Stop Smoking : How to Rebuild the Lungs After Quitting Smoking

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After quitting smoking, it is important to help the lungs rebuild and heal by taking vitamins, drinking plenty of fluids and taking supplements for healthy tissue growth. Encourage healthy lung function with advice from a smoking cessation specialist in this free video on ways to quit smoking.

Expert: Michela Christensen
Bio: Michela Christensen is a tobacco cessation counselor working for Breathe California. Her class has helped hundreds of smokers stop smoking.
Filmmaker: Bing Hugh
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To whoever this may concern, I AM PROUD OF YOU!


Oh man I started to cry a little after seeing the amount of tar for just a year and I’ve been smoking so long. I’m really going to make a conscious effort this time around!! Wish me luck and good luck to everyone quitting!


I am 9 days smoke free.
9th June 2019


Starting my journey to quit smoking today wish me the best 10-2-19


I started smoking during the summer of 1969. I quit smoking on march 3, 2021. I have severe emphysema. working on it. I'm getting better. Feeling better. Using less oxygen therapy. Eating better and healthier. You're never too young or old to quit.


I quit smoking 7 years ago with the help of Allen Carr ‘s book. I am very happy and proud of myself for quitting an awful habit.


I quit 8 years ago cold turkey, and Youtube vids on this matter were very motivational. Good luck to everyone!


24 hours smoke free, I wish everyone who's on their journey of quitting smoking an Abundance of strength and willpower to overcome this. It will get easier and we are taking our lives into our own hands. We can do this, Good Luck to All.


I quit smoking tobacco after 16 years. The date i quit was 18th of August 2019. I feel much healthier.


I have always gone back to smoking. 15 years now in a blink. I need to stop and heal now, and came across this video late at night. Am 42, and hope I'll make it. Thank you! I will stop NOW.


Smoked for about 25 years, quit about 6 months ago. I will tell you when i quit, I felt like i was going to cough up a lung! It was intense! I started going to the gym shortly after stopping, and the coughing was even worst! I knew I was coughing up years of tar and nicotine, but the coughing fits scarred me a little. I turned to the internet, and found out that it was fairly normal. Some people cough more than others. After about a month, the coughing subsided and went away! No more coughing in the morning, or night ! I breath so much better, and food taste a lot better! Thus the 10 pounds i gained! lol ! And the one thing i do not miss is that smell in my clothes, and my skin. One more thing, the coughing spells kind of was a good thing. Every time I think of picking up a cigarette, i think about those intense coughing spells, and how long it took to get that crap out of my system. Good luck to everyone, either you will quit smoking or the smoking will quit you! At least that is how I felt.


Also hot baths and inhaling steam can do miracles, Herbal teas and daily exercise have a great effect on reversing smoking effects I can assure! Goodluck all!


48 days today. Hardest thing ever, but never again will I light a cigarette!


Almost 2 years smoke-free and wow do I feel so much better than I have in a long time.


if you quit smoking, good on you!!!! stay with it... youll be happy down the road


Oh my!! After 36 years of hard core smoking ( was at 3-4 pks a day!) I finally found every thing I needed to quit. I am about to finish up my 4th day smoke I haven’t started to cough yet. This video scares me as to what might be ahead for me 😵😵. I thought I would die with a smoke in my hand, so to be free of it is truely amazing. I am so grateful.


if u are about to quit smoking just think about ur future like ur wife and childrens... what if u have beautiful wife and adorable lovely kids just think that how lucky i will be to spend my life with them
but with smoking habit no one can't make it...
just think once that did we get any flavour from a cigaratte that we like it or else we get a single benefit with it...
well m happy that i quit smoking after 6 years killing myself slowly
guyz stay away from this dangerous thing and live ur life happily


Done with all forms of smoking thankyou! Please stand with me my sisters and brothers! Let's take back our life and live again! Thank you Jesus! 😭


I quit smoking just 5 days back. From 22 cigarettes on 20th July I had zero cigarettes on 21st. Just think of 1 day at a time. Don't think of longer term. I don't know know how far I will go but will power is everything. And avoid smoker friends and other triggers and keep busy for few days. First 3-4 days are pure torture. Craving is at it's peak. But with each day you feel stronger. Will power is must.


its been 3 months today exactly... needed to watch this to remind myself why i am quitting.
