Non-Calvinist Interpretation of Romans 9

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A careful verse by verse treatment of the passage that stands at the center of much of the debate on Calvinism. This is meant to be a loving and thoughtful handling of the difficult passage Romans 9. I appreciate gracious responses from those who disagree.

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Hi Mike!
Thanks for this teaching, I have been thinkng about this passage for a long time. One thing I really liked was how you adressed Exodus 9. I never heard this from any other teacher, and it makes so much sense out of the "mercy towards the vessels of destruction" text.
Thank you for your ministry, when you teach the Scripture it exalts God, and makes me long to worship Him even more.


"Trying to study these topics that should not divide us" Thank you brother.


What a beautiful example of a godly man demonstrating for us how to lovingly approach scriptural disagreements. As a Calvinist who disagrees with his interpretation, this was both convicting and encouraging. I have discussed these differences before, but with not even half the love and respect that this man demonstrates here for his brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for this, and God bless you and your family.


Thanks Mike for the sharing. I almost became a Calvinist. I was a Buddhist for 32 years. I was saved when after one of my Buddhist prayer sessions I recited the sinners prayer showing on the YouTube channel on my iPad. I thought what harm can it do to me. I just read and see what happens. I could not be reading it with much faith because I don’t believe that Jesus could be my saviour then. But I read it with focus. Seconds later I felt like a different person with tremendous love for Jesus. That was last December. Because I studied Reformation history in my college days so I thought Calvinism now really makes sense to me! Then my pastor told me that we shouldn’t boxed God into different theologies. So now I think God is love. I made a free choice to say the prayer. By that window, He saved me. Praise Jesus!


I’m a Calvinist but I appreciate how you try to accurately represent both sides. You’re the only person on YouTube who will do that. Everyone else just creates a total straw man. But I’m encouraged by watching any of your videos. Keep it up Mike!


Hey Mike, I have been a pastor for over twenty years and haven’t heard Romans 9 explained so eloquently. Well done brother. Thanks



I have to listen to these more than once, and I'm amazed at how each video is helping me understand Romans. I am so so grateful to God for using your videos to help me.


Thank you for giving a clear explanation of a non-Calvinist understanding of Rom. 9! I personally am a Calvinist and of course disagree with some of your early fundamental assertions, but I really did enjoy listening to you. I’ve talked to many Free Will people but none have explained their position as clearly as you have, so thank you!

On a separate note, I really wish you would include the Q&A part in your videos, it would be very enjoyable.

Love your videos! I guess one day we will find out who is correct on this doctrine. Until that glorious day, keep preaching the word, my dude!


I love that you compare Scripture to Scripture! You don't quote other Bible commentators!!!


I don't even have to get past the 12 minute mark...once I realized this passage is about Israel it all clicked into place. I'm seeing Romans 9 with new eyes! Thanks brother Mike.


Thank you so, so much for this video. I was really struggling with this chapter. I had been listening to some Reformed baptist preachers that I really liked and started looking into their doctrine more and came across unconditional election. I knew that I didn’t believe what they were saying, but I heard several of them speak on this chapter, and I couldn’t find anyone who was refuting their interpretation of this chapter specifically rather than the concept of unconditional election. It got to the point where I was on my knees crying and praying to God to show me the truth of who He was because unconditional election did not seem like the God who loved me while I was still a sinner and sent His son to die for the whole world, and yet, I could not see how else to read this chapter other than how the Calvinists were reading it. Right after praying that prayer, God led me to your video. Your analysis completely reaffirmed my trust in who God is. You are an answer to a very desperate prayer! May God bless you and your ministry.


I thought this was really helpful, thanks. I’m not a Calvinist, but I have to say that I find their teaching compelling, though not entirely convincing. This sort of material is great. My understanding of this is that the major flaw with the Calvinist view of this passage, is that they believe the passage is about salvation, when its actually about the lineage of the promise. It’s a good starting point fo rme, so thanks and God bless.


I'm revisiting Calvinism after studying it 15 years ago. This was such a great talk. I listened a second time, this time taking notes and following along in my Bible. Thank you for great clarity and walking through this challenging text and through the rest of the Scriptures to give more context and understanding! 📖


In order to understand Romans chapter 9, you have to read the whole epistle, as well has have at least a basic understanding of the historical context, what Paul is really talking about, and to *whom* he is speaking.


"what do you do with Romans 9?" It's easy! I read the rest of the Bible too!


Galatians 3:29 King James Version (KJV)

29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.


While you didn't convince me to abandon my calvinist interpretation of this text, I do appreciate your humble, non-confrontational approach and your embracing calvinists as your brothers and sisters in Christ.


This was awesome brother Mike. I was reading Romans 9-11 and had so many questions that you definitely answered and it made so much sense. God bless you brother


Loving these videos on Romans. I have several dear Calvinistic friends, but I have struggled with their theology. These videos have been quite helpful in sorting through some of their claims


I was raised in a non religious catholic family. Went to church once a year on Christmas until I was 6 or 7 and couldn't care less about what was said. I knew very little about God. I had a very frightening physical experience at 36 years old that I did not fully understand. Before this experience I did cry out to God because of something that I did not understand at the time. Today I follow the God of the bible and fully believe that my heart was changed because of that experience. I pieced things together over many months and realized that everything that was happening to me was explained in the Bible. I do believe that we can not receive God unless He pulls us forward. It just so happens that Calvinism seems to recognize my situation better than other theologies, but I do understand why people don't accept it, as before my life changing experience I would have thought it was insane. God Bless
