Arduino Tutorial: ATTiny85 board A First Look and review.

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Is the ATTiny board a good option if we want a small project in size? Let's find out!

I wanted to take a look at this tiny board for a long time. It is very small size, it is low cost and it uses a different processor than the Arduino boards. It uses the ATTiny 85 microcontroller chip, which can operate at a frequency up to 20Mhz. It has 8Kb of flash memory, 512bytes of RAM memory and 6 I/O pins 2 of which can implement the I2C protocol. It is very small in size and has low power requirements. We can program it using the Arduino IDE, which makes things so much easier! I got this tiny board with a USB interface in order to be easier to program. You can find a link for this ATtiny85 board in the description of the video.
I wanted to test if the ATtiny85 board is a good option for simple projects and if we achieve longer battery life with this board that a standard Arduino mini. Let's find out together.


Works only with Arduino IDE 1.6.5

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ATTINY 85 exactly coming with same 5v regulator, and it seems good enough for most of projects


Not suitable for my projects because of its power consumption. I prefer to use an ATTINY 85 chip directly.
Nice video by the way!


I am inclined to agree with you about the Digspark, of course they make other little AT85 dev boards that use a USB mini B. I have had the devil of a time trying to get the drivers to work for the Digispark, that is the only thing that would make it worthwhile to buy from the manufacture, as most Ebay vendors are selling a version don't send it with the Micronucleus Bootloader, the only thing that allows the magic of two diodes to make a USB (HID) link possible. I have found the bootloader and pushed it to the AT85, but not certain of the fuse setting. So Windows insists on blowing up my plans for anything but a full six wire ISP interface :-) Win7 will invariably tell me the the device is not I am going to try once again, and pose the question at the Digistump Forum and maybe I will get to the bottom of it. There are many projects that its form factor would lend itself to, And besides it is bella


If you want low power consumptiom - DIY. This thing looks useful in projects that benefit from power-over-microUSB though.


Just remove 5.0V LDO regulator from the board and you will get micro amps from 4.5V power supply. The same is actual for different Chinese versions of Arduino Pro Mini, LDO on the board drains to much current also being not used at all.


If it can interest, i've a bare attiny 85 chip... It's very useful for small projects, and it draw 0.07mA when sleeping... but there are too few compatible libraries and modules... for this size, I prefer Teensy 3.2...


I think you should have got the one without USB in order to compare. I think my Teensy 3.2 uses about 1.8 mA @ 3.8 V and 2 MHz when it's not sleeping.


Looking at the board I would think the linear regulator is the problem and why it takes so much power how about removing the regulator and replacing it with a better regulator switch mode comes to mind you can get very small ones!


Hi, I want to interface ultrasonic sensor, sound sensor, temp sensor and motors is it possible with ATTiny85 board


This controller can work in low power mode. Than it consumes only 0.005 mA.


Olá gostaria de saber se consigo acionar um relé através de um infravermelho ultilizando apenas o Attiny85. Só preciso saber se é possível


Well thats a waist to buy those board you can simply buy the chips and program them yourself using something like - found on tindie (searc: All ATtiny Arduino programmer shield)


I like you channel and your videos. I always wait fir your videos each Saturday. Your videos and your website are beneficial.


Does the Digispark consume just as much power as the Arduino Nano or does it consume measurably less?


can i use this board to make rubber ducky ?


Hello Anyone plz clear my misconceptions that's what is difference between programing ic like attiny85, avr with or without Bootloading into it, I read somewhere that it can communicate with pc or ide software, now my misconceptions is I think if I program code once in ic like attiny85 or Avr without Bootloading then that I C will unable to Reprogram again Is it true ??? On the other hand I think if I Bootload into ic like Avr for arduino ide communication I will able to program and reprogram ic again and again many times just as arduino uno types boards Plz some one explain me


It's great video as always, but it didn't work for me :( It requires V-USB port configured which in itself is not a simple task.


Can i ask a question about digispark attiny85 module


ATTiny85 usb not working i got "Usb device not recognized" do u know how to solve the problem.


Digispark boards are perfect for simple applications. Look at my YT channel. I've used such boards as simple LED Matrix controller and 2nd application as IR remote for PC thanks to USB support.
