how to make PERFECT Ramen Egg!

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Ramen Egg
6 cold eggs, right from a fridge
1/4 cup soy sauce

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Thank god for this recipe. I’ve tried a truly sad number of soft boiled egg instructions with frustratingly inconsistent results. It might sound melodramatic, but I’ve seriously tried on and off for 6 years.

This is the one recipe that I’ve used 3 times now with perfect flavor, perfect texture, and that perfect liquid egg yolk with fully cooked whites and a pealable shell. My embarrassingly long search is finally over! Hell yes!


In the food world, there are very few things sexier than a golden runny yolk in a soft boiled egg.


I lived in Japan for many years, married to Japanese and also became friends with some Ramen shop owners. The eggs are prepared slightly different (your way is acceptable too). If you notice Japanese ramen eggs white is much darker. They don't usually put eggs in boiling water for fear of cracking unless it is hotspring egg. Using room temperature egg place in pot and put enough water to cover 1inch above egg, turn on heat and bring to boil and let cook for 1 or 2 minutes, remove from heat and cover. depending on how runny or firm you like the yolk let sit covered for 8 - 16 minutes. Place egg in ice water to stop cooking process and peel. in sauce pot, put in your sauce ingredients, turn on low heat and stir to mix ingredients together, once you see a little steam forming put egg into pot with the sauce and increase heat to medium-high. You will want to move the pot around in little circles this will allow the egg to stir around and get equal coating and also keep the sauce from boiling over. keep moving the pot until the eggs get to a color brown that you like. Eggs that are leftover place egg and sauce in airtight container and eat within 7 days (which is not hard) we also enjoy this egg as a snack and eat it with kewpie mayo....yummm...enjoy. I love your cooking too and have helped me with finding substitute ingredients after I moved to america.


Those eggs are uncomfortablely orange and I love it.


I personally don't like eggs unless they are soft boiled and on/in Ramen, how ever I have never been able to master a perfect one. So trying this! Thank you


Thank you Seonkyoung!

I love boiled eggs. Hard boiled for pickling and salads, and soft boiled for everything else. Like you, I’ve found that adding the eggs to boiling water and then shocking them in ice water will always give me the egg that I am looking for. Six minutes for a soft egg, 8 for eggs that I’m going to pickle and the can in a water bath, and 9 minutes for salad and pickled eggs that don’t get canned.

For those wondering about water temperature, I have found that cooking the eggs at a good rolling boil works best for me. I don’t want it at a slow rolling boil, but not a full, hard boil either. I usually bring the water to a hard boil and add the eggs. The temperature will drop, but as long as I do not add in too many eggs at one time the temperature will be back up to where I want it very soon. If I have a lot of eggs to do, like for Easter, I make sure to do them in batches. I also add vinegar to the water as a little insurance if I mess something up (drop one instead of placing it gently, or boiled too hard), or one had a micro crack that I didn’t catch. I try not the boil an egg that is cracked, but some have tiny cracks that can’t be seen.

One of the biggest reasons that eggs crack when cooked in boiling water, as opposed to using one of the heat the water and set the pot aside methods, is the air pocket in the egg rapidly expanding and cracking the egg. I combat this with an egg piercer. I received one as part of a electric egg cooker kit, but you can find egg piercers online, or maybe in a cooking store. I pierce the eggs just before boiling still in the carton that they came in. That usually ensures that the air pocket is at the top of the egg where I pierce them. It’s kind of neet watching the air bubble out after placing the eggs in the water.

For the eggs, I almost never boil fresh eggs. Eggs that I’m planning to boil are purchased fresh, and left out on the counter for a day or two to age them before I boil them. I might put the eggs in the fridge after aging if I’m not ready to boil them yet, but I always try to use aged eggs for boiling. *NOTE: the USDA does not recommend aging store bought eggs, * but it’s what I do.

Anyway. Thank you again Seonkyoung!


Does this girl have a cookbook? I feel like I need one. I've spent the last 2 hours watching cooking videos from you, keep up the good work. :)


Just love it. I didn’t know that the whole process takes about one day. That’s a lot, but at the end of the day it pays off.

Congrats and keep going !!!


I’ve tried this multiple times and it either came out runny or hard boiled. But today I did it and it came out PERFECT 🧡 if you don’t get it right the first time it’s okay, it just takes practice!


Made my first ramen egg in the Instantpot! 3 minutes, release pressure and put directly into the ice bath!!! Eggs peeled easily and put them in the sauce and it was absolutely amazing!!!! Always have ramen eggs available!


Oh my goodness! That is perfection! Can't wait to try it!


I’ve been looking for the perfect ramen egg recipe. This looks like it’s it! Can’t wait to try it


They look so pretty 😍 Seonkyong I admire everything you use in your kitchen as I do you and all you outfits and beautiful personality. One other thing I really like is your cutting board, was wondering where you got it. If you don’t mind? Thank you 😊


I am so excited to try out this recipe, I love the egg in my ramen SO MUCH and making them at home will be heaven on earth. Thank you!


Looks so yummy! You got me craving ramen with all these recent videos! Btw, I learned if you store eggs with pointy side down, it also helps with centering the yolks. Anyway, thank you for this recipe & you are looking super cute as always! ❤️


I was just looking through your channel about a week ago for this recipe!!. I was so happy to see this pop up today. Love learning from you, and can't wait to try making these. <3


I need this for a long time ago!! Thank you so much for sharing!!


i love this eggs. falled in love with this kinds of eggs when we went to japan last year.


Thanks for posting this. I cooked an egg for my ramen and it was just a tad too done. Now it should turn out good.


I just wanted to dress up a packaged ramen soup but didn’t know how to get that perfectly boiled egg. I did a search and this video came up. It’s great! Good visuals and excellent verbal directions. I know nothing about Japanese cooking, only that I love eating Japanese cuisine. My hubby and I retired and moved away from the San Francisco Bay Area last year where we had many excellent ethnic food restaurants and where I learned to love Japanese cuisine. But we moved to a rural area in Washington state, and there isn’t a Japanese restaurant anywhere nearby. So I am Subscribing to learn a few things about delicious Japanese cuisine. Thank you!
