RC Sproul 03 Calvinism and Arminianism

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In 2004, Real 2 Real Ministries / The Apologetics Group produced a 4-1/2 hour video documentary, Amazing Grace - The History and Theology of Calvinism. It was popular and sold over 30,000 copies. RC Sproul's interview was the high point of the series as he succinctly explained the Reformed doctrines of grace. However, much of Sproul's interview was cut from the final product. In this series, we present the raw, unvarnished interview with RC Sproul in its entirety.

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If predestination is true, then why must we "examine ourselves" or have oil in our lamps like the ten virgins parable?


A good rule of thumb for debates over different views: Use your best structured position vs theirs. There's little intellectual virtue in being right by accident. Thus, your opponent, when hearing your description of their position should be able to say, upon fair assessment "you said that very well".
It is undeniable that there is no correlation, association or visable documentable "path" between Arminianism and Roman Catholicism. I've never met anyone or ever heard of case studies, or even seen a Calvinist describe, any sort of event in which any Arminian followed a lifepath from Protestant to Catholic based on soteriology. One is salvation through faith, understood, and based on the idea that faith is in contradistinction to works based on the writings of Paul. Roman Catholicism also states that faith is important, but no one is guaranteed entrance into heaven by faith alone in Catholicism. It is only through righteous living and keeping of the sacraments of a faithful person who has entered into the church through faith. Faith is the door along with confession and repentance, but the keeping of the sacraments keeps you there. Arminianism has no similar doctrine.

if the line of argumentation doesn't flow logically it's a non sequitur.
JC, bless him as he's now in the next life, did not accurately or logically do this subject justice, and unfortunately, because Calvinists don't often listen to what actual Arminians have to say about themselves, will likely believe it blindly and not understand theology or their fellow brethren with any sort of clarity.


Then according to Calvin, the meaning of repent (Metanoia) = A change of mind totally is incorrect, what is the point of saying you need to change your mind which represents a free choice from unbelief to belief but according to point one of Calvinism total depravity that than nullifies what Jesus and John the Baptist was asking us to do, so than this makes Calvinism not make sense. What about Adam and Eve God clearly gave them a free choice if God (and he knew already) they were going to fall than did he already predestined them to go to Hell before they fell OR did God choose them to be saved and the rest of Mankind to choose who will go to heaven or hell???, I am really doing my head in just trying to think about this which would say to me Calvin was preaching heresy...Free Grace of Jesus Christ is indeed free and simple!
“For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day”. John 6:40


Without total depravity and the bondage and enslavement of the will you do not have the reason the bible was written and there is no reason for a savior no need. That is first grade common sense you cannot enter the door without it.


Who cares in real life? Be a good person.
