Program an ATtiny With Arduino using USBasp

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I'm developing on a project with ATtiny85 and it's more easy if I write code on Arduino IDE. So, I decided to use my homemade USBasp to do it. However, I got a problem with USBasp driver: Arduino IDE can not recognize my USBasp. Finally, I found a useful software called Zadig. It help me overcome this problem. Watch my video for more detail.
Thank for watching,
The H Lab.
I'm developing on a project with ATtiny85 and it's more easy if I write code on Arduino IDE. So, I decided to use my homemade USBasp to do it. However, I got a problem with USBasp driver: Arduino IDE can not recognize my USBasp. Finally, I found a useful software called Zadig. It help me overcome this problem. Watch my video for more detail.
Thank for watching,
The H Lab.
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