What happened on Day 3 of testimony in Karen Read murder trial

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First responders took the stand and were asked what they heard Karen Read say the day John O'Keefe's body was found.
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This video didn't show the cross which was devastating to those witnesses.


Why didn’t you report that the female FF is best friends with Keri Albert the daughter of the real murderer Brian Albert


Had Karen hit him she'd never have said them. It was an hysterical comment.


Did she really say she hit him? If so I think she would of been arrested. I can’t see everyone saying they heard her say it but why didn’t they arrest her if she did? I don’t know what to believe


She admitted it to many people, no way jury is going believe their all lying . Karen’s own words and statements are her biggest hurdle .


I can't understand how anyone can think that Karen Read saying "I hit him" means with a vehicle. She wasn't at the scene when they found officer OKeefe with her vehicle. She kept running to the passenger side of the vehicle that was on scene. Clearly not hers. What would make anyone think he was hit by a car owned by Karen? What am I missing?


That last wit is a b and a buddy of the Albert daughter. She knew the address she’d responded to.


What a surprise, no comments from the Karen Read supporters.


Although why did she think she hit him? If she says she saw him walk towards the house, why did she think she hit him.


These witnesses definitely have been coached


Guilty people say "she" did this or that. Not a wonder if she hit him.


She has been so emotionless. You'd think; she lost her 'best friend' by accidentally killing him; she'd be a sobbing mess. Not so. She has been stoic throughout this whole thing. Has not shed a tear. I don't think her emotion has changed at all. And, the protestors for this trial. Usually, they are out to 'hang' the 'killer', not so, in this case, they want the cop killer set free.


Why does KR growl at people then look them up and down their face then she almost drew a dirty look. There is definate anger issues it’s written all over her. She’s really fierce when asked anything showing her true colours. Her attorneys are out of control the way they destroyed all of the witness was disrespectful and bullying. Whilst they were doing that KR is growling with people beside her probably ones that don’t believe her. I noticed she was talking to the IT that she was told not too at her pre trial hearing last week. She clearly doesn’t care and she is not following orders from the judge. When there is a side bar she would move her face and shoulders far to try and hear these she behaves as if she is an attorney. There is arrogance in her demeanour and she asks her attorney the minute they come back. There is a lack of professionalism from her attorneys with her. I think she is flirting with her attorney I can’t remember his name but the one to her left she giggles inappropriately. I noticed last week at her pretrial she was pressing the silence button on the attorneys desk to mute her talking to them. The button is for her attorneys like she is an attorney . She talks to them a lot in their ears when witnesses are on the stand so she isn’t listening. Her attitude is a cause for concern as I think she is assuming she won’t be charged. Strange behaviour and she has not looked at JOF family who are right beside her. She comes in a car with her attorneys like a celebrity and that’s inappropriate given the charge and that is unprofessional. I’ve never ever saw that in any trial. I think she classes them as friends. I think she is guilty but I do think it was a tragic accident but she did hit him with her car then panicked when she woke up and tried to cover her tracks and from there on in multiple lies have transpired constantly and her attorneys are doing the same. It’s awful watching them destroy witnesses and their testimony too. I pray justice is served for JOK and his family.


Distraught and hysterical in realisation of the situation she’d created 🙄


The video the next day of Karen’s suv that taillight looks fine to me … I hope the defense zooms in


coverage - I agree with the comments - not rounded out coverage.


No explanation from the Karen Read supporters as to why Karen said "I hit him"?


Ouch, that's some damning testimony.


She definitely did it. Whether they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt is another thing.


Guilty as charged. The defense made a big strategical mistake when deciding to make arguments that all these witnesses didn’t hear her say “ I hit him.” They should have tried to explain it away in their opening statement by admitting she said those words but only because others put that idea in her head and in her frantic state she was regurgitating what she heard. Now, the defense is going to have you believe that all of these witnesses, public servants at that, are lying for unknown reasons.

The conspiracy of planting tail light pieces by a couple officers, maybe, but these far-fetched claims they are floating would enatil the conspiracy of all conspiracies if true. No jury will buy it. At this point, the lawyers know they have only a small hope of a single hold-out for acquittal, but they’re making a million or more for defending her, with the adding benefit of the limelight they knew the case would garner by maligning a bunch of good hard-working public servants.

Everyone deserves to put on a defense but this one just sits wrong with me because of the broad aspersions she’s casting against a large group of folks. She should have took responsibility for her actions and did her 5 years under a plea bargain. Instead, she’ll get convicted and she’ll deserve every minute of the 25 years sentence that will be handed down.
