7 Things Highly Sensitive People Need To Be Happy

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A highly sensitive person or HSP is someone who feels more deeply about things. A highly sensitive person is first researched by Dr. Elaine N. Aron in 1991. Do you tend to cry more easily, prefer alone time to recharge, and display higher empathy than others? You might be an HSP. Do you struggle to be happy? There are a plethora of tools and skills that can relieve the overstimulation HSPs experience every day. Here are just a few of those ideas!

#hsp #highlysensitivepeople #highlysensitiveperson

Writer: Gabrielle LaFrank
Script Editor: Morgan Franz
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Alex (new animator)
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


Fretless by Kevin MacLeod

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Highly sensitive people just feel things to such a strong degree, it can feel like a blessing and curse at the same time. ♥️


The most important thing for me is to keep in mind that my feelings are valid and I don't need to apologize for feeling things the way I do even if someone doesn't believe me and thinks I'm only making up excuses.
To whoever is reading this:
You are important! You are valid! You matter! You are strong! You are beautiful! You have a beautiful soul! You can do anything! I believe in you! You got this!
Have a wonderful day!


1. A space of your own
2. Personal boundaries
3. A good night’s sleep
4. The freedom to express emotions
5. A mental tool-belt of coping skills
6. Patience when making decisions
7. A healthy outlet


As an introvert, sometimes I think I need a spare heart to feel all the things I feel. Whether that’s joy and fulfilment or anger and rage.


“Kindness is loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weakness.” 💫


For me having contact with nature (indoor plants, outdoor garden, walks into the woods) is fundamental for my mental and physical health and well-being.


Another tip from a fellow HSP: make sure you regularly check in with your emotions as some HSP tend to suppress them involuntarily because they are so strong. Just let them out completely to process them entirely every once in a while! For me it helps to have a deep talk with someone that you trust where you can comfortably allow all emotions to resurface! Then talk through them👍🏼 Having another person by my side always helps me to detangle all emotions and rationalise my responses☺️


Me, a highly sensitive person watching this to see if it’s true: 👁👄👁🤳


I'm an HSP, and having a space of my own to relax mentally really makes a difference.


The thing is when I’m around people my anxiety goes through the roof but when I’m alone I feel lonely ;w;


A pet! As someone who is high sensitive and gets told often enough to not be so emotional (in any direction) it is nice to have a pet who loves you for who you are. I cannot live my life without having a pet around me. In fact, my pets help me to relax and enjoy just being in the moment with them. As a highly sensitive extrovert, just a few minutes alone with my pet helps to completely reset for the next emotional charge of emotions.



Psych2Go: *making everyone’s day billion times better*


Secrets to surviving a highly sensitive life.
1) Get enough sleep.
2) Eat healthy foods regularly throughout the day.
3) Wear noise-reducing headphones.
4) Plan for decompression time.
5) Have at least one quiet room or space to retreat to in your home.
6) Give yourself time and space to get things done.👍


For me, walking is one of the greatest remedies to feeling overwhelmed. I realize I take in a lot of what is going on around me. As I observe other people's emotions, I make them my own. Having a short walk makes me mindful of my energy and also my breath, while observing the peaceful nature. It helps me let go of all the things I've been feeling and taking in.


I got up the courage to defend my sensitivity the other day when my boyfriend expressed that he felt that I cry over ridiculous things. Keep in mind I cry “happy tears” pretty often.
I explained to him that I feel hurt when he says that to me, because it feels invalidating. I told him that I’m able to feel and process my emotions when and where I feel them, and that I’ve worked hard to get to this point. I told him it was a part of who I am, and that if he truly loved me, he could accept that without judgement.
So to my fellow sensitive amigos, STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. People forget that with increased sensitivity, comes increased emotions—ESPECIALLY LOVE.
LOVE YOURSELF enough to defend yourself when you are being wronged. You are a superhero of feelings and your power is PASSION OF EMOTION! ❤️
Stay strong, you’ve got this darling.


This art style is too cute for this world. Love it hope to see more. X3.


It’s both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply. Yes HSP's hurt deeply, but the also love deeply and laugh deeply too :-)


I explained to a psychiatrist that I had a hard time eating in restaurants and being at parties, and I just said I can FEEL lights and sounds and get overwhelmed easily just being out in the world sometimes. even someone speaking loudly upsets me because it feels like they’re yelling. She taught me about being an HSP and got me books to read. I told her once I’d rather be fragile like a flower instead of fragile like a bomb and she told me actually like an orchid, hard to keep alive, because the smallest change in water, temp, light, whatever and I start to wilt. Haha. She’s not wrong.


I am a highly sensitive person. However, I got to know that very recently. Through out my childhood and teenage years, I was always confused as to why I can't get over things which others just shrug off. It was really hard. I used to consider myself foolish! Thank you Psy2go. I really needed this video. Now I know how to love myself more.💁🏻‍♀️
