Four Subtypes of Sadistic Personality

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Sadistic personality can be characterised by someone deriving pleasure when imposing pain, distress and discomfort on others. It is also a way of asserting dominance over others. Included as a personality Disorder in DSM in 1987, it was later dropped since DSM 4, and is often seen as a co morbid with other personality disorders. In this video Darren Magee outlines the four subtypes of Sadistic Personality as suggested by Theodore Millan. The four being Spineless Sadism, Tyrannical Sadism, Enforcing Sadism and Explosive Sadism.

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it's a lonely road when you can't explain to others how you've been targeted by these kinds of people.. you kinda just have to stand your ground against the perpetrator and quietly let them know that you know.. plausible deniability will always win. and you'll always look like the nutty one if you flip your lid.. i feel this is what 'the meek shall inherit' means.. good luck to anyone out there battling this. you're not alone. and you're not crazy.


I have a friend with some minor sadistic impulses, so this video is interesting as I think about him. He doesn't possess the distinct traits of any of these four types, but I expect that is mostly because they were discussed in the video in terms of their extremes. He's not overly controlling, explosive, domineering, verbally abusive, or physically violent. He genuinely doesn't want to be destructive to others. But he's expressed enjoyment in hearing others scream, seeing fear in their eyes, etc. From what I understand, he's experienced a lot of abandonment over the years. People claiming to be friends then leaving him, deaths and suicides of friends, etc. He feels like he has no control, so when he sees people in helpless situations at his mercy or the mercy of someone else, he feels vindicated, as though others' pain and lack of control are a justified punishment for the suffering that he himself has endured. I could be wrong about one thing or another, but I've known him for a while and he's a decent guy. Just a lot of internal struggles.


I've been at the mercy of 3 of these sadistic types, some overlap. They are skilled in hiding their demons instead of battling them. Equally a sociopathic tyrant can fool many as may have all the 'counselling speak' and can produce tears on demand (recovered instantly when not effective). Wow, thank God I got out alive! They are still firing bullets and are mercilessly vindictive. Escape quietly, whatever the cost save your soul and your children. Thank you for the video, new sub.


I was raised amongst them and now I am one of them. At least I found bdsm and choose to be honest with people and do it consensually. I won't hurt anyone like it happened to me. It's weak.


I enjoy analyzing sadistic psychoes. I find pleasure knowing who such individuals are, actually they are very weak individuals who are threatened by someone else's success or even happiness & joy bc even if sadists are successful they want to break down a normal person to a breaking point so the sadist appears doing better


I came here after my 63-year-old Father offered to give me 1000 dollars to make a random Kid cry. I asked him why and his answer was "Because it would be funny!". He also kept videos of me as a kid getting hurt (as opposed to me being happy) because he thought it was funny. Scary I'm related to that...


In my experience, a person's preference for violent entertainment is a big red flag, violent movies, video games, and the like. At the same time, they may show contempt for plots centered around character development, learning and personal growth. Entertainment preferences are an easy enough thing to learn about a new acquaintance, as an early warning sign.


Sadistic and seduction goes hand in hand for them.


This video 100% perfectly describes my former physical therapist, who intentionally hurt me (made me bleed) when I was in treatment with him, he hacked my cell phone, both my laptops, and my parent's phones as well, and committed multiple HIPAA violations against me, spreading rumors to my employers and university that damaged my reputation and made everyone treat me like garbage. He has a need for 100% absolute power and domination and listens like a hawk for anything even slightly offensive I might say around my devices so that he can spread it around to my university and employers so they can pass judgement and passive aggressive actions towards me, what's so incredibly rich is many of the things he tried to "cancel" me for are things he does all the time, he's a vindictive hypocrite and meeting him is the biggest regret of my life. He's a monster. He has taken years off the end of my life. He has driven me to multiple suicide attempts, constantly encourages my suicide through social media, and leaves objects on my property symbolic of my suicide. He completely lacks self-awareness and has a need to humiliate and put down others to feel better about himself and gain satisfaction. I am beyond traumatized by his actions. I wish I never met him. I feel hopeless. I wish I never met him.


Online sadism is really difficult to escape from. You can leave a site, or the internet as a whole but they will continue destroying your reputation because they know it harms you


Darren, Speak on self protection for a target when it's a next door neighbor guilty of numerous serious crimes of theft & killing animals. Yet she has a criminal network of associates that has been manipulated against me. Plus she claims to be a witch.
Forget involving police, as she's positioned herself as a victim & has claimed me to be mentally ill.
Her covert tactics are deep.


1- Spineless sadist
2- Tyrannical sadist
3- Enforcing sadist
4- Explosive sadist


Your videos are always spot on. You have an incredible way of describing the exact descriptions of what I’ve witnessed, felt, been victim to, and live with, with these people. The sadistic smirk is beyond unnerving to watch when they know they’ve caused harm. You can’t explain this, to the normal person….they have to see it for themself. This creates a lonely bubble that you get trapped in, with the perpetrator…and the victim.


I am a sadist. Iv come to recognise this in myself. I enjoy inflicting pain and spessificaly distress. As a child I did some vile things that I knew were wrong. As a teen I engaged in subtle neglectful behaviour to cause distress. I took every chance I could to make a single but biting verbal jab that I knew would really hurt someone. Typically those closest to me as it'd hurt them more. As an adult I try as hard as I can not to cause harm and suffering. I will defend myself but I try to deescalate as quickly as I can. The urges are still there, they come and go. But I think I'm doing well monitoring any subconscious motives. Sometimes I slip up, spessificaly when I feel like I have been vexed on purpose.

The reason I avoid causing harm and distress is simple, I tend to feel guilty once I'm in a calm and orderly head space and I also want to avoid consequence and don't see indulging such urges as worth it compared to potential reprocussions. That and when I witness others doing the things I desire to do I don't feel jealousy, just disgust and outrage.

I probbably need a therapist.


How do you distinguish between a sociopath and a sadist? Or is a sadist a subtype of a sociopath? Both seem to have no remorse and enjoy seeing the detrimental effects (suffering, etc.) of their actions in their victims.


I worked with a sadistic person. Management was too lily liveried to fire the dude! Consequently many employees suffered for years!


Careers in military and law enforcement tend to attract people with this type of personality.


Wow, Thanks so much for the videos.They are helping me understand a few things a lot better.Very interesting.Thanks for taking the time to do this..


My sibling with narcissism definitely has a sadistic street. They enjoy inflicting mental or emotional pain.
