such short period of time. Thank you for sharing.


The one question I must ask Susan Winter: Will you go out with me? Susan Winter's reply: Heck no! Take a hike, bud!.


Excellent advice! Simple, straightforward & accurate.


Hi Susan, thanks so much for your advice :) I have a question, how can I take things slow in my new relationship? Me and my partner have just started and I feel like maybe I'm rushing things a little bit and I don't want to "scare him away" by constantly wanting to be with him or even telling him "I love you" a little bit too soon. Hope you could give me some advice, thanks :)


You are a beautiful woman! This is so true! Thank you very much for sharing Susan! xx
