What is Gastritis? | The GutDr Explains (3D Gut Animation)

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Gastritis is an important, common, and often poorly understood condition. In this 3D animation, join Dr. Vincent Ho as he explains what exactly happens inside your body with gastritis.

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The GutDr (Dr. Vincent Ho) is passionate about providing credible, accurate information about the gut, and educating people to maintain a healthy and happy gut. This YouTube channel will provide informational videos about the gut, and also answer your questions!

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gastritis treatment, diet, pain, causes, symptoms, gastro, gerd, heartburn, heart burn, burp, burping, sick, sickness, ill, gut health, gut dr, gutdr, swallowing, belly, colon, small intestines, acidic, barretts oesophagus, peristalsis, cancer, stomach cancer,
food, digestion, 3d medical animation, intestine, throat, inside the stomach
Рекомендации по теме

To heal Gastiritis u should follow these:
Good sleep
Light food
Stop overeating
Stick to alkaline diet
Limit stress
Don’t eat when sun is set
Go to bed early at night that really helped me get better
Eat more fruits like apples vegetables like zucchini, carrots. If you eat broccoli it might cause ibs if you have gastritis, so just stick to the veggies that are easy on your stomach. Everything intense will delay the healing process especially exercise. So just keep things simple.


My gosh, the intense pain was unimaginable at 4am in the morning. Mylanta is the only OTC medication that will sooth gastritis. Mylanta is a miracle liquid drug.


It’s the most painful feeling I have ever felt in my life. I think I’m slowly getting over it. Been dealing with it for almost 3 weeks now.


I was diagnosed with this condition and adjusted my diet. I felt much better after changing my eating habits. That said, this video provided visual aid which managed to be informative yet disturbing. But I think it is good for people to know.


I just had an endoscopy today and saw on my discharge papers gastric atrophy biopsied…this video was helpful in seeing what has been going on in my stomach…I hope I can heal it tok prevent further damage…thank you for this wonderful video…


Thank you doctor, perhaps you can create a video on a diet that people with chronic gastritis can take to help their condition. Foods and drinks to avoid, food and drinks to take. Finally, what is the correlation between stress and gastritis and chronic prolonged stress on this condition? And what can we do to improve this condition after eliminating H. pylori with antibiotics?


Thank you for this video, I have suffered since I was 12 with my digestive system . Gastritis is now another gut problem I seem to suffer with. Please do a video on stomach bloating, It is a living nightmare for me. Many blessings


Based on your presentation skills, surely you will become one of most subscribed youtubers in the world. keep up doc 👍


Thank you so much for this video I just had an endoscopy and colonoscopy yesterday and waiting for more results this has been very helpful and I know things that I've been eating and doing and drinking has did nothing but you know damage to what I've already had thank you so much and I will be following you


After breaking down information, it would be helpful to have a section of what to do improve say mucus in the stomach. Like does alkaline water not help when undergoing this type of injury?


As always, thank you for all of your videos. Between gastritis, inflammation and Barrett’s esophagus, now I have MALS. It’s no wonder I’m still in such pain. My gastroenterologist is PHENOMENAL and so are you! Headed to a vascular surgeon soon. Thanks again!


I’ve had chronic Gastritis after having Gallbladder removed. I was sent to Stanford Hospital to have a scope test looking at the inside of my stomach. The doctor asked if I wanted to see the inside it looked like raw meat. The doctor called it Alkaline Gastritis.


I'm a medical student and I also wanna become a gastroenterologist. ✨


Thank you doc for this well presented animation helping me understand gastritis better. Was exposed to toxic chemicals for a year then took 8 aspirin per day during the cv pandemic.. Didn't understand it then. Was experiencing anxiety and depression symptoms and every food I was sensitive to. 2.5 years later and multiple infections reducing this protective layer I had a scope done this year revealing gastritis. Went on nsaids and antibiotics. Helped clear up inflammation and bacteria. Could eat most things again but 2 months later it was back.. The chronic fatigue was draining until I decided to do SPM (highly concentrated fish oil) from metagenics to clear the inflammation as well as 2 cups a day of liquorice root tea and symptoms have reduced by 70%..wow it really feels good to have my life back and not feel stressed and dehydrated all the time.. I'm sure more than anything it was the liquorice root tea that helped encouragement of mucus cells to produce that is giving me much relief.


Doc you did an excellent job! These 3D animations are big time!


Wonderful explanation Doctor. Thank you.


I recently had a very bad stress induced gastritis. I’m not sure if that’s it. Covid test negative. Not the flu. It’s the same M.O… severe stomach and back spasms for 18 hours. I’ve had this happen once a year only for the last 6 years. I’ve had horrible dry heaving and constantly running to the bathroom with watery diarrhea.

18 hours of the spasms and vomiting… finally subsided. Been an entire week of this trying to recover. The 5th day diarrhea finally slowed. Urgent care wouldn’t be able to do anything. I could have gone to emergency. But they are so backed up.

Ive always had IBS -D. I just
road it out. It usually would only take a full day to recover. But this time, it took a whole week. I’m exhausted. Finally able to eat a little, force fluids… gently, because coffee has damaged my stomach lining.

I eat horribly. I have always been a sensitive person and stressed. I wish I knew what this was . Please private message me as I won’t see anyone’s comments or suggestions. Patty Waska
Thank you


I understand very well, the pain is unbearable, i have been living with this re_ occurring pain since 2005


I just got it from anxiety and stress, it's getting managed with meds and info from doctors, but it keeps fueling my anxiety and it's so hard to deal with.


Hi Doc, I'm a Travel Nurse working in the ER. When I'm discharging a pt, handing them their paperwork, reading the d/c dx and doing a little and answering their last questions, , I'm starting to see a lot of "Duodenitis". I'm used to seeing...."Gastritis" for over 2 decades. I'm curious as to why the rise in this new dx over the past 2 yrs.
