12 Sneaky Ways People Are Disrespecting You

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In this video, we talk about some sneaky ways people are disrespecting you that might not be as obvious as a giant insult. We all know that there are rude people in the world. The ones who don't care how they treat other people and think that their own needs are more important than anyone else's. But what if you're dealing with more subtle disrespect and passive aggressive behavior? What’s more, they might be doing it without even realizing it.

It can be hard to tell when someone is disrespectful toward you, especially if it's not something that happens all the time. But there are signs, and knowing what to look for can help you figure out if you're dealing with a disrespectful person.

Check out this video to learn more about some sneaky ways people disrespect others and signs that someone is disrespecting you.


How To Command Respect Instantly – 10 Psychological Tricks:

9 Behaviors A Person With Self Respect Will Never Tolerate:

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Audio & Video Production by Brainy Dose

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I think that just being too nice of a person is going to make most people disrespect you. I've been dealing with it all my life.


We can't make people respect us but we don't have to put up with being disrespected.


I don’t feel like people are “sneaky” about being disrespectful these days. It seems to be a trend to have no respect for yourself or anyone else.


The reason for disrespect is often the miserable state of mind of the disrespecting person. They need a victem and nice people, happy people, offen make them feel bad about themselves.I've been on the receiving end of backhanded compliments more than I can count.People have tried to disrespect me often and knowing, it's them, not me, definitivly helps.But in your own circle, you can't tolerate this behavior. You have to react at once, otherwise you end up feeling bad about yourself, just as the other person intended.


Most people are like this, unfortunately. It's best to stay true to yourself.


I dealt with this, daily, in a workplace… a church, no less. So glad I woke up to it and quit.


Oh man! I'm dealing with a particular individual who does all of these things, especially the part about treating others like royalty while treating me like I'm way less important! This whole video was entirely spot on! Appreciate it!


My girl just disrespected me for no reason and then plays dumb. All I can do is walk away


I’ve gotten so many backhanded compliments, and I’m always interrupted. So tired of fake people, I got away from those So Called friends.


I don't feel bad about myself. I know it's their BS


They disrespect themselves. It shows more about them than others. I'm too old to care what others think.


#5 is especially what people do to me. i'm 63 years old, and i was taught to respect your elders and listen to them. people don't do that anymore. PEOPLE ARE GOING TO FIND OUT REAL SOON WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T LISTEN TO SOMEONE WHO'S LIVED LONGER AND KNOWS MORE THAN THEM! This is the reason i don't talk to a lot of people anymore because they're rude and arrogant.


Don’t let it get to you. “Attitude” only proves their point, and besides, they are revealing their character not yours.


This is why pets and other animals are so much better to be around.


#9. If they pressure you and are pushy!!! Sign of a controlling person! Very disrespectful. Distancing myself from "friends" who behave this way. They don't seem to realize how unattractive violating others boundaries is.


Animals are my inspiration and interests.😊


Sometimes you don't think about what this video says. I can now identify a handful of people who are disrespectful. Another great one Brainy Dose. Thank you. 👍


Once disrespected I never see that person again.


A couple of things that really didn’t take into account neurodivergence. Positioning interruptions, particularly from a person with ADHD or ASD, it’s absolutely not a sign of dis respect, but of awkward enthusiasm and a need to get words out as they come up in the mind before you totally forget. People need to know this can’t be perfectly controlled, and it’s definitely not patronising dismissive disrespect you might get from a person who is neurotypical. The other thing about not returning texts, calls. If a neurodivergent person ghosts, it 99% of the time means they are so overwhelmed they can’t cope with any more communication period, bad, good, neutral, idle. It’s a self protection safety alarm to re group and lower extreme demands across multiple media, from multiple individuals…it’s just too hard to keep 100 balls in the air all the time in social communication, it causes people to shutdown from overwhelming frustration at their inability to give everyone quality time they deserve . A lot of neurodiverse aren’t in love with their phones, and need to be on them 24/7 as it would demolish their mental health, yet some neurotypicals love the buzz of being on phone 24/7, being in demand, juggling 7 different platforms and 1000’s of contacts with ease..so never take it the wrong way if a person with ADHD or ASD isn’t great at communicating, it’s overwhelm and embarrassment they can’t keep up, but they still do value the relationship very much, but when they are in shutdown or severe overwhelm, self care comes first.


I’m so glad you make these videos! These aren’t topics that are discussed with any detail or accuracy in the mainstream media, and those of us who are experiencing these types of people in our lives can feel that something negative is occurring, but it’s so insidious that we don’t know why it feels bad to us, even to the extent that we suffer health consequences.

I come from a family where everyone else is high on the narcissistic spectrum, so all of these hit home, and they probably will for others who have a similar background. Just being able to verbalize what’s happening is comforting through the validation we receive.

Thank you, BRAINY DOSE! 🙏 😊
