5 Things A Female Covert Narcissist Will Never Admit

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In this video, I'm talking about 5 things that a man would need to hear from a female covert narcissist after the relationship has ended to help resolve cognitive dissonance and break the trauma bond. I will also explain why you will never hear these admissions a narcissist. This video is Part 1 of 2 so please hit the notification bell so you don't miss Part 2 which will be released on August 26th.

Video Chapters:
01:24 - #1 They won't recognize their toxic relationship patterns
03:41 - #2 Admitting their self-centered nature
05:04 - #3 Lack of empathy
06:25 - #4 To apologize for their lies, deceit & abusive behaviour
07:59 - #5 They won't admit that they gaslighted you

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About Lise Leblanc
Lise Leblanc is a Therapist, Author, and Life Coach with over 20 years of experience in therapeutic, educational, and leadership roles.

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DISCLAIMER: THE INFORMATION IN THIS VIDEO IS NOT INTENDED NOR IMPLIED TO BE A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT. Lise Leblanc does not provide personalized psychological, health, or legal advice. Any information or responses provided on YouTube are general and hypothetical, not individualized. This content is for informational purposes only and viewers should verify primary sources and/or seek professional services. Narratives about clients are heavily modified to protect their identities, using blurred details to teach without revealing confidential information.

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5 things a female covert narcissist will never admit

1- they won't recognize their toxic behavior patterns
2- admitting their self-centered nature
3- lack of empathy
4- to apologize for their lies, deceit, and abusive behavior
5- they won't admit that they gaslighted you

cheers from southern ontario, canada 🍁


Tell a narcissist how much you’ve been hurt and the best you’ll ever get back is “How do you think I feel?”


We are dealing with this on a societal level.


I think it's beautiful that you care about the males so much. They get side lined a bit too much as their suffering when it comes to this type of demonic abuse is exactly the same. Kudos to you Lise.


A covert narcissist, will never, ever. Accept the evidence laid out in front of them.

No matter if it's caught on camera or red-handed. They will, ALWAYS, make excuses.

And the thing is, they will believe their own lie to the point it becomes delusional. Let me make this clear.

*There is NO POINT in ever sending a video like this to a narcissist.*

All they will do, is learn how to better manipulate you.


I would argue modern dating is a training ground for Narcissism.


They will never take ownership what they have done, they believe in their own lies.


“I was wrong.” Trust me, it won’t happen, unless it’s at the very beginning, when she’s trying to love bomb you and sound innocent. At any other time, she’ll gaslight, blame shift, victimize herself or simply run away. My ex ALWAYS had a flee reaction to any situation in which she felt that her “reputation” was endangered. Deep down, narcissists have a cowardly nature.


WOW! I have been divorced for 6 years and this is the first thing that has actually helped me understand this.


I finally moved forward. Took six years - but I did it! (in my Braveheart voice)!!!!


They never apologize or if you give them advice from your pov, they act as though they came up with the realization and not you.


Don't tell them anything. Don't engage them. Just leave and go NO contact. Believe me. You'll thank me later.


I found you at the last second of a three-year relationship w a female covert where I had no clue what I was dealing with and I could not figure out what was going on. As it got closer and closer to the end of us, I thought I wasn’t going to have any choice but to check out for good.
And then I found you.
I know genuine sociopaths.
I know malignant narcissists.
This was a whole new breed, and I was completely blind and just about out of my mind trying to make sense of it.
I’m out. I’ve got professional help, and every minute of every day is a challenge.

But if it wasn’t for you and what I found in your videos about 5 weeks ago, , I don’t know if I would be here right now.
Yep, 5 weeks. I know, Right?

You and your videos have made a huge difference to me and I just want you to know that.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you


I was married to a covert narcissist for 32 years. I guarantee that she would NEVER admit to these things. When completely caught out in something I've seen her shut down (glassy eyes, blank stare, expressionless face) rather than actually admit fault.


Again, so on point.

Yesterday (Sunday), The Demon tries to contact me from a new number. I don't answer as I'm in work. She SOMEHOW calls my friend. My friend messaged her about a year ago to tell her to leave me alone. She's kept my friend's number for over a year. My friend sent me the number which matched The Demon's.

Anyway, I eventually answer. Tell her how abusive she was. Ask her why she's calling me, why she called my friend. And that she knows I work Sundays anyway. She said the following three things:-

1. "I haven't called you."
2. "I didn't call your friend."
3. "It's not Sunday."

But still it doesn't cease to surprise me how maddening she is. I have evidence. And...it is Sunday!

I told her the only reason I wasn't going to the police was because of her children and I didn't want them upset.

I have never met anyone that's this bad before.


Exactly what I went thru. I even looked like the men in those clips. Really showed how desperate she made me feel. The kicker was she convinced me I was the root of the problem. She would blantanly gaslight and confabulation things she JUST said and deny it and rewrite what was said and fight me for concretely repeating back what she verbatim said, it was psychologically mind bending to the point of snap.


once again… thank you Lise . you are helping so many 👍🏼


Your video exactly describes the woman (who had been an MFT) in my 9 year relationship that dissolved earlier this year. I will never hear these things that occured exactly as you describe. Your channel has helped a great deal the past 6 months.


Thank you for this. I've experienced this in my marriage. I'm now widowed and have had to find answers I can live with on my own. In a way, death has made recovery from this a little easier. There's no more gray areas or what ifs. It is just what it is now and I have to live with it, and that feels okay for me (after a year of living hell, and probably many more difficult years to come)

I hope people that go through toxic relationships and abuse, especially in marriage, can find ways to survive and thrive past it and see that it's not a reflection of themselves, just broken people being broken towards others.


Thank you again, always informative and validating. One thing I would add - after 26 years of marriage - I have experienced her having a complete meltdown - after shifting her behaviors onto our 18yo daughter, she expressed feeling guilty. She went into sorrowful mode, expressing regret for some things done to me, and further stated she was going to be a better person. Within 12 hours she went into full narc rage in public at me. Probably regretting expressing a vulnerable emotion. I stood there and calmly said: "So this your idea of a better person." The mask may slip, not too far and not too long.
