Fastest Way To Get Fat That I Know

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A snacking diet is the best way to get fat fast—find out why!

0:00 Introduction: How to get fat
0:18 The best diets for gaining weight
2:33 Arguments for snacking diets
4:08 The best way to lose weight
4:56 Share your success story!

In this video, we’re going to talk about how to get fat.

I’ve made many videos on how to lose weight, but I haven’t done any on how to get fat. If you can understand how to get fat, then you can better understand what not to do to lose weight.

I stumbled on this diet called the nibbling diet. This diet includes 17 snacks per day. No kidding, this is an actual diet that was created in the 70s. Doing this diet is an easy way to gain weight.

There’s also a diet called the snack-all-day diet, which includes six snacks (180 calories each) and then dinner (300 calories).

These diets make you feel like you’re in control because you’re eating whenever you want. In reality, you’re out of control. Your hormones end up driving your eating habits while you sit in the back seat.

Every time you eat, your insulin levels spike. This can cause insulin resistance and serious weight gain. Insulin is the hormone that converts your food into fat and makes you hungry.

Eating snacks all day long is the best way to put on weight quickly—it works great for those who need to gain weight for a role in a movie.

Arguments for these types of diets include:
• “Animals eat all day, and they don’t get fat.” Animals have very different diets and digestive systems from ours.

• “Snacking helps prevent hunger.” In reality, each meal spikes your insulin levels and makes you more hungry.,

• “Snacking helps prevent low blood sugars.” The more snacking you do, the more hungry you will be and the worse off your blood sugars will be in the long run.

You can’t tap into your fat supply if you snack all day.

When you tap into your fat, you start losing weight, you don’t feel hungry, and you don’t have strong cravings for unhealthy foods.

If you’re not on Healthy Keto and intermittent fasting already, give it a try, and I think you’ll see some incredible weight loss results.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The Health & Wellness, Dr. Berg Nutritionals and Dr. Eric Berg, D.C. are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching. I hope this helped explain how to get fat and why most fad diets cause weight gain—not weight loss. I’ll see you in the next video.
Рекомендации по теме

Not sure why I'm watching this when I'm succeeding so effortlessly


I didn’t realize how annoying it was to eat and chew and cook and clean all day until I started fasting.


Anyone else un-ironically watch this because they're naturally skinny and want to become fat?


When I stopped eating in between meals, my weight loss began. I know now, eating 2 meals a day is totally enough for my body. I’m so much more happy now.


Wow! I was on the "Nibbling Diet" for years and didn't know it. Thank God I found your videos and started Keto and intermittent fasting. I feel much better now. My Blood glucose is better (Avg. 180+ down to 88) and Blood Pressure is down (Avg. 180/120+ down to 126/68). Still have weight to lose but slowing losing that too. Thanks for your videos and sharing your wisdom!


My Dad’s “doctor” told him he can’t do intermittent fasting because he has diabetes and shouldn’t eat eggs. I was so mad when I heard those lies.


My mom used to do weight watchers and that program encourages snacking. I never agreed with it.


And here I thought I had invented the snack all day diet. It worked great for about 40 years, then I stopped it and lost 180 pounds.


I needed to gain weight a year ago and I actually used your keto videos, flipped it and learned how to gain weight lol


Not an empty promise. It does work! My sisters are both snackers and/or frequent eaters, with high carb intake even though both believe they are eating a healthy diet. They are both fat! I do keto/IF, and I'm a normal weight. This is just my immediate family but I imagine it applies to millions of people. One of my iron rules is No Snacking!


I was put on this diet by a Nutritionist as the Dr said my bloodsugar keeps dropping. Then I was told: don't eat any fat, as fat makes you fat. Today at 56, I battle with digestive problems, bloodsugar problems, joint pain, pancreatic and liver problems. Very upsetting when you think you do the "right thing" according to professionals but you sit with the effects thereof.


I was always getting teased for being too skinny. But then I tried the nibbling diet, and it works! I went from 130lbs to 300lbs in 6 months. Thank you, Dr Berg!


I've mastered the process of getting fat over a period of thirty-five years.


So glad I found your videos Dr. Berg. I started at 180 lbs. and used all the diets imaginable, weight watchers, 1200 nutritionally dense calories a day (at 4"11 my body acclimated to this calorie level, lowering my metabolism). I was stuck between 145-155 (dependent on exercise combined with Synthroid dosage). I was 142 when I started keto and I was only that weight because in my heart I knew my diabetes was out of control and I was scared. Scared of dialysis, scared of blindness, scared of foot amputations and early death. The main reason, I stumbled across your diet, was because I googled bloating, eating was a dread and painful, and then talked to a relative who has lost 44 lbs on your diet (you should hear his story!) Today, after 8 weeks of keto, supported by a daily swim and/or hike, and trying out a 5 day fast, I weigh 121 lbs. and I am no longer considered medically overweight. All of me feels much much better, much younger even. Thank you. I shall live a long life and be active for my grandchildren to come. We all grow older but quality of life is something precious. Keto is no longer a diet to me, but now my lifestyle, once past the Keto flu, not only is the diet relatively easy--eating a meal and half a day, but my sugars have stabilized. No insulin for me and my metformin dosage is the lowest possible, once a day. If a 55 year old lady, bloated and diabetic with a radiated thyroid can do this, so can anyone! Sorry for the long winded story! Just so proud today! Thank you again for all your hard work. It is helping thousands of people.


Dr Berg you are hilarious, mincing your words as you talk about 17 snacks. It must have been rough on you talking about 6 meals and 17 snacks. I have lost 35 plus pounds on IF keto and your videos.
10 more go but on a plateau. 😊


Hello Dr. Berg, I am from Iraq. We have a channel. We translate everything you say into Arabic so that Iraq, its people and the Arab world benefit. Thank you very much, Dr. Berg. Most people follow you on Dr. Berg's channel, the Arabic translator. We are glad we learned so much from you with us. Is there any harm in following the system of one meal for two months for women, my wife suffers from obesity?🌸♥


Since 4:00am this morning I have reached 24 hours without food…so far so good I had my coffee this morning a dab of cream (not my normal amount) and then ACV and Lemon water and in between water with lemon and before I go to bed I will have another ACV in my water…I was very surprised I wasn’t hungry when I got up …. but I will comment again in a day or two…my goal is 5 day’s 😊


Only one good supper a day leaves so much time to play.


I've been thinking about carbs and fat, and it seems if they could talk carbs would say "Store me." and fat would say "Burn me."


What about people who struggle with gaining weight? I was in my mid 30s before I reached 100 lbs and I really tried to gain. I hated being so thin. There was no internet or advise at the time and of course I went straight to a sugar diet eating what ever I wanted. Now I'm paying for it. I'm not overweight but I have all sorts of immune issues and serious brain fog. I've been low-carb and intermittent fasting for over a year now and I do see some improvement in my health but the fog has yet to lift.
