Quitting Smoking is a Journey

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Smoked for 12 years from the age of 15. Today, it’s day 294 I’m smoke free. How I did it? Cold Turkey. If you’re watching this and desperately want to kick the habit, all I can say is you have to be ready for it. Mentally. 100%. I’ve tried and failed multiple times. So what was different this time? My intention was serious. It was a “I’m done with this and I am going to go the distance No matter how hard it gets!”. I read Allen Carr’s book, I watched YouTube videos on personal experiences, I weighed out all the pros and cons in my mind. Remember, nothing’s a magic pill, all you really need is the heart and mind of a champ! Every day more is a day easier and it will get easier and easier till you don’t even think about it anymore!!! YOU GOT THIS. 💪🏼


7 weeks off smoking. is it just me or does anybody come onto these type of videos to remind ourselves of why we quit


It took me seven attempts over the span of a few years to actually quit.
It's been two years as of yesterday!


I'm on day 2, and it is horrible now. Had a lot of cravings today. I almost gave up, but i didn't. wish me luck!


I watched this video 7 years ago and quit that evening and never smoked again. Thank you. Now I am recommending this video to everyone.


Nearly 27 and smoked for over half my life. Just finishing my 4th day without a smoke. Good luck to everyone else doing it too :)


I stopped smoking 33 years ago, after having smoked for 18 years. Best thing I ever did in my life. Now I can jog and do other forms of exercises, which would never have been possible if I would not have quit. Take my advice: DO NOT SMOKE.
Save your life-giving lungs....one day you will also say 'it was the best thing I ever did in my life'.


i smoked for 15 years and i stopped cold turkey, thank god i did not have to cut down or go through a process, if i can do it then you can do it, its all in the head! you will feel so much better physically and mentally... people think its so hard to quit but its just the opposite, the key is to want to quit...good luck to all the smokers out there. 


136 days in and i still watch these videos from time to time. Its a long journey, stay strong everyone


I hope my journey will inspire some of you to quit smoking.
I've been a smoker since I was 16, and have been for the last 24 years.
For me, quitting was like breaking a toxic relationship.
I find that quitting smoking and a bad relationship (friend of partner)
requires the same level of emotional and mental fortitude.

I got married 3 years ago, and I feel like my relationship with cigarettes
was harming my family physically and emotionally,
so I though I'd give quitting another shot. This is when I realized something that changed everything
that cigarettes, like all the other toxic people I cut from my life
was a part of my past and doesn't have to be a part of my future,
it's like a self serving, abusive family member, friend, ex or mistress.

I think most people tend to underestimate what it really takes to quit smoking,
and I think that mindset adds a level of difficulty to it.
For as long as we see cigarettes as an object, we'll always feel like we're in control,
so the trick is to change your perspective, and start looking at the habit as an actual person.
What would you do if you're in a relationship with someone; who’s manipulating you,
putting a heavy burden on your health, burning your money and your years,
and someone who puts a strain on your relationship with the people you love and those around you,
it only makes sense to break that relationship, don't you think?

Quitting a habit or a person are technically the same thing,
people tend to stay in a toxic relationship because of the habits we developed,
it becomes a very unhealthy co-dependent bond.
People are usually hesitant to walkout of a relationship no matter how toxic it is
because we're afraid to change or quit some of the habits we grew accustomed to,
and honestly it is not as easy as it sounds.

Once I change my outlook, is when I started to negotiate with myself,
it became clear that she was doing more harm than good,
and so, I started visualizing certain daily routines without smoking.
I started seeing her (cigarette) less and less, until it came to a point that I feel like I was just keeping her for certain things,
things that I can do without smoking.
I was so surprised that I can actually finish a cup coffee or tea without a cigarette.

I began to feel very different physically, emotionally and mentally.
I started feeling nauseated, dizzy after smoking, I couldn't even finish a stick because of how bitter and disgusting it suddenly taste,
until one day I just walked away from her and never looked back.

Quitting smoking is easily one of the best decisions I made in my life,
my wife and I even conceived our first baby a few months after quitting.

I hope that some of you will find this comment helpful in your journey to quit smoking.
I wish you all the best, and I promise you that you won't regret it!


After 46 years, I have been a non smoker for 6 days, I know I will always be a recovering addict one day at a time:)


My contemplation and action phases were only two days apart. I had a dentist visit coming up and had to have my remaining three wisdom teeth extracted. I knew he was going to tell me not to smoke for at least a few days, so I decided to just quit. I was a 20+ year smoker at about 1 1/2 packs a day.
That was January 30, 2001 and I was 36. I'm 56 now and still tobacco free. So happy to be done with it!
If I can do it so can you!


Brilliant video. I'm on day 2 of quitting after a 13 year smoking habit and this video explained so much and gave me a good idea of what to expect in the next few days, months and years. Good luck to anyone else out there who is trying to stop. WE CAN ALL DO IT!!!!


I am 30, started around 20. Tried quitting about five times. This weekend I had a moment and decided I will really stop this time. 3rd day the cravings are rough, went for a walk and a beer.
Watching this to go through the detox.


4 weeks for me I feel good I been a smoker for 13years now at the age of 30 I felt this was the right time in my life to quit


I've smoked since 13 yet never considered myself a smoker. Now at 31, I'm realising just how powerful denial can be. Fessing up to the problem was the first step. Never smoking again means the problem no longer exists.


Thank you.
I'm on day 5 and it's the hardest thing I've ever done


Most Docs irritate the shit out of me with their non smoking quit smoking BS, but you! You were great thanks!


I’m so young yet I’ve smoked for 15 year before quitting 6 months ago. I feel young again. It’s great to be free tbh.


I'm working in addiction science, and I think this clip is simply brilliant; it is evidence based and conveys al lot of relevant information in such an insightful manner in such a short time. I tip my hat to Dr Evans!
