Ep. 1: The Heart of Arminian Theology with Dr Leonard

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For more videos from Nicholas Noyola check out his channel here;

In this video me and Dr. Leonard cover a range of issues related to Arminian theology:

00:07- Dr. Leonard's Background
04:00- Romans 9 and the priority of faith
08:15- The neglect of Arminius in biblical studies
14:00- The Rise of Calvinism
17:00- 5 Myths about Arminianism
24:00- The Heart of Arminian Theology
35:50- Election in Ephesians 1
44:15- 3 books you must read

Authors Referenced:
Dr. Brian Abasciano

D.r Leroy Forlines

Dr. James Leonard

Dr. Ken Wilson

Dr. Robert Picirrili

Dr. Matthew Pinson

Dr. Roger Olson
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Wow, I love this and subscribed. I used to follow Dr. James Leonard's blog back when I was blogging. He was very gracious to follow me back, and also friended me on Facebook as did/were all the arminians. I found that even when arminians held differing views, they were gracious. I believe that I am headed back into the fold gentlemen. I never left the theology, just the debate.


Had to add, one thing I hear about a lot is that we believe in a "works based salvation". I tell them: "no I don't believe anyone is saved by their good, but rather anyone who is lost, is lost because of their bad works".


My sentiments exactly, they don't read anyone but their own theologians, Wesley/Arminian theology is not allowed. As one said of Fletcher's checks, "I don't dare read them or I will be convinced". All I've ever heard on the radio, on TV, modern devotionals, and etc... have been from the TULIP/OSAS standpoint, no other voice is allowed publicly, or you will be "canceled".


Does he believe one can lose, leave, forfeit salvation?


Instead of saying “partial regeneration, ” why don’t we just say “fertilization” and “gestation” ? I’m not saying we need to use these terms, but if we believe that salvation is a new birth, there’s a process that leads to birth (fertilization, conception, gestation). And this process can be aborted, result in miscarriage, or a still birth. Therefore, the “grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men” (Titus 2:11), yet not all are saved.


"For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous." Romans 2:13


Other than Wesley, who would be 18th and 19th century figures one could read to better see the Arminian position?



The irony of citing Paul in Romans 9 about those who believed they were the Hebrew elect by ethnic birth and not sons of Abraham by faith! Why do I say irony? Because when Saul of Tarsus was breathing out the arrest and prosecution of believing Jews to be put to death, HE HIMSELF, had no CHOICE in his conversion! When the KING of KINGS calls, people listen, then obey the call! Acts 9. Paul is among every single true believer, OT or NT. Moses was appointed from birth, Jeremiah, etc., ad infinitum. Your errors are like those of the Hebrew Roots ministry. You twist and distort Scripture, by focusing on select verses, to your own and others destruction. And it originates with your view of the fall in the garden and the doctrine of original (and imputed) sin. Gal. 1:15 But when it pleased God, who SEPARATED ME FROM MY MOTHER'S WOMB and called me through His grace, The tension between divine Sovereignty and human responsibility is real. The difference is that the Sovereign LORD knows the end from the beginning, and we do not! A will in bondage to sin is set free by the only means possible, THE CALL OF GOD. Indeed, Paul was a murderer converted by divine intervention and became an Apostle by the will of HIS MASTER! It's the only explanation! Paul's will was to persecute: God's will was to fulfill the call on Paul's life to accomplish the WILL of Yahweh! Oh, the irony! Yet you fools will disregard the obvious and clear meaning of the Word of God, seen in the quid pro quo of the atonement! The legal exchange that took place was a penal and substitutionary exchange. Jesus made PROPITIATION, that is, He turned away the wrath of God upon those for whom He died! For whom did He die? Their names are written in the Lamb's book of Life, written before the foundation of the world. The Trinity explains how this is so. The Father did not DIE, the Son did not elect, nor did the Holy Spirit. The Father and the Son do not quicken or seal, that is the work of the Holy Spirit! The doctrine of salvation is by the inseparable works of the Trinity! The Father alone elects, the Son of God redeems (is crucified), and the Holy Spirit quickens and seals. Proof text and manipulate context all you want; you misconstrue and deny the truth! It is the only way you can deny what I am saying above.


None of those Amazon links work. Could you update that please?
