Strict parents often create sneaky children. There should be a balance between rules & flexibility.

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I think the difference between straight up strict parents and parents with strict rules is that the parents with strict rules teach their children WHY those rules are there and help them understand why they need to be there while straight up strict parents don’t give a reason for their strict actions and are more authoritarian.


Strict parents create people who can’t trust and who can’t be themselves.


The “not being able to go out” is my most relatable one. I’m ALWAYS the asshole who has to say “no I can’t come”.


"I'm ThE pArEnT yOuR tHe ChIlD yOu LiStEn To Me" - my strict parents


When you feel that beeing a doughter is a JOB - thats the sign that you have toxic parents.


as a person who’s parents let them close their doors and knock to come in, my heart goes out to all y’all fighting for privacy! it’s completely not ok to deny a child (who is old enough to take care of themselves) their personal safe space! stay strong my friends <3


My parents are constant telling me that i am a liar and that they are disappointed in me. But, really, they are the reasons i lie- now, i look back at everytime i lied. Everytime it's because of them. I view them more as enemies than actual loved ones.


This is making me cry. It’s so real. Why do I get strict parents but not anyone around me? Why am I my family’s therapist? And my friends’? I didn’t ask to be? Why can’t I live my own life? Why?


This is exactly why i still lie to my parents about plans with people as a 31 yr old adult.

I have literally lied about multiple vacations i have gone with friends. I had to literally lie just to go on a ski trip that i am paying for out of my own paychecks.

Bc the moment i tell them, they will hound me till i cancel or guilt me bc they are so “worried about me” so i cant enjoy things… i pay all my own bills and live more than an hour away from them and still have to deal with this shit.

Strict and overprotective parenting only makes your children keep secrets from you. Even when they are adults.


I literally memorized my parents footsteps so i dont have to worry bout staying up late or them coming back home from something


Worst part is I thought all this was normal and the others were abnormal. Now as an adult I know better, but even now when I tried to point it out to them they dismissed me like it was nothing. I don't want to have kids because I'm afraid I'd turn out like my parents


This is so true, I have pretty strict parents and I get anxiety just from asking them a question like to hang out with friends or to just get an app like TikTok or smth cuz I need their permission first. I’ve gone through so much shit throughout my teen years and I never was able to tell my parents abt it because they always find a way to yell at me and with tests or exams now I don’t tell them when it’s coming up because they pressure me so much into getting good grades and when I don’t they get pissed off and I’m not the smartest person so I normally don’t get great grades but they’ve been going down a lot recently because of them. They won’t even let me get a job until I get good grades but then complain when I don’t buy stuff with my own money. I’ve explained to them multiple times that I can’t buy things if I have no way of earning the money to buy it but they don’t understand.


yeahhhh in my moms words, "you don't get privacy in my house! it's my house! i'm your mother and deserve to know everything about you." andddd that's one of the many reasons i don't have a strong relationship with my mother <3


The “ not being able to go out” was when I shed a tear, this is so relatable my mom is so strict😢.


The constant criticism and NO privacy has been a main issue growing up.
Doors were not allowed to be shut- ever- unless using the bathroom or showering.


Something that makes me feel better:
“It’s ok to mourn the child you never got to be.”


one good thing is that when u have strict parents u know how to come up with a good lie quickly and not get caught


My parents tried to guilt me when I tried to move out properly after uni, and they said they wouldn't support me (at 22 years old btw). They called me a blackmailer and still do, simply because I said "I don't need your support, I can make it work on my own."

And now because I don't come home every week due to my career, they tried to guilt me further and say "I have been prioritising the wrong thing in life." I need to take public transport to visit them, which will take more than 2 hours one way (they live in a small village, so it's usually a convoluted journey), and the route doesn't even run on Sundays. If they want to visit me, it's a 30 minute drive for them.


As a girl with very strict parents I can 100% relate to this especially the no privacy thing


The missing out on childhood is always because the other sibling is ‘having some issues’