The Heart of the Calvinist-Arminian Divide

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1360
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Pastor John's fair treatment of this matter is an example of how to treat those we disagree with.


It’s all the Lords work. Give him all the glory


God made me alive with Christ! Praise God! All the glory to Him!


What many seem to fail to understand is that our 'will' is a gift from God (part of 'in His image'). We can not boast about anything. We Must be free to come to God willfully or else it is meaningless. This is the whole point of God's excercise. It brings God pleasure that the believer loves Him because the believer wants to. The 'regeneration first' idea destroys that.


How beautiful to experience what John Piper just described. It truly is the Irresistible grace of God that brings about the true conversion of a soul!


I once was a reformed person. I now believe both sides are true and are married together, since both arguments are based in scripture. (All scripture is breathed out) I love how John taught his message on Tulip, it still rings true in my head. Doctrines are not weapons to win arguments, they are there for us to know God on a deeper level. To enjoy Him, and to be in Awe of His greatness which is unsearchable. Now to Him who is able to keep us from stumbling, be All the Glory!


I've read a lot of people saying that the Arminian vs Calvinist debate is not worth arguing about. This suggests that there are no real-life implications which come as a result of one's views on the matter. I think this is not the case - there are big implications, such as the level of one's gratitude for God for salvation. I used to be Arminian and am now convinced by Calvinism, and it has had a huge impact on my love for and gratitude towards the God who unilaterally saved me that *all* the glory should go to him!


Pastor John Piper ! Thank you for your enlightenment of Ephesians 2:4-7. I understand now about your point of irresistible grace. I now understand that this saving grace is really a blessed and divine assurance throughout eternity. Not only will I be alive in Christ, He will also seated me with Him in the Heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:6) This verse also tells me that Christ's grace is not only incomparable, He will also share His glory with me, as written in Romans 8:17.


I am Armininan and the message in this video is beautiful


What a beautiful way of explaining the differences with love and respect.


The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.. all glory to CHRIST. Explained well pastor John! Thanks. Greetings from Hongkong


We are saved by grace through faith. Faith is a gift from God, so no man can boast.
Where does your faith come from?


I appreciated Pastor John's explanation and trying to represent Arminianism as fairly as possible. I know this question came up in the apologetics class I am currently teaching and we will discuss it next class. I think three things need to be fleshed out before discussing this matter.

First, Are we addressing what we think about the labels or the theology behind the labels? Do we have a definition of that theology based on scripture? If we get caught up with theological labels named after men, we may give the appearance of following those men (even if we don't) and this violates 1 Corinthians 1:11-12. We need to define the doctrines behind the theology we're speaking of and have Bible references to back it up.

Second, because this is a discussion among Christians, we need to be clear about our view of sin (total depravity), the attributes of God (particularly His sovereignty, omniscience, love, and justice), and again, give Bible references and be able to bring our interpretation of those Bible references to the table. Someone on either side of this discussion (or even someone taking a middle ground) may have different definitions of these things. We need to study our Bibles and check them carefully to see if it is true (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Acts 17:11).

Third, this is a theological discussion; therefore we must leave out emotion, philosophy, and are preconceived notions about the labels. Again, the Bible must be our guide, not anything outside of it (because this will violate Proverbs 3:5 and Colossians 2:8).
I've seen back and forth in comment sections where I see little or no scripture, but many accusations, insults, and philosophical views (particularly through analogies) instead of going verse by verse through texts. Calvinisms will accuse the other side of not reading their Bibles, not giving glory to God, and accusing them of adding works to salvation. Not every non-Calvinist considers themselves an Arminian and they shouldn't be pigeon-holed by a certain description; they are believers that love the Lord and desire the salvation of the lost. Name calling and lack of respect is not necessary. Many non-Calvinists, on the other hand, will accuse the Calvinist of being unsaved, having a wicked god that is the author of sin, and twisting scripture. This, as well, is unfair since many Calvinists also love the Lord and go proclaim the gospel to the lost. I've made comments about this subject on many posts and have personally been called names by people that profess to be believers. This is not the heart of Jesus' words in John 13:35.

Unless both sides can sit down with their scriptures and go through text of scripture verse by verse to flesh out the doctrines in question, it will always be philosophical musings, emotional insults, and no desire to hear the other side. The discussion is not to win an argument, but to see what the Bible says in its entirety.


"The power of God's grace."


you should make this into a little booklet, very clarifying on the subject :)


Can we just accept that no matter how much scripture we know we simply don't have all the answers an maybe never will. Trust that Jesus is the way the truth and the life and let him show you the way. Don't be foolish in your own knowledge.


If we are dead in our trespasses and sins, as Scripture affirms over and over, then there is no possibility of our deciding anything because we’d have to be spiritually alive to do so. It is Christ who makes us come alive in Him and causes us to see His glory, His love, His forgiveness, so that the only possible thing we CAN do is bow before Him in humility and adoration, committing every aspect of our lives to His service. It’s His decision, from start to finish (from before the foundations of the world) and my insisting that I have a part to play in it comes only from my sinful pride. To God and God alone be the glory forever!


Too many are divided on whether they chose God or He chose them. It shouldn’t matter UNLESS a persons faith is in the act of their choice or decision and Not in The actual person and work of Christ. I know many people who claim to be saved because they made a profession.


I like John's gracious way to deal with a position he personally disagrees with.
Why do we need a man-made system to understand grace, election, and predestination, be it Calvinism or Arminianism? Both systems somehow fall short of the whole truth, otherwise it would be stated as such in the bible. Salvation is a person, not a theory. The gospel is the power of God to save, not a paradigm. I still wonder why God saved me, the gospel is a mystery, and I will take forever to comprehend its depth and wisdom.


bible is very clear that you have no free will to be born of your physical birth and you have no free will to be born of your spiritual birth. john chapter 3 makes it extremely clear. next
