7 Things Organized People Do That You (Probably) Don't Do

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Learning how to be an organized person will help you plan more effectively, reduce the amount of stress you deal with, and make sure life doesn't catch you off guard.

Here are 7 organization habits you might want to adopt.

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0:52 Organization
1:39 (1) Don't Rely too much on their brain to store information
3:02 (2) Label All Things (that need labeling)
4:12 (3) Build a Mindfulness Loop
6:24 (4) Have a backup (2 is 1, 1 is none)
7:25 (5) Organizing by Experience, not by dogma
8:14 (6) Respect the phrase "mise en place"
9:15 (7) Be deliberate about the things you own


My parents are the definition of unorganized. I have been trying to organize myself and the home for a while now and I can’t tell you how incredibly frustrating it is to fight against 4 people.


When I was growing up, my father had the reputation of being the most productive employee they had. No one could figure it out. He was constantly stopping..shooting the breeze. Never seemed to have anywhere in particular to go. Extremely easy going. He told me when I got older that he would get up around 5 am..three hours before he needed to leave the house. Got himself a cup of coffee..and in the early hours, mentally review his day. What needed doing. What tools he would need..how long tasks might take. Then..when he got to work..would pack his van with the day's tools and supplies, IN THE ORDER HE WOULD NEED THEM, then put them in job pails in the order they would be needed per task in his van. Then..when he got to the job site..which, because of his approach, was always later than anyone else..he would work through the pails, getting his tasks done in a fraction of the time the others took because he wasn't spending timevrunning back and forth to his van, or runs to the shop to pick up missing materials. He would finish hours before everybody else with way more done, , leaving him plenty of time to do what he loved best--shooting the breeze.

Probably because of my father, efficiency and effectiveness are my first loves. People don't know how powerful those two little things are. My dad used to tell me exactly the same thing. There are two ways to do things: the right way and again. He NEVER said..my way. It was--the right way..or again.

Something else he would tell me: practice the habit of touching things once. Much like putting things back exactly as you found them..folliw through so you don't have to come back to it. For instance..don't leave your keys on the counter with the mail. Put the keys in their place..mail still in hand..throw out the junk mail..sort the rest and put with the others..open and ready to go. Finish everything to its best possible end without moving on. It sounds time consuming and subtractive but it saves HUGE amounts of time.

And..btw..my favorite movie is Life With Father. It's an older movie about the man whose considered the father of organizational skills..and so cute!


"Put that thing back where it came from or so help me!"
- Mike Waszowski


I feel like you’re literally talking about my life. I’ve discussed all of these habits with my husband. Most people think I’m “too organized, ” but honestly, being organized gives you the freedom to maximize your life and do spontaneous activities without hindering your goals or success. It’s the best of both worlds!


"Two is one, one is none"

Girls usually learn this one when we start having to carry tampons in all our bags just in case...


I don't want depression to be an excuse anymore. i'm going to force myself to practice this asap


I have ADHD. What this means for me in terms of organization is this: I know that I am not going to remember. Whatever it is, I cannot count on myself to remember it, no matter how important it is. Timers and notes and lists are requisite, not optional. I don't have time NOT to take a couple seconds and set the timer or write a list etc. This is a boundary I have to defend when people want me to do things fast, nownownow! I have to do it this way. Full stop.

What you say about labeling is spot-on. Absolutely. When we broke down flat-pack furniture to move it, I dropped the screws, as they came off, into a plastic freezer bag, which I had labeled as "Drafting table hardware." I also wrote on it which screwdriver/Allen wrench puts it together. If it has a special tool, well, that drops into the bag too. And this tapes with shipping tape to the underside of the desk/ around a strut, and then the whole pile of pieces get wrapped with pallet wrap to make a coherent package, which then got labeled as to what it was and what room it was going to in the move. This took a little longer. It was worth the time spent.

Chaos around me means chaos in the brain.


Your father's a wise man. I know it wasn't the topic today, but the first rule/saying was great, it's not wrong, it just needs doing again!


"TWO IS ONE AND ONE IS NONE", simple as it may seem, has changed my life in an incredible way. I just couldn´t be more grateful about that advice


I totally agree with your point which many people don’t see : “The more things you that you own, the more energy and time you have to spend maintaining and storing and keeping them organized.”


My dad used to make me and brother write a weekly schedule from what time we would take a bath in the morning to how much will we will use the internet and television time. I thought it was torture but now that im older I NEED A SCHEDULE. love you dad


As a naturally organized person, I organize my kitchen by frequency of use. It looks a bit odd to most people, but I organized it for ME, not for them.


Therapist: you have anxiety
Me: No, I'm mindful of my dependencies


Plan in buffer zones in your schedule for unexpected events and delays. In my experience, people who are always late for everything and get incredibly stressed about every little hick up are those with the
unreasonable expectation that everything will go ideally and the world will bow to their plans. Organized people factor in randomness and others with competing agendas.


When I pack, I write out my list by pretending I'm taking a shower. Starting from hair to toes are my bathroom products (clothing, nail clippers, polish, soap, all that good stuff) and then I pretend I'm going to my class. I pretend I'm having a bad today in class so I would not miss anything. For example: whoops cant find a certain color pen or made a mistake and need white out or i need food around a certain time. Always bring snacks, a water bottle, and a change purse. Mhm prepared


My mom says something Similar to your dad, that her mom told her and now I tell my son “lazy people work double”


Wow! I Do all 7 of these things. I might have gone a bit too far to organize my home like an inventory warehouse with quantities, maintenance schedules, grouped items, priority scores, and much more. These skills are really good for organizing a person's of family's budget, income, expenses, and transactions.


Wow! You have described the way my mind works! I have never been able to put into words the constant “checks and balances” my mind does in the background. “Mindfulness Loop” is exactly it! I love to be organized and feel like I will drop the ball on something if I’m not! Thank you for making this video. Now I know nothing is wrong with me and I’m not crazy! 😆


You are the only organizer who talks of people, animals, plants that rely on us for their well being!!! So VERY important!!!!👏🏻
