Is Astral Projection Safe (OBE)? (with Landria Onkka)

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Is astral projection safe? What happens when we visit other realms. What is astral projection and have you had an OBE (out of body experience)? Learn with Landria Onkka. #astralproject #OBE #landriaonkka

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When I was a teenager in the mid 90s I was really interested in astral projection. I read many books and tried several times to do with no success. Then when I went to college out of town, all of a sudden it started happening without me trying. Some might say these were dreams, but I know they were not. One particular occasion, I got proof. One day after school I had taken a nap. I "woke up" and found myself in my bedroom at the parents house 200 miles away. But I was not in my physical body. I floated around my old bedroom for a while listening to my mom and grandmother having a conversation in the other room. Then I heard my dad come home and he drove my grandmother home. I wanted to call my mom and tell her about this, so I "woke up". I called her and told her the exact conversation I had heard between her and my grandmother. She confirmed what I had heard was correct and that my dad had in fact just left to take my grandmother home. She wasn't freaked about this because I used to call her after every experience and she had told me stories of she had floated as a kid.


It’s like paragliding and it’s easy as you can direct yourself as you are aware of how to fly -

Think endless and let go - believe - I am grateful for each what came into my life teaching me how to accept snd be full of Gratitudes sending them back to the Divine
I am grateful for all what I do get into my life to accept this life lessons and the learning process


I’ve astral projected a few times while my body was sleeping. I hate that feeling because it always seems to happen when a disaster has taken place somewhere and I’m yanked there witnessing the destruction. Now when I feel myself starting to go out of body, I say “No” in my mind and make myself wake up for a little while. I’ll do a love and peace energy meditation and send it to go to wherever I was about to be pulled to, then I can go back to sleep and stay under my comfy, cozy crocheted blankie. I don’t need to witness other’s suffering in person to send love into that situation. This tends to happen most often when I’ve been around someone who’s very negative about everything and I haven’t shaken off that energy and cleansed my aura fully before going to sleep. Lately I’ve just not allowed people like that to have my attention or energy and I’m a lot happier and more relaxed. I’ve even quit smoking - this time without major stress or horrible withdrawal anxiety. I still feel a slight urge, but it’s not overwhelming and I can move past it each time. My consciousness is shifting higher and it was just time to quit allowing vampires to suck my energy levels down. Including my addiction to nicotine. Namaste.


i once read a book about outer body experience a long time ago and i managed to do it once but found it quite a frightening experience and never felt the need to do it again.x


Hi Landria Is it Possible to sence astral travelers around u ? Because i was napping the other day and a few people came in my room I heard them talking an walking in my room .. I felt it was not a dream..


i remember a sleep paralysis episode i had it was so vivid and scary and an evil entity was trying to "take my soul to hell" and i could feel myself being pulled into the earth but as it was doing that, playing with my astral self, i let him play with it and have some rope because i knew it couldnt harm me truly, but when it went too far i prevented me from being sucked into where ever it was taking me. So I dont know if its the same thing, Ive heard dream world is astral. Its confusing to me. But this sleep paralysis happened back in April for me.


Landria...the LIVE webinar was great! hope u will do to interact with you..looking forward to your travels too so i can meet you and give u a hug! I have also been reading up on Dolores Cannon. Fascinating! question for you- she said that it is important to get rid of the garbage karma . So, in order to do that she said you need to break the loop of negativity. Does that mean it is Ok for me to have a convo with someone I have issue with or am I supposed to just let it go? I am confused on how to deal with this..thanks xoxoxo


Great video! Howw you were able to get out of the astral projection you found yourself in? And please share with us all of the bizarre experiences you've had. Love to hear about all of those.


Good to hear...I was just concerned that this process involved psychedelics. 👍


I have had Astral projection 4times but not by choice too. The 3rd and 4th i could control it.


I cant disput asticalogical travil but i can say in my life 2 times mt gardian angel has come yo see me, both times wake me up so i new it wasnt a dream.. The other day wen i had the moment with u wen u was speaking, that night she came, this was the second time and im going to be ok, she was coming to me to finish waking me up after u kicked it off, all i had to do is truely belueve again u are the one who opened this for me to start to believe again ...and give me the chance to see her again thak u... She said u were ok to listen to and u will teach me on a differnt level.. No projecting for me i got things hwre im supose to do..


If you went to some place in Europe, how did you astral project? Didn't you say you go somewhere non physical??


Ooooo😮.... webinars!!! I want to join! How?


You don't get to choose which realm you're going to visit


Are you under the influence of any substance when this happens...??


i used to enjoy OBE until i watched Insidious


Can spirits from the other side make you astral project? Can they raise your frequency? To were your body vibrates


I am 38 free diver ant going to this place 34 years now so i tell you for sure you don't now nothing about ant what demons are there ant how they can Fool you


OMG!! Does Astral projecting make you an angel? Was your one experince by choice, a chance to help with your wisdom? Anyway: Love this video. I have spoken with people who have expereinced this, and it is like why? What is the prupose? Maybe there is a purpose to astarl projection, the land unexplorred, but I feel like there is more to explore here. Lets do that first.


I find that rather disappointing. I was hoping I'd have a better personality on the other side.
