Quit Smoking | Stop Smoking | How To Quit Smoking

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Quit Smoking or Stop Smoking. This video is on How To Quit Smoking. How To Stop Smoking Cigarettes. Benefits.

00:00 Quit Smoking
00:25 Why is Nicotine so addictive
01:43 How To Quit Smoking
05:44 How To Stop Smoking
08:47 Quit Smoking Benefits and What Happens When You Quit Smoking
10:14 Conclusion

You’re here because you want to quit smoking! First of all, I want to congratulate you for getting this far. Well done for taking the first step to one of the best things you can do for your own health and other people’s health too!

In today’s video I am going to help you quit! You will find out the BEST way to quit, self-help tips AND the benefits of quitting! So what are we waiting for, let’s crack on!

FIRST let’s have a look at the science - Why is smoking addictive? And what makes it so hard to quit?

Now on this channel I like to give you the FACTS! Here’s one for you: A typical cigarette has about 600 hundred chemicals in it and if that wasn’t bad enough - when lit up that can amount to 7000

Of those chemicals, Nicotine is the one that makes smoking addictive. Nicotine stimulates nerve endings to release dopamine which makes you feel good. It’s as simple as that!

Onto the meaty part of the video. You could try to quit cold turkey - OR you can DOUBLE your chance of successfully quitting by using nicotine replacement therapy products - otherwise known as NRT.

You can Triple your chance of successfully quitting by regularly seeing a stop smoking advisor, IN ADDITION to using a stop smoking aid such as NRT. Don't forget to download the Stoptober app too by the NHS really helpful its like your little pocked stop smoking advisor and free.

The first one is to grab a pen and paper , sit down and make a list of reasons to quit!

One reason to quit might be to watch your loved ones grow up and spend more time with them! Whatever your reasons are, write them down and carry them with you to help curb those cravings for a cigarette. Another reason you might want to quit is for the health benefits- such as reducing your risk of lung cancer.

Get active - go for a short walk to help your brain release chemicals that naturally reduce your cravings.This is especially effective for your short-lived impulsive cravings! Exercise also stimulates your body to release endorphins which make you feel good.

Get rid of smoking accessories you associate with smoking like ashtrays and cigarette lighters. Replace them with something like a nice coaster for your coffee mug and a stick of gum in your pocket in place of the lighter. This makes it feel less like you’re missing something. done

Tell people you are quitting! Build a support network of people around you who will be able to help you.

You will feel the benefits of quitting 20 minutes after your last cigarette! Your heart rate will slow down and after 48 hours toxic carbon monoxide will be flushed out of your body. This means you will start to feel less tired and breathe better.

On top of that, you will sleep better, food will taste better and you will have more energy!

You will also have whiter teeth, clearer skin and reduce your risk of lung, throat and mouth cancer.

Your immune system will get a huge boost after you quit smoking - you will heal faster and you’ll be less likely to get ill.

This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.
Рекомендации по теме

I was a smoker for 13years. Now im 26 years old i finally quit smoking. Trust me bud the first day is only the hardest. once you finish the first day of cessation, the following day is pretty easy. Just put in your head that you are sick. and puffing cigarette will kill you. 8months smoke free now and im loving the result.


Wearing a heart monitor and have to have an Echo on Friday. Watching this and just smoked my last cigarette that I have. I'm 40 years old and have smoked 27 years. Wish me luck!!


Benefits of quitting:

-You feel your breath
-Food tastes delicious
-increased Appetite
-Gaining weight
-Better sleep
-No guiltiness
-Saving time
-Saving money
-Social life increases
-Induction of healthy habits
-Enhanced lifestyle
-Healthy relationship
-No panting
-Healthy hair
-Healthy skin
-Incresed confidence and self pride
-Joyful life

These are my personal experience of quitting. It's been 6 years since I touched the last butt. I was smoking for 10 years with an average count of 20 pieces a day and 40 pieces at the end of the phase(3 years)

Good luck


Woke up like any other day....had 1 cigarette ....no money went scrounging around for change like a fiend still didn't have enough but found a coupon to be at work in like 20 mins ....went to the store and the clerk told me the coupon was died inside.... I quit that day 3 days of hell ...tbh looking back really it seemed worse then it was ....felt like world was ending and I was glad ...really sucked but i don't smoke cigarettes anymore smoked for 18 years nice to be done finally


The best mantra: " I don't smoke." "I'm a non-smoker."

Helps I think, to push past the transition mindset into the new reality of not being a smoker anymore.

Nah, I don't smoke.

Feels good hey.


"Quit smoking" people always just tell we what we already know. If Knowledge was all it took, there would be no smokers.


22 years heavy smoker, quit for 35 days today. very difficult. i think the key is to 'get prepared for boredom'. the first few days i felt absolute boredom, nothing to do, what to do now?, something is terribly missing, always want a cigarette, dont want to get up, and life is very meaningless.
to be ready to live in this boredom was my biggest helper i believe. it is a war and the weapon that is fighting you and attacking you every day is 'boredom'. you need to be prepared for it, and you wont be able to destroy it, just be ready to face it every day and do not say i give up. it will keep coming every minute probably. no problem, just stand your ground.


It's 14th day since I quit smoking and I feel very good, No negative thoughts in my mind, Full of energy and motivation, At first I I thought that is impossible for me to quit weed and cigarette but after trying It get easier day by day, You just need a good and strong reason to quit


I have a video about my journey and it starts with a true desire to quit smoking. The issues I had to go through it’s like I smoked 20years and now I’m realizing how it was mostly hard because we really don’t want to do it.... we like it and it soothes us so the desire to quit is totally necessary and must be strong! Quitting means changing your way of life and actually wanting to be a better version of yourself


When I think of quiting smoking I need a cigarette to think about it 😂😂😂


I’ve done cold turkey and been 53 days without smoke 💨


I’m 24 & I’ve been smoking since 15, I’m now finally considering quitting as it makes me feel sick & hurts my throat sometimes. I will stick to vaping for a while though, until I can wane myself off it completely. My Dad had smoking hypnosis & it worked for him, that’s my last resort. My Dad quit smoking 3 years before I was born because he didn’t want me being around cigarette smoke. What a man! One of my many inspirations


You won't believe me me I was 9 since I start smoking now I am 12
I quit smoking because I beat it
I always remember me that is not good for me then I force to quit and I finally quit I was samoking everyday please don't let smoking beat you .
You are stronger than the cigarettes


You just become addicted to the NRT or vapes - the only way is cold turkey and strength of will...


Just relapsed after 3.5 months of being smoke/vape free.. trying to get back to being smoke/vape free. (Been smoking since i was 13 and im 26 now and have breathing problems) if you mess up while trying to quit, dont get discouraged! Try, try again! Its hard to do but definitely worth it for overall wellness 💗 best of luck to everyone!


The irony of smoking while watching this video. I really need to stop its so hard.


The best advice I can give is quit cold turkey…I’ve stopped and relapsed at least 3 times and out of all the replacement therapy i’ve tried, just completely quitting all at once may be most difficult but is in fact also most effective for me.


Great advice. I havnt smoked since May 2019, but it took a heart attack to wake me up and bring me to my senses, never smoked since that day and never will again.
I know it's easier said than done to stop, but good luck to all of you that are trying, you can do this xx


Today I turned my “ stopping One day “ to “ day one of stopping “ …
Wish me strength ! I got this !!!!


It’s been a month since I stoped smoking so I feel happy and I’m also working out
