Arminian Vs. Calvinist Debate Unconditional Election (Rogue and Twitchy Review)

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A few days ago there was a debate on the channel of AK Richardson regarding the topic of unconditional election. AK Richardson is in support of the Arminian position while Jerry Duckworth will be presenting the reformed, Calvinistic view of election, predestination, God's sovereignty, original sin and total depravity. We are going to be discussing together the different answers from scripture that are available to deal with many arminian arguments against calvinism.

#reformedtheology #god #debate

@AKRichardson @TwitchyTheologian

Live Q & A Topics:
Reformed Theology
Is Calvinism Heresy
Refuting Calvinism
Doctrines of Grace
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By the grace of God I came out of the RCC into Arminianism, but He wasn’t finished with me, I hated Calvinism and would speak against it, but then as I continued in the Word . The Holy Spirit open my eyes and I see the sovereignty of God, and I agree with Calvinism. All glory belongs to God. He is a real Savior and a true Shepherd who actually saves His people from their sins, and gives them eternal life. HALLELUYAH!!! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD !!!


We were chosen to be saved before time, we were saved at the cross and we were made alive by the Spirit and made cognizant of our salvation when we believed and are counted righteous, then we are being saved all through our lives until we are finally saved at our Glorification. We are saved, we are being saved and we will be saved.


Be waiting for a new video from Leighton "2 Timothy 1:9 Decalvinized".


I don't know about you; I have much more patience for a classical Arminian than these Pelagians in evening gowns they call Provisionists.


Draw: overcoming all resistance. This is irresistible Grace.


Brother, when you fix the audio, don't turn it down but up. After you "fix" it I could barely hear anything.


Hey R.C., I raised 2 children and I train dogs for a living and I raised my kids and train my dogs the same way, if you don't give corporal punishment when needed, it doesn't work.We learn everything through pleasure and pain, whether physical or mental pain.The Lord said if we don't use the rod on our children, we hate our children, a switch is a rod and it will drive out rebellion, which is the Spirit of witchcraft. So, remember, 1 good hard correction is worthy a 100 light ones.I have 5 big dogs, at this time, from different homes, in my house and I keep a 3 ft fiberglass riding crop and I don't even have to use it on all of them.All I have to do is get one dog and the rest see I mean business.These dogs, especially the 150 lb Rotts, 115 Dobermans and German Shepherd, alpha dogs, are like toddlers with deadly weapons and if you don't keep the calm and under control, they will use those weapons on each other.


To deny what the acronym TULIP stands for, is not denying Calvinism, but the foundational truths of God.Tulip covers huge sections of Gods truth about man in his natural state and what God must do to save helpless sinners and to keep them saved. To mock the TULIP, is to mock Gods very words and exchange them for a lie of the Devil and unless one has been born again, he cannot accept them, instead they will call God evil for choosing His own.The worst thing that my Reformed brothers do is, claim, " it makes no difference, this is just a in-house debate." What? This is the difference between the True Gospel and eternal death.If someone disagrees with me, CHANGE MY MIND, through the scriptures.


The main thing Freewillers believe is, they must conjure up saving faith while they are still, Spiritually dead, God haters and give this gift of faith to God and this causes God to be pleased with them and He then grants them the new birth! This is like a chicken egg laying a chicken!😅😅


Please I dare you to debate Sean Griffin from Kingdom in Context


Joshua said, " IF YOU THINK ITS EVIL TO SERVE GOD" and Arminians think the true God is Evil, "then choose you a false god to worship, either this false god our fathers served on the other side of the flood or the river, or the false god of these pagans that own the land we are in." Joshua knew, that if any hated God they were natural men and a natural man can only choose a false god, they can NEVER BELIEVE IN THE ONE TRUE GOD., because they don't belong to God.


Where is the link to the actual debate
