Exactly How Much Muscle Does 25mg, 50mg, 125mg, 300mg & 600mg Of Testosterone Build?

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Disclaimer: Testosterone Enanthate was used in this study and you need to consider ester weight when interpreting the blood work results, as well as the infrequent administration frequency. Objectively, in a performance enhancing context, protein intake was low. Also, not permitting the participants to undertake strength training or moderate-to-heavy endurance exercise during the study very likely greatly impacted potential muscle accrual. However, the standardizations implemented ensured that the results were entirely derived from the differing dosages of Testosterone. The ratios of fat-free mass gain between the different participant groups still illustrate what kind of diminishing returns occur as Myostatin increases in the body, how potent of a muscle building agent Testosterone is, as well as how deleterious supraphysiological dosages of Testosterone will or will not be on health markers in blood work. A GnRH agonist was administered alongside the Testosterone Enanthate in order to suppress endogenous LH and testosterone secretion; therefore, circulating testosterone concentrations during treatment were proportional to the administered dose of Testosterone Enanthate. This strategy of combined administration of GnRH agonist and graded doses of testosterone enanthate was effective in establishing different levels of serum testosterone concentrations among the five treatment groups.


Sucks for the people randomly assigned to the 25mg group


What do you do for your hair man? Looking like a 2020 Elvis trensley up in here.


We need to all chip in and get some real gear studies.


600mg, the only side effect....is GREATNESS


The only thing this study is missing is a control group with no Testosterone and training and eating the same amount


Average person products 6mg per day, that's 42mg per week. 25mg testosterone is much lower than what average man produces, so no wonder it results in losing mass. Anything above 42mg should add mass.


You always come up with very interesting topics! Yet again, great job!


I find a good wild boar hunt and a night with some tavern wrenches produces similar results to taking 600mgs.


Omg how refreshing a video that's short


I’d love to see this same study done with testosterone (say 250mg per week in all of them) but with trenbolone in different doses to see the amount of muscle gained with trenbolone.. Or even nandrolone


You didn't get a chance to elaborate on this, but the water weight percentage of FFM remained unchanged, so they didn't gain a disproportionate amount of water weight. About 2/3 of FFM was water, so the the 125mg group's 3.4kg gain was about 1.12kg (2.5 lbs) of contractile tissue. Considering this was only 12 weeks, they weren't allowed to lift weights, and it would take an experienced natural several years to put on 2.5 lbs of tissue, these results are pretty insane.


I am almost 1 yr into trt without wanting my family to know. When I started overtaking the prescribed amount to about 400-500mg/week, I put on 5lbs of muscle in 2 weeks, despite trying to split my time evenly now between lifting and cardio. Now I am staring to look like a fake natty (when pumped) and it’s only a matter of time before the family finds out

Test seems to scale very well, in terms of gains relative to the amount. I’ve since cut the amount back down, because honestly I did not anticipate the fact you can still grow muscle on that dosage while being sedentary...


So, the increased dose and gains for the 300 mg group compared to the 125 mg group were 2.4x dose and 1.52x fat free mass. For the 600 mg group as compared to the 300 mg group 2x dose and 1, 5x fat free mass. As he said, it is very likely that the 600 mg caused a big increase in oestradiol due to heavy aromatizing and a large part of the weight gain must have been water. Gyno and bloated like a blowfish. From the 125 mg group to the 600 mg group 4.8x dose and 2.3x gains. Looks like the sweet spot is around 150-250 mg.


The most beautifully shaped delts I’ve seen so far


This is probably one of the most interesting topics and videos that no one has covered


Important side-note, according to the study, the increase in fat-free mass was not due to an increase in water retention: "To determine whether the apparent changes in fat-free mass by DEXA scan and underwater weighing
represented water retention, we measured total body water and compared the ratios of total body water to fat-free mass before and after treatment in each group. The ratios of total body water to fat-free mass by underwater weighing did not significantly change with treatment in any treatment group (Table 3), indicating that the apparent increase in fat-free mass measured by underwater weighing did not represent water retention in excess of that associated with protein accretion."


I majorly recomped on 300mg after 12 weeks.. Lost about 7 lbs of fat and I'm 7 lbs heavier than my Starting point now.. I look like A Completely different person... Going from having a test level in the 220s and being skinny fat to having vascular abs and chest at 142lbs is just amazing.. Not to mention the state of well being and increase in mental sharpness..


I've been on 200 mg a week for 10 weeks now. Not for performance purposes but because my natural testosterone bloodwork came back at only 49ng/dl with my free test much lower as well. I haven't been tested again yet but I've seen a gain of only 2 pounds, however, a good bit of fat loss in the belly area! I was skinny fat and that has completely changed. You can actually see the definition in my abs again as well as the shoulders and arm etc. I was doing some working out before the TRT but didn't have the energy to go all out as I used to in my 20's. My energy isn't super increased with the TRT, but I feel like because I am seeing much better results, it's mentally motivating me which gives me the energy to work harder. So far, it's working really well and I'm extremely happy with it. I don't think the doc would ever give a dose as high as 600 mg though! lol. If I need that much to take my Test. results back up to a "normal" lvl then I'm not sure what he'll recommend. He already recommended to see an endocrinologist because my Test. is so low and he's not sure why. Time will tell.


Your knowledge and low dose idea is highly appreciated Thanks
