Phil In The Blanks Podcast | The Most Dangerous Kind of Narcisst

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Phil In The Blanks Podcast | The Most Dangerous Kind of Narcisst

Learn about malignant narcissists, individuals who believe that the world is out to get them and they must get others first. Plus, learn about psychopaths, who often display similar characteristics, and why it’s important to recognize and avoid them.
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They're not all men. I am a female and I live with a female housemate who is a malignant narcissist. Never met anyone like her, and I hope to never meet another like her ever again in my life. RUN AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE AS FAST AS YOU CAN.


He's telling it straight. My father as a malignant narc. I remember as a teen I had a go bag in case things got too bad. I remember being terrified to have to go to the kitchen and get a drink of water. Whenever I heard his car come in the driveway I'd be in a total meltdown panic. I remember once he 'caught' me doing my homework with a light on so I could see and he absolutely FLEW into a RAGE at me for wasting his money on the electricity needed for that one light bulb. He refused to pay for heat (I live in Canada. It gets down to -20 C in the dead of winter where I grew up). He refused to pay for clothes for me or food.

Years later I visited him as an adult and he said 'I want to apologize to you, you don't realize the impact you have on people' I was shocked! Five seconds later? He goes 'Now you apologize to me!' I was like 'what??' "you!" he snarled at me "YOU had an attitude!" um....I guess? Because most people don't like being horrifically abused?!?!

All I can say about that creature is it's a shame he hadn't been sterilized before I'd been born. I wish I'd been adopted into a loving family. Instead I got stuck being dragged through a living nightmare.

Toward the end of his life, my aunt tried to help him. She and her husband took him into their home. They were both in the military. Her husband had been to Afganistan no less than 15 times as part of a special forces unit. He said "Your father was the type of person to s1it someone's throat and not bat an eye. He was dangerous". From all the things that man had seen and from all the PTSD he has from the war, even HE could see how dangerous my father was and he and my aunt had to get him out of their house because he was so unsafe.


yep, my stepdad used to beat me and choke me with belts then say I deserved it because I’m disrespectful, a true narcissist


My mom would BRAG about what she did to her children to her friends at the countryclub decades after the abuse. She asked her tennis partner to look at my hair and see how thin it is, and then told her it was because she used to grab me by the hair and shake me back and forth, and that's why my hair is so thin. She talked about it to them, in front of me as an early 30's adult, as if it was a badge of honor for her. She had ZERO remorse. Pure entitlement. No embarassment. No remorse. I haven't seen or spoken to her since 2004.

My paternal grandmother told me that she drove 1600 miles, one way, a year or so after I cut her off and moved, and she went to the registrars office at UC Berkeley demanding they give her my home address and my transcripts. Apparently they told her something akin to, "Your daughter is a 40 year old adult woman. If she wanted to have contact with you, I'm sure she would find you." lol

She didn't stop there, though. She then contacted my insurance company, gave them my social security number, her maiden name, the name of my first pet, etc. trying to con them into giving them my home address. The insurance company called me to warn me that someone was trying to "steal my identity". They told me "a woman called with all your personal information pretending to be your mother...". I had to try to get them to understand that my mother was a very sick, entitled woman, and that she wasn't like the mother most people think about but one of the abusive mothers people see on the nightly news. The insurance rep was speechless. I told the rep that I'm so glad that they don't understand because I wouldn't wish a mother like her on any child.

As narcissistic as my mother is, her own mother was much worse than she. She was as caustic and toxic human being as I've ever seen, thriving on gossip, alcohol, and trips to Vegas in her 70s. She died a horrible death from pancreatic cancer, and she actually deserved every bit of that agonizing death she had.

I'm so relieve I didn't turn out like either of them. Sadder still, I didn't get the worst of the abuse, my older brother was the scapegoat. I ws the youngest.

There was financial abuse, as well. After my father died when I was 15, and my paternal grandfather died when I was 16, she became the "trustee" for my college fund that my paternal grandfather saved for me. She spent about $22K of the $25K I as given by my father's father.

This is next level entitlement with all kind of sadism, and they truly ENJOY abusing others. They really savor it.


The more unconditional love and support I gave the more mentally abusive, devious, cruel and dangerous he became. Divorced and No Contact period. No knowledge of his whereabouts or current life by design. It’s the only way to freedom and peace. And a new start:)


Malignant narcs can play heads games to the point of making you lose your mind... And identy. These guys need to be prosecuted much more than they are.


The Most Dangerous Narcissist is The One You Least Suspect of Being a Dangerous Narcissist.
The Smart ones Don't Get Caught. 😢❤


Quote Dr. Phil, "There major attitude is- Get them before they get me." This is what explains that feeling you get when dealing with a narc, that sets off an alarm in your gut, while you are thinking what is going on for me to be getting this behavior, what is this person attacking me for, well here we have it, thank you. Get them before they get me.

He also says they don't change, have no remorse, and abuse works. Wake up society!


Physical abusers are despicable, my father was one, he never apologised. My mother in law has never physically abused me, but the abuse I’ve suffered from her has been much much worse. Very covert and very deniable. Sneaky and underhanded spreading lies and distorting the truth.. turning people against me when from when I was just in my early 20’s and just a very shy introvert, without the wherewithal to counter such an attack.


Married to covert malignant narc police officer. When I sought divorce, he tried to kill me by tampering with my car which lost control on a freeway. Later he tried to cause a house fire messing w the wiring.


My insane mother and older half-brother are both malignant narcissists in spades. Psychopaths, really. If I told you the things they did to me you might not believe me. And in their crazy insane brains, or what passes for brains, they both view themselves as completely innocent and have no idea why so many people hate their guts. As one example, the older half brother is a convicted child rapist who spent fifteen years in prison in Tennessee, after being found out for not even one percent of all the psycho things he's done in his life. And in his sick brain everybody should feel sorry for him. He and the psychotic mother both are convinced that the universe owes them a huge apology, even though they are two of the craziest, most violent people you could ever meet. What Dr. Phil says here about the totally unapologetic nature of these people is absolutely correct. If you bring up any of the things they've done they will act as though *they* are being pushed around. In their demented minds they are always, always the victim, no matter what.


And yet very few therapists want to believe it when they see it.


They don’t see any need to change because they actually believe what they so easily spew out and don’t believe they have a problem. Everyone else is always the problem.


@ 5:21 = "... you aint gonna change these people..."

Absolutely true! And they know exactly what they are doing when they create chaos in our lives.


This is my exhusband to a T. The excuse he used for his cruelity is spot on and he would laugh at me when he was done. He put me through hell. He thankfully left in 2011 but not until he started the smear campaign with my kids. My kids are my heart and he knows that so he makes sure they have nothing to do with me. They hate me. Every year he just gets meaner. I was married to that cruel man for 27 years. And by the way he retired last year as a warden. I have lived your resesrch. They don't change. They don't care. They use and abuse for their win


Dr Phil I was born 1975. I remember as a kid being terrified at the old blacknwhite horror films like Dracula and Body snatchers. I married a covert narrsisist (female) and after the dust settled I feel the same terror that these people walk among us. Thank you for helping people understand. ✌️


Watching these are so crazy. Hearing a complete stranger describe my Father and the exact words he told me and everyone else. Thank god I'm out of there, I will never ever go back. My enabling family pulled me back before, never again.


So 37 years later, especially the past 8 years, our marriage is over. Let's call him "the slick one" because it wasn't until I was fully trapped, that he revealed his true self. "Do narcissists get worse with age, " is a common theme, or did they just not care about hiding anymore? My question is how 🤔 do I heal? Forgiveness is the easy part when you know someone is mentally ill. Healing myself, I've found is the hardest part. I'm divorced from a man who's goal was to possess, then destroy me. I still find myself worrying about him. How messed up is that! And I'm trying not to care, but it's like my brain is on auto programming or something. I think leaving is/was the hardest part, even though some freedom has followed. Can you please do a podcast that deals with healing from narcissistic abuses? Thank you for your podcasts.


I was told that every time he put his hands on me, it was always my fault!


What’s Truly sad. . .These Arrogant, belligerent dark triad dwelling malignant narcissists need to change you. Because things are broken.
