Master Your Mornings: 7 Things to Do Before Bed

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For anyone wanting to optimize their morning and become a morning person, establishing a solid nighttime foundation is crucial. If you struggle to get going in the mornings, here are 7 habits to try before bed.

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Рекомендации по теме

1. Set out gym clothes
2. Choose clothing
3. Morning to do list
4. Pack work bag
5. Plan breakfast
6. Ten minute tidy
7. Set out devotional supplies


About an hour before bed, I turn all the bright lights off, computer and TV off. Only dim lights and no electronic gadgets. The about 30 minutes before bed, I sit outside under the night starts. All this gets the sleep chemicals flowing, so when its time to lay my head down, I fall asleep right away.


This is a key component of the FLYLady system - the "before bed routine" that sets the stage for tomorrow. Lay out clothes, check calendar, make sure the kitchen is ready to make breakfast.


It's just after midnight in Germany. After watching your video, I started my new before bed routine (again) 😂. Thank you, Joshua


Wow, it's so nice to see that I am not the only person who does this! My clothes for the week are chosen, lunches for the week are prepared, showering before bed is done to make getting ready in the morning take less time. Home reset is done every night before bed. I've done this since I was in about the 6th grade ❤.


I love that you include your Bible devotional… and love the smile when you talk about forgetting things. I do a similar list. If I skip it, I’m so lost in the morning, especially if leaving the house to go to the office.


I always start with my Bible study time and everything always flows much better for me after that.


I tidy up and re-set the kitchen every evening - tips I learned from your previous videos thank you. It's made for calm mornings.


When I go to bed, I consider it, the beginning of my day, not the end, it makes for a productive sleep, in my dream world and I awake with more wisdom.


When I'm tired, aching ( i suffer with arthritis) and just want to go to bed because I'm feeling emotionally miserable - i set a timer for 10mins on my phone ( usually found under the clock function). 'It's just 10mins ' I tell myself. This enables me to complete a simple evening routine ( similar to Joshua's) even when i dont feel like it. Hope this helps someone.


Glad you love your Bible 🙏I so enjoy your videos.


It seems I do these things so automatically that I didn't realize it. M y daughters ( adults) told me that we've all been doing this for years. Glad I passed this on to them .


My routine includes making sure I have breakfast & lunch portioned out to bring to work, laying out clothes for the next day (even if I change my mind in the morning, & closing bedroom closet doors so I wake to a calm and peaceful environment. I make sure I have enough dog food or have to defrost my homemade food. I try to remember to check the weather so I know if I need an umbrella or leave earlier for work, put away shoes and straighten up the kitchen.


When I just moved out and struggled to structure my days and my life, I actually started with an evening routine instead of a morning routine. Back then it included three things: doing the dishes, tidying up for ten minutes and tracking my female cycle.
Since then I added planning my next day, taking my supplements and (depending on the day of the week) packing my bag and choosing an outfit to the list. I now have a morning routine as well. I rely heavily on my routines, and do them every day, no matter if I have to go to work or not. They are my anchor.


every morning and before bed i write one paragraph or section of bible instead of reading. i started August 2023 starting with Genesis now iam on Joshua


I always tidy the kitchen before bedtime and have a general tidy up - it feels so much better to wake to an ordered house the next day. I don't tend to prep clothes or breakfast though, because it's literally just getting stuff out of a cupboard and takes all of 2 seconds - and I prefer not to get things out until I need them. My daily routine varies from day to day, so I have a row of tote bags on hooks, each bag containing what I need for a specific day - makes it so much easier as most of what I need is already in the bag and I just have to add any extras. It's also a good use for all those surplus tote bags I've been given!


I like the routine of tidying up before going to bed, so it’s nice and tidy to get up to in the morning. Sometimes I lay out clothes for the next day, but not all the time. I’m finding that a good habit is to go to sleep at the same time every night. I think it’s healthy just to relax before bed and not worry too much about the next day, unless of course you are going to work all day..🙂🙏🏻


For me if I have something important to do, if it isn't accomplished in the morning it simply won't get done.


I am not religious but I am astounded by how many Americans are and do devotional/bible studies. It’s a very uniquely American thing - always takes me by surprise how most Americans I follow on YT are religious. Just an observation. Found this video very helpful - thank you.


Mine is
Kitchen cleaned up, electronics on chargers, make my list, check calendar, weather, Menuplan…in case I need to get something out of the freezer, evening tea, and to bed on time.
