Timeline Explaining 3 Days & Nights - Easter / Passover

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Do you want to plot the 3 Days and 3 Nights of Jesus’ burial on a timeline? Do you want to prove the three full days from scripture? It is actually possible to link the scriptures together and plot them on a timeline, proving the three full days and three full nights Jesus was in the grave. Select "Share" above to share this video.

Tomorrow’s World gives Biblical insights to the headlines and what’s happening in our world. TW explains the Bible from a perspective reflecting the Original Christianity of the Bible.
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My son was confused about this topic and asked me to explain. I couldn't explain it and this video showed up on my suggestions 3 days later. Thank you! Praise God 🙌


Thank As a recently born again, that never studied the scriptures until adult age, the resurrection as it is presented today by church and culture didn't make sense to me at all. This makes perfect sense! Thank you do much.


As a Christian pastor, I must commend you on your analysis. I have never seen the “Easter Timeline” explained with such simplicity and clarity. Great Job!!!


This is the best explanation I have ever seen on 3 days and nights. There really is no "Good Friday" it's just a tradition of men. Thank you for sharing this timeline.


I'm a missionary/evangelist. 30 years ago one of my seminary professors and several students got mad at me for explaining this timeline in a class. It amazes me how the Christian Church can get so hung up on traditions. We could study similarly traditional aspects around other celebrations such as Christmas and Halloween. God help us!


This time line makes more sense .. Thank you Yeshua hamashiach for what you have done for us .. Baruch Haba, B'shem Adonai .. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord .. Amen


YES!!! Someone finally gave the True explanation of when Yahshua celebrated Passover with his Disciples, died and rose from the dead!!! 72 hours, not 36. THANK YOU!!


Finally! I have never been able to understand how we got 3 days and 3 nights from Friday to Sunday, Thank you!


Thanks, I have tried over 50 years to get people to understand this🙏📖


FINALLY!! Someone out there understands scripture. My friend, You are not far from the kingdom of Heaven.
God is Good...


72 hours... I've spent the past 3 days trying to create a video exactly like this... I thank FATHER for bringing me across this video, so I'll share this one instead...Blessings brother


That’s how I have always read the gospels… it has never been an argument… well done hopefully many will witness this truth so to have peace


I've known this since my teen years back in the early 70s, but this is by far the most lucid presentation ever!
A million thanks!!


I am Arnold from Ahmedabad, India. Absolutely true what you have said and explained. Thank you very much for bringing out the truth to the surface. I always believed this "time line" since last more than 30 years but couldn't speak out boldly for the fear of creating controversy. Thank you and thank you very much for putting this TRUTH on UTube. God bless you and use more for His glory. Hallelujah Amen.


HalleluYAH !!!
The Spirit revealed this to me reading the Word -- man did not teach this to me -- in 2013! My once atheist now a PhD in Seminary Lutheran Pastor, former husband cannot wrap this around his head. Thank you for your confirmation video! ✝️ Shalom! Praise Adondi Yahushua HaMashiach! 🕊🦋


I saw this years ago and it was life transforming for me. Not because it was a great revelation but because it revealed how easily masses of people can believe an error and be comfortable in that error.
From that point on, I have been motivated to prove out what I believe and not comply to the party line simply because everyone else believes something different.


As a Bible teacher of Kids, Teens and New Converts, I feel it’s super important to be very clear and show them exactly how things occurred! You did an Amazingly Clear, uncomplicated but complete timeline that I will definitely share! I remember someone explaining something about this to me once, but it didn’t become clear until you put this in a visual and audio format! As a former Elementary Art teacher, I know using 2 senses always helps learners comprehend more! 🎉! Thanks So much! Can’t wait to check out your other videos as well!👍💕💒🙏


The simple fact that "Sabbath" can be on a different day that Saturday is the key!. Thank you for the clear explanation and for including scriptures.


My old pastor taught us this 30 years ago and he never did budge off of it. Jesus is our Passover Lamb! He was crucified for our salvation. ❤
