Visual Group Theory, Lecture 6.5: Galois group actions and normal field extensions

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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 6.5: Galois group actions and normal field extensions

If f(x) has a root in an extension field F of Q, then any automorphism of F permutes the roots of f(x). This means that there is a group action of Gal(f(x)) on the roots of f(x), and this action has only one orbit iff f(x) is irreducible. An extension of Q is said to be "normal" if it is the splitting field of some polynomial, and the degree of a normal extension of the order of its Galois group. We ilustrate these concept with several examples: the reducible polynomial x^4-5x^2+6, and the irreducible polynomial x^3-2.

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20:50 There is a mistake at the last line, |Gal(Q(cubic-root 2))|=2. There are 2 automorphisms to fix Q(cubic-root 2), which are:

#1, the identical mapping: id(cubic-root 2)=cubic-root 2, id(zeta)=zeta
#2, sigma(cubic-root 2)=cubic-root 2, sigma(zeta)=zeta^2

Another way to show it: let K=Q(cubic-root 2, zeta), E=Q(cubic-root 2), apparently, K is a Galois extension of E, hence


The formal definition of a normal extension is "an algebraic field extension L/K for which every irreducible polynomial over K which has a root in L, splits into linear factors in L." But there's also a theorem: "A field extension L/K is normal and finite if and only if L is a splitting field for some polynomial over K." Note that the extension needs to be finite in the theorem. So the definition in slide 5 should be

"A *finite* extension field E of F is normal if E is the splitting field for some polynomial f over F".

Consider the field of all algebraic numbers as an infinite algebraic extension of Q. Then this field extension is normal, but it is not a splitting field for some polynomial over Q. But since we're mainly concerned with finite field extensions in the lectures, this isn't a major problem. (Again, thank you so much for all the inspiring lectures!)


My apologies for the criticism, but it seems to me that your formal definition of a normal extension is not well stated. I had to look up the definition in order to get a confirmation that it means the "all or none" interpretation you followed up with in the video. In any case, thanks for all these great lessons. They're very helpful to me.


In Wikipedia, under Normal Extension, one can see that a normal extension is the splitting field of an *irreducible* polynomial.


8:05 Hmm, it's not obvious to me that the corollary follows the "One orbit theorem"?
The "One orbit theorem" only guarantees that there is an isomorphism ϕ from Q(r_1) -> Q(r_2) s.t. ϕ(r_1) = r_2
There is no (obvious) guarantee that such isomorphism can be extended into an automorphism of the splitting field, say Q(r_1, r_2)...


In slide 5, not sure if I'm wrong but is it "If E is a normal extension.... that has a root in E splits over E" and not F? Just making sure I understand the idea. Thanks! :)


Automorphism = Duality -- conjugate root theorem.
"Sith lords come in pairs (duals)" -- Obi Wan Kenobi.
Injective is dual to surjective synthesizes bijective or isomorphism.
Subfields are dual to subgroups -- the Galois correspondence.
"Always two there are" -- Yoda.
Brahman (thesis, the creator God) is dual to Shiva (anti-thesis, the destroyer God) synthesizes Vishnu (the preserver God) -- the time independent Hegelian dialectic.
Hinduism is consistent with the Hegelian dialectic!
Duality (thesis, anti-thesis) creates reality (non duality).
