How To Make Your Ex Miss You
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How to make your ex miss you so that they want to come back to you and give your relationship another try. Click SHOW MORE!
In this video, Coach Lee, shows and tells you how you can make your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend miss you so that they want to come back to you.
Most people don't realize how vital it is in getting an ex back that they miss you.
That's why most of the time, when people are dumped, they act in ways that do the opposite of making their ex miss them. They do things that make their ex want to get away from them and stay away.
Here's the real deal:
Your ex has to miss you in order to want to come back to you. By overwhelming your ex with your presence, you repel them and prevent them from wanting to come back (because there's no "room" to come back).
Your ex wouldn't have broken up with you if they wanted more of you. For whatever reason (we can talk about that on a coaching call) their attraction for you dropped. It could have been because you didn't give them any space.
That means that by giving them space now (stopping all contact), you can bring your ex back to you (because they will miss you).
It might seem crazy to give them that freedom because you want to control the situation. That's because you feel you have lost footing. So your first instinct is to try to reclaim control by pulling your ex back toward you.
But that will almost certainly push them away.
You must let your ex experience time without you. They must experience their phone vibrating but the text being from someone else rather than you.
Your ex must experience separation anxiety because you aren't there. IF you don't leave your ex completely alone, you don't allow them to experience this.
Your ex can't know that they don't like the breakup if you don't allow them to truly experience the breakup. If you let them experience the breakup and the consequences, the odds are good that your ex will see that he/she doesn't like it.
This is how you make your ex miss you. Coach Lee discusses this and offers more advanced techniques on coaching calls.
The bottom line is, if you try to force yourself back into your ex's life, you will almost certainly push him/her away. You must respect their wishes and gracefully bow out if you want your ex to miss you and want to get back together with you.