What does God know? Open Theism, Calvinism and Arminian views analyzed with scripture surveyed

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What limits are their to God's knowledge? Does God's foreknowledge mean that I don't have free will? What does the Bible say about this stuff?

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I’m drinking coffee right now . I’m ok if God is making me or it’s my freewill . Lol 😂 great video brother!


As Calvinist, I really respect the tone from this guy.


Thank you so much for your opening statement!!! This is a discussion between brothers and sisters in Christ.


He exists outside of time, but we do not. Our choices come from true free choice, but effectively they have already happened, only we are too small and too bound by time-space to perceive it.


I’ve found your videos on Calvinism and Arminianism very interesting, balanced and helpful. Would love for you to do a video regarding Provisionism which is gaining much momentum currently.


I really appreciate your presentation. I own a book entitled (I think) What Does God Know? (And When Did He Know it?) You hav inspired me to read it. (Yes, I buy books that I “intend” to read. I guess only God knows if I ever will. :). Your humility combined with openness and thoroughness makes you an exceptional teacher and proclaimer of God’s truth. None of us get every minute detail right, but God honors our pursuit of truth. I appreciate your pursuit of truth as Biblically revealed. Blessings on your continued ministry.


For what it's worth I'm glad you chose to edit and upload the video. I always get so much out of your videos. It's always a blessing when I see a new upload of yours. 😉

I'm not Calvinist but I do really enjoy watching John MacArthur on the Grace to You channel. I have a lot of respect for him and I learn a lot from watching him as well. I do find the debate between Calvinism and Arminianism extremely interesting. But I believe that God gave us free will at the end of the day and that salvation is available to anyone who desires to have it.


Geez I wish I could have a conversation with this guy. So many good ideas to flesh out.


"What can we know about predestination - we'll get there next week" I know (or at least I think ) that was not intentional, but I laughed out loud 😀

I love your teachings, you lay scripture out for me in a way that I can understand and I believe you are teaching under the watch of the Holy Spirit and I thank God for your help (and other teachers I listen to here and in my church) God bless you


I'm by no means a beginner in the realm of soteriology, so this presentation was entry-level stuff to me, but I still enjoyed watching it because Mike Winger is a charismatic and even-handed teacher. His explanations for views that he doesn't agree with are gracious and accurate; he doesn't use strawman arguments or _ad hominem_ attacks.


Open theism. A new subject for me and my first thought was “what does Mike say about it” and low and behold here it is!! Thanks Mike. Looking forward to watching this.


This video presents an extreme view of Open Theism which is held by a minority of Open Theists. Thus, while not a strawman its far from an accurate representation or critique of the view at large..

Check out Dynamic Omniscience to see why most in analytic philosophy of religion affirm it.


The "what if" option (middle knowledge) presented is called Molinism. William Lane Craig espouses this view.


I have prayed a lot about this. Recently, I have come to accept both. I don't think it is either/or. I think it belongs only to God as he needs or sees fit. Actually...I love this. I find comfort in allowing this belief. Walt


I believe that God is

1: Infinitely Omnipotent Infinitely all Powerful
2: Infinitely Omniscient Infinitely all Knowing
3: Infinitely Omnipresent Infinitely everywhere and everwhen at once.


So at 40:00 Mike’s solution to the question of what “Those whom He foreknew” means is “He knew everything.” So the verse would say, “For God knew everything, he predestined everyone he knew everything about to be conformed to the image of His Son…”
I could continue down the list in Romans 8:30, but I hope you get the point. One has to be a scriptural contortionist to come to that conclusion.


Mike as an open theist, I was disappointed with your not dealing with the idea that God does not like some things, but he is also surprised by them.


An interesting thought to put out there, God knows the future because He can create or speak the future into existence when He wants. In the case of free will, He asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac without speaking faith into him. Instead, Abraham freely chooses faith and God writes the rest of his story for us. Just a thought.


When I read the comments below and also in the video itself I’m surprised that everyone seems to think of foreknowing as looking into the future. In my understanding God is already in the future - and in the presence and past. “I am” is always “I am”. God is not restricted by, but exists outside time. That is also the definition of eternity. A constant now. Not infinite time.


Mike, I just met you at ETS in Ft. Worth. I asked you about matters brought up in this video. This was very helpful. Thanks!
