Quitting Sugar: Cold Turkey vs. Cutting Back

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When you cut sugar out of your diet, weight loss becomes much easier. But, sugar is addictive. When you stop using it, your body goes into withdrawal, and you feel terrible.

So, what is the best way to break free from sugar? Are you better off going cold turkey (i.e. stopping all at once) or easing yourself off of it by reducing the amount of sugar I eat?

In this video, I discuss both options to help you decide your best path to a sugar-free life.

You’ll learn...
*If I recommend going cold turkey or reducing your intake
*If sugar substitutes are effective for break your sugar addiction
*2 tricks that will make your switch to a sugar-free life much easier

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Disclaimer: Dr. Becky Gillaspy, DC received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991. Her use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to herself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Gillaspy was a licensed chiropractor in Pennsylvania, but she no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Gillaspy and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Dr Becky Fitness LLC and Dr. Rebecca Gillaspy, D.C. are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any conclusions drawn, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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I can adhere to this, stopped eating sugar for 13 days exactly, no desire to eat sugar. But also I felt emptiness inside. So I can understand why I got addicted to sugar in the first place. This also requires a lifestyle change. Or else you will force yourself to eat sugar to cope with the emptiness. This has just been my experience.


I quit all at once. The worse is friends wanting you to try just a little bit. I say if I try it, I’ll go home and lick the sugar bowl. One piece sends me over the top. Lost 64 pounds.


The more sugar you eat the more you crave. This is great for diabetics. Doctors do not tell diabetics you have to withdraw from it. Thank you on behalf of diabetics.


Definitely a sugar-holic here! No such thing as cutting back for me, had to go cold turkey. Been sugar free 3 weeks, lost 12 lbs so far.


Here's what worked for me
First I quit soft drinks but still had sweet tea. Lemonaide, etc. Then I quit corn syrup and only ate things containing real sugar.. Then I gradually reduced sugar consumption and replaced it with whole fruit. Now, most things I used to like are too sweet for me to enjoy and I choose the healthier option because it just tastes better.


I’m pre-diabetic. I almost quit cold turkey except that I eat grapes. Tonight I was so desperate for something sweet that I ate one grape. That satisfied the sweet tooth completely! I’m 72 years old! This addiction is extremely difficult to overcome!


I'm I real sugar addict and I know from past experiences I'll have to go cold turkey, one piece of cake leads to a whole cake.


I've tried so many cold turkeys, lasted around 2 days tops. I've just accepted moderation is best, and it's best not to overthink what I'm eating/what I'm missing out on


I went cold turkey, and in a successive unbroken time line, found out that a hurricane was heading my way, dealt with the hurricane, downed trees, 6 days with no electricity, 8 days with no internet or phone, a one week visit from my difficult in laws and didn't cave in. My dad in law literally held a homemade lemon meringue pie 6 inches from my face. I stood up and left the room. It's hard but its getting easier.


That is the key phrase here "you won't be fighting your biochemistry, and that will make you a lot stronger" true! I'm on day 13 of Keto and I can honestly say that I can stare down a bag of chips or a plate of cookies and have no desire to eat them. I have a lot of weight to lose, but so far so good. Down 7lbs since beginning on April 21, 2018. Thanks to 2 Fit Docs - you really showed me how easy it was to just begin. I've been so sick for so long and I can feel my strength returning. 😊😊


My first detox from sugar was at 28, almost 40 years ago. I allowed myself to eat a small apple when the urge hit. Some days I ate 4. With what I know now, not the best. But it kept me from running to the vending machine at work. I am an addict who battles my sugar demon regularly.


Dr. Becky you just gorgeous in purple. Soft spoken and kindhearted. I love your kind and soft way of talking. Lovely hands. What you say gathers full attention.
Be healthy be happy,


That is all I did was quit sugar cold turkey and since then I went from a L to a S shirt size and dropped 5 pant sizes, all in four months. That was last May and since then I’ve maintained and now have some sugar but never to the levels I used to have before. The thing I found is that I had a lot of room to reduce my sugar. I used to drink soda everyday and had a sweet tooth for kit kats and other candies. So simply cutting these out was bound to lead to weight loss and it did. Some people who saw my progress wanted to try the same but they simple didn’t have the excess sugar that I used to consume so there wasn’t much for them to cut out. I guess in their case the problem is carbs which I don’t think people associate with sugar. The pastas and starchy foods etc.


I found that my addiction to sugar was more psychological than chemical. I was addicted to sweetness, whether sugar or other sweeteners, but the artificial sweeteners triggered a sugar binge. I'd be good all day, but when I tasted the Diet Pepsi I immediately turned toward the deserts. I had to break from artificial sweeteners to break the addiction to sweetness. After a few weeks without any sweet foods I was able to use artificial sweeteners without triggering a sugar binge. Hard weeks, but life is better on the other side.
The psychological struggle takes longer than the chemical withdrawal symptoms. I realized I could have no self-respect or pride if I let myself be at the mercy of a self-destructive habit. That gave me the stubbornness to see it through.


I’ve been sugar free since January 2017. I can’t even watch this video because it makes me remember how much I loved chocolate.


Thank you Becky, for adding your personal struggle with sugar addiction...it gave me the added hope I needed to understand that it is attainable! Your videos are excellent!


When I quit sugar my health improved almost immediately and I felt better. Cholesterol and triglycerides dropped into the normal range and the doc took me off high blood pressure meds. Problem is I relapsed and I'm back on sugar. Cholesterol and triglycerides are back up and I'm back on high blood pressure meds. This video will give me the kick start I needed, I'm going to quit sugar, this time for good.


I have passed through that sugar withdrawal symptoms. it was difficult at the beginning but I gradually limiting my carb intake as well. Dr Becky has given us lots of knowledge and motivate me to lead myself tosugar free lifestyle. Thanks a million Dr Becky.❤️


Thanks for posting. All true in my experience. Nine weeks no sugar and down 25 lbs.


Sugar IS a drug... I've been off sugar for 2and a half months, did cold turkey, along with no carbs, started low carb food plan! I'm a hope to die sugar addict with a very high tolerance for it! So no sugar for 2&1/2 months, healthy low carb food plan, eating clean and healthy, veg, moderate protein, fats, down 30 lbs and never felt better !!! Thank goodness for Dr. Becky who makes freedom from food addictions and gives us healthy life choices with love and understanding❤️❤️❤️❤️so grateful!!! With love, Sue
