Speak Your Mind - How to Quit Smoking When You Believe You Can't

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Did you know that smoking affects you mental health as well as your physical health? And not in a good way. Hear from the Mayo Clinic’s Director of Nicotine Dependence Center who joins me to discuss why you should believe you can stop smoking even if you have tried and failed several times before.

Air date: 11/10/16
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I was addicted to heroin and fetynol for 8 years and i was addicted to cigarettes for 21 years. Quitting smoking was so much harder. I was a bad addict. It took medication for both. I used methadone for the opiates amd nicotine patches for the cigarettes. It was the only way i could get any meaningful time away from using innorder to even stert seeing any positives from not. Cold turkey aimt for everyone and harm reduction can work. Be compassionate with yourself when need be.
Someday you'll just be living your life life and it will dawn on you that you don't smoke anymore and you dont think about it anymore.


very kind man, this kindness is helping me today, I did not see anybody else feeling empathy to poor smokers


Thank you sir… as of today I’m DONE. It was the way he spoke that just hit different from anyone I have ever listened to. Please wish me luck.


"Step away from the situation, take a couple of deep breaths, and think about the situation." Thank you so much. I will remember to practice this!


Day 1 here. I believe I can stop smoking, I just have make a commitment. Thank you


I've finally decided to quit today. It's time to stop. I'm going to do this!


I quit 22 days ago cold turkey 🥶 🦃!!! so happy!!!


Day 2 here after 20 years of chain smoking


He couldn’t explain it better. That’s exactly how it is! Wow, I wish I was as smart as him. Great video thank you!!!


Banda, I have to tell that I'm done smoking weed, it is hurting my memory so bad, I really need to quit and yes, Indeed, I think I can't, my friends also makes me feel a little bit pushed to smoke wherever we are. And I tell once to my family but I think they won't help me. Leftbehinded. But I have a Spark that will lead me to the success of being a healthy person, I will overcome this addiction for God sake


Stress is the main trigger, for many. Don't plan to quit when you have a anticipated stressful event coming up. Put yourself in a strong position to succeed.


Classy people. There is tons of compassion emanating from these people. Thank you so much. Elegant and lovely, but so easy to watch and easy to understand. Thank you so much! Very informative and helpful.


Allen Carr - Easyway to quit smoking ❤


I have smoked for some forty years and just had my first stint put in, I have another one scheduled in five days. I threw my cigarettes in the garbage last night and dug them out this morning and soaked the rest in water before throwing them away again. Good God Almighty…, I hope and pray that the medical field gets the message about how much they’re misdirected solutions are accountable to the people that are trusting them with their very lives…, get it right Doctors or stop enabling us to harm ourselves at the very least…, Please


People who took their first cigarette and felt horrible never become smokers .I was seventeen and I LOVED it .and smoked ever since I think I'll stop just to feel victorious over the addiction .


I’m 29 today started abusing nicotine at the age of 10 year old ✌️

And I won’t give up quitting smoking

Stay positive ❤


Congratulations on your "Speak Your Mind - How To Quit Smoking When You Believe You Can't" inspirational thanks for sharing. 🚭


i'm in my 4th day and i feel like my cells thanking me and yelling at me at the same time. I feel as there is another person within me dying to go to the shop and asking for a pack. The simple buying of cigarettes is so appealing to me it hurts. I envision all the steps necessary for the purchasing of a pack of cigarettes. The idea of buying and coming back home to have a smoke (or 5) with coffee seems incredibly attractive. The idea of having smoke in my mouth and going into my lungs seems like "A BREATH OF FRESH AIR". Now THAT'S sabotage...

On the other hand, i know that after the first puff the level of disappointment would go through the roof, there won't be any fresh air but clogged arteries and risk of cancer. There won't be any peace but anxiety. There won't be joy but sadness and a constant reminder of weakness and subjugation. Seeing my beautiful supportive wife, which understands me even if i relapsed 100 times is even more saddening. Waking up coughing like mad and spitting brown goo that could be used as glue isn't a pretty sight at all.

The past weekend i stopped and it was such a peculiar weekend that felt to me like a completely different world. I've stopped before for more than 4 days (i think i went 3 weeks or so) but it was never like this. This weekend i did basically nothing but watch movies with my wife. It was like i was drugged, i felt so happy to just stay near my wife and talk about what we were looking at. Just wanted to share.

My body and my brain are dumb. They crave this poison like mad and i feel that this time it's different. To everyone going remotely through this, i wish you fortitude of mind, reason, logic and power! Luck won't help you.


Thank you SO much for this video. I have had so much guilt for smoking. I dont smoke anymore, but still using a vape. Knowing that the nicotine itself wont hurt me...is a huge relief...and believe it or not, that guilt being lifted off of me is giving me hope that I can now quit. Feeling constant condemnation has not helped the problem. Thanks again.
I just had a lung x-ray and believe it or not...my lungs look good. I smoked for 48 yrs. My Mom, smoked all through her pregnancy during the 60's and maybe that is the " womb connection" maybe when I smoke, ot makes me feel close to my Mom? Or the womb. Hmmmm interesting realization I just had. My Mom was not very huggy either. Sorry for the novel.


Already 3 months cigarettes free
I have used electric cigarette for quitting
1st week 18 mg nicotine capsules
2nd week 12 mg nicotine capsules
3rd week 9 mg
4th week 2.5 mg nicotine capsules mixing with 0 mg nicotine capsules
week 5 only 0 mg nicotine capsules
I have even stopped electric cigarette
I think this is the best way for quitting
Because I have smoked for 16 years and tried many times to quit but never made it more than 2 days
But now I am feeling great better than what I have expected.
