Visual Group Theory, Lecture 3.2: Cosets
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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 3.2: Cosets
The "regularity" property of Cayley diagrams implies that identical copies of the fragment corresponding to a subgroup appear throughout the rest of the diagram. These subsets are called cosets. In this lecture, we formalize this algebraically and prove some basic properties about them. There is a natural notion of left coset and right coset, and these are frequently different. We analyze this both algebraically and in terms of Cayley diagrams. Finally, we conclude with an important theorem due to Joseph Lagrange, relating the size of a subgroup to the number of its cosets and the size of the original group.
The "regularity" property of Cayley diagrams implies that identical copies of the fragment corresponding to a subgroup appear throughout the rest of the diagram. These subsets are called cosets. In this lecture, we formalize this algebraically and prove some basic properties about them. There is a natural notion of left coset and right coset, and these are frequently different. We analyze this both algebraically and in terms of Cayley diagrams. Finally, we conclude with an important theorem due to Joseph Lagrange, relating the size of a subgroup to the number of its cosets and the size of the original group.
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