Calvinism vs. Arminianism Debate | Is Unconditional Election Biblical?

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David Pallmann (Arminian) and J.D. Martin (Calvinist) face off in a debate over Unconditional Election. Sorry about my mic clicking in the beginning. This was my first time live-streaming and first time moderating any kind of debate, so expected to make a ridiculous mess of things. But it actually went pretty smooth!! I really appreciate both of these guys and their charitable spirits.

Subscribe to J.D.'s YouTube Channel and Sermon Audio below:

Keywords: Calvinism vs Arminianism debate, Calvinism vs Arminianism, Calvinism debate, Arminianism debate, Calvinism, Arminianism, Calvinist, unconditional election debate, unconditional election, david pallmann, david pallman, JD Martin, J.D. Martin, David pallmann debate, jd martin debate, calvinism versus arminianism, christian debate, practical faith debate, practical faith, cole perkins, cole perkins debate, is unconditional election biblical, calvinism refuted, arminianism refuted
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I encourage everyone to watch the full video, but in case anyone wants to jump around, here are the time stamps:

JD's Opening: 4:12
David's Opening: 25:23
JD's Rebuttal: 45:25
David's Rebuttal: 56:20
Open Discussion: 1:07:50
Q & A: 1:46:30
JD's Closing: 2:07:29
David's Closing: 2:10:00


1:14:22 I really love the exchange here where there is an agreement on this point and both sides handled it with grace, there was an acknowledgement of conceding the point, and there was no "gotcha" reaction from the other side. Both men handled that as men who follow Christ should, I salute both of them. May God continue to bless them and grow them in faith to be the type of Godly men we need in leadership. I thank God for both of these gentlemen.


Thanks for hosting Cole! Thanks for the discussion JD! God bless you both.


Wow, David's opening argument on the defense of the Arminian position is way stronger than I expected it to be. Biblically, scriptural, Theologically and imperical defense was far strong in his opening then JD's in my view.


Thoroughly enjoyed this. Im the "provisionist" who was going back and forth with brother J.D. he is great to interact with. Great job David, you surprised me, you really held your own very concisely.


While I absolutely believe God causes/ordains/determines some things. I don’t believe He causes everything to happen. In Jeremiah 19:5 God says, "People built high places to sacrifice their children (in fire) to foreign gods, and He (God) says, "I did NOT COMMAND this, nor did it enter my mind."

Also, Joshua 24:15 has Joshua saying, "CHOOSE you this day whom you will serve."

What does the Calvinist say sin is? The Biblical definition of sin is missing the mark. Not doing God's will. How can there be sin if God is CAUSING everything to happen? What is sin if EVERYTHING that happens, ONLY happens because GOD CAUSES it to happen? Also, how can there be obedience if EVERTHING ONLY happens because AGAIN God causes all to happen, even "obedience" to God's commands?


J.D. nailed it at every point of discussion. Thank you for declaring the unadulterated Word of God in such a clear and concise manner.


Going to parents house so hopefully I can download on phone so I can listen on the way there and back(2-2.5 hours one way.)


I'm not an Arminian or a Calvinist -- no dog in the fight. J.D., one thing you said REALLY caught my ear. At 1:30:35 you said there really isn't any bias in these translations where the committee includes Calvinists and non-Calvinists. ALL PEOPLE ARE BIASED, whether in committees or not, and regardless of who is in the committee. A scripture student's best friend is a concordance. Remember, people, one the groups that opposed Jesus was the scholars. I see too many people bow to the words of scholars without examining what the scholar actually says. Don't do it. Kudos to you David for challenging a word choice. I'm not saying you're right. I'm just saying I applaud your mindset.


great discussion!thankyou so much.a great reasonings with love for both sides


Why would God let us make all decisions in our daily life, like choosing who to marry, what car to drive, what house to buy, but the only decision that we're not allowed to make is regarding our eternal destiny. Makes no sense.


Faith and repentance become our nature once it's given by God.


I hate to break it to JD, but John Calvin and JD’s own confessions do affirm determinism when they claim that God determines everything that comes to pass. The compatibilist view of free will is no less deterministic than hard determinism, according to leading Calvinist sources. I think he’s the one who doesn’t properly understand true Calvinism.


I think the starting point involves which attribute of God is the primary one by which to view the others is right on point.


Acts 13:48 was where David demonstrated his own will over God's will to save those He has elected to salvation, according to His will and works.
Well done both.


Supposing this was "settled" on either side what fruit would it bear? Would it make Armenians more thankful for the cross of Christ? Would it make Calvanists have a greater zeal for evangelism?


JD is one of my favorite calvinists. He knows the scriptures and applies them as well as a calvinist can based on his presuppositions. I wish David would have drilled down on the calvinist doctrine of regeneration and exposed their error.


Saved by Grace through Faith (AND THAT); And What? Answer; Grace and Faith (This Is The Gift of God). Faith is the Noun and Believing is the Verb, not of yourselves, lest any man should boast. Not understanding that Faith is part of the Gift, causes those who believe they have Free Will to "Accept" Christ. We are born; not of blood, nor of the flesh, Nor Of The Will Of Man, But of God!!! Where is Man's Free Will?


1:50:02 The Arminian has a profound misunderstanding of grace and favoritism, election is unconditional " is based in the good pleasure of God" there is nothing in the recipient of the free grace that warrants the favor, much rather they are totally unworthy of it. On the other hand favoritism is looking at the recipient of the favor and basing the favor bestowed on some condition such as their height, or anything else. God is holy therefore he cannot show favoritism, because their is nothing in us or about us that is holy.


One passage that immediately comes to mind that supports unconditional election is I Cor and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him. 30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31 Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” If anything the only condition was that they were not influential, not wise, not
