Letting Go Of Toxic Relationships 🙌 PLEASE LISTEN

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I see so many people in a toxic relationship, and this needs to change. Letting Go Of Toxic Relationships is a message you should definitely listen to.

As a relationship coach I understand that letting go of a toxic relationship can be hard, but you have to embrace the strength you have within you to do what is truly best for you.

Conquer your fears, remove that toxic relationship, and start moving forward on a more positive path.

Healing from all your past hurt will strengthen you with leaving a toxic relationship for good. So embrace that journey, it is absolutely worth it.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Letting go of toxic relationships
- Toxic relationship
- Toxic relationships
- Letting go of toxic people
- Online dating
- Leaving a toxic person
- Leaving a toxic relationship
- Unhealthy relationships
- Relationship advice
- Dating advice
- Relationship advice for women
- Dating advice for women
- Dating coach
- Dating tips
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women and men video will give you the clarity you need.


I hope you enjoyed my video "Letting Go Of Toxic Relationships"

Watch this relationship advice video next, "3 Early Signs Of A Toxic Relationship"


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I woke up. Love shouldn't be so painful and one sided.😉


Toxic environments foster toxic relationships; if your family is toxic you will attract a toxic person. Flee from every negative person you know


My friend told me that once your done you don’t turn back. How many times have you gone back on your word? How many times have you ignored your own feelings to make that person feel wanted?😢 Right now God has been really dealing with me!! I’m talking to whoever is out there to just stop and listen. We are making excuses for them but Sis, bro they won’t ever change to think about our feelings point period 😖 That is the hardest thing I’m even acknowledging right now and I’ve cried for two hours straight right now


This can include toxic workplace also!


It been years since I left a toxic relationship and I'm still single cause at this moment I'm learning about myself and making chances so I don't fall into the same pattern when it come to life and relationship choices.


I dont wanna be crazy in love, I wanna be sane in love


I totally agree. The individual has to accept the fact that they are in a toxic relationship! If they dont accept it then that's where they will remain. It does't matter how much u speak to them about it. Its so sad. It's better to be alone than in a unhealthy relationship. U need to also think about your kids if u have any. U are teaching them that it's ok to be miserable In a relationship. If u are unhappy its cause that's what u want. There is always a


Omg this was directed towards me. I’m keep attracting toxic relationships and didn’t think the ultimate detox begins within me. And for years I keep asking why am I single again? Why am I attracting these mental, these gamers? Sigh I got work to do.


Thank you. I need to stop fixing people who are beyond repair!
"You cannot control who you attract but you can control who you entertain."


So true I keep attracting these Narcs😓


Thank you. I have been on a spiritual journey. Finding out so many things about myself. I asked myself as an empath why do i keep attracting narcissistic men. Im the complete opposite. I need to heal from past narcissist and enjoy my single life and live more in the present.💕


Honestly idk how this relationship I’m in got to this toxicity


I can't believe that this was 4 years ago. It's so relevant right now.


I can’t believed I fell in love with a toxic person.


She makes me question everything about myself and who I am. She makes me question whether I’m good enough as a human being. Or as a boyfriend and provider. I realize it’s also one-sided and yet here I am stuck. Now our communication has been completely cut and I have to MoveOn. I hate that I miss the toxicity. I don’t know why.


Stephen is always on point!! Everything starts at healing and dealing with the root issues.


I feel it's in our responsibility to notice signs of a toxic relationship and when to exit those types of energies that's keeping you from being happy. I also feel you cannot find happiness in a person you have to already have happiness within yourself they only can add value to your happiness.


You're right 💯. Staying in a toxic relationship isn't healthy.


Recently was head over heels for this girl. She had a dark streak in terms of her past. Been through alot. Was abused, had been incarcerated, I'm certain she sells her body. I never accused her of that last one. I just noticed weekend patterns... Anyway... She came to me. Saying she wants to try for a relationship. She wanted to build something. She never got anything out of me. Didn't steal from what I could tell... actually left alot of herself behind, clothes, miscellaneous items. I'm prolly gunna burn alot of it in effigy, or donate it. Just to help let it go.

Considering she came to me making the move. I wanted to reciprocate by being a good man for her. Always supportive, always trying to be there. But this was a very confrontational person. She didn't respond well to "dwelling". She got visibly frustrated if I wanted to talk about specific things. Which is a sign of a guilty conscience defaultly. She couldn't handle being made to appear as if she made a mistake. She pushed the emotional responsibility away entirely. Very selfish emotionally. Narcissistic even. Red flag, upon red flag.

A month and a half later. She had become a different person. The things she once said are flipped, the way she felt is flipped. The plans we talked about now were her plans alone and I'm now implanting myself into her plans now... When a month prior we had a dream together... She was in the shower one night, I had worked a 12 hour shift 5 A till 5 P. I'm tired.

I rested my eyes for 45 minutes. She came put of the shower, saw my eyes shut and she grabbed her bags, and just dipped out. Left me to wake up to a nightmare. The girl I was mad about. Crazy for this girl. Had picked up silently, and just walked out... Instead of waking me up so we could be together for the night. Nope I'm not worth that. She went out of her way. To leave behind a drawing with cryptic message and a few odds and ends. To hurt me. She wanted me to wake up to Noone. She wanted it to hurt me.

After everything I did to help her. after everything we told eachother. After the closeness that my deluded mind felt towards her. The want to build something. And the sex was amazing 👏... But thats all it was. There was only sex, drugs, emotional damage, misunderstanding, ridicule. She wanted me to hurt deeply. Probably wanted me to feel a pain she felt too. Dumped a bit of her own scorn on me. I fell for it all too. Took the bait hook line and sinker

A normal person would say "hey this ain't workin out. We should move on" no... she waited until the perfect moment. Saw my eyes shut, thought of a way to hurt me and executed.

Basically. I was upset for the night. She would pickup my calls, or even open my messages... She knew the trap was set and that I was going to spiral. And I did. I was confused, I was angry and I was depressed and sad beyond expression. Ultimately. I deleted her number, the conversation, unfriended her etc. Etc. and said what I felt. Never looked back, will never look back.

The next day. I felt free. It's been a few days now. The thoughts of "why" and the guilt of "what do I do to deserve what she did" still kinda bounce around. But I'm realizing that this was truly Toxic. The most toxic situation I've put myself in. This girl is damaged. She manipulates who ever she can. I'm not saying I'm perfect. I know I have a way to go on my own path to actively being a decent person, being self aware. Responsible, forthright, honest. I'll never let someone like that within striking distance again...

Nowadays I plan on listening to people alot more than I speak to them... I will get all I need to understand a person from Simply keeping my mouth shut. Unfortunately this experience has encouraged a want to be alone. I want to focus on loving me and my future dreams. Experienced too much bad and dedicated too much of the good within myself, not to mention my time... To others, people that didn't care about me... I'm gunna focus on me now... perhaps I'll find the one. But I'm going to build myself into exactly what I want to be. She will see me building my castle. And she'll be welcomed in with time. Or maybe she won't find me. Maybe I will be alone for quite some time...

Atleast I'll love myself. Atleast I never walked out. Atleast I'm not cruel. I can carry on knowing I'm good... If I looked myself in the mirror and saw someone that hurt others on purpose, or dug in to use others, if I never contributed... I'd just wanna die. I'd prolly kill myself if I were evil and cruel.

I'll never stoop to that level. This experience has put me back on the proper track. The pain is the fire, that's softening up my mentality. The anger is the hammer I'm using to shape my resolve, my steel. The sadness I feel is the oil I'm using to heat treat my Psyche. I'm honing my edge, and perfecting my temper. I will not bend, I refuse to break.


I'm tired of finding things out about myself. I know I'm a person that loves hard. It is hurtful to give yourself fully to someone and they rejects you, go marry someone else. I wish I didn't have to deal with this. I miss the person so much as well. I know they are not coming back. Once I wish I didn't get abandoned over and over again. I really do love this individual.
