The Four Dark Personality Traits

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Dr Peterson and Dr. Delroy discuss the 4 dark personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, sadism, and psychopathy.

Dr. Delroy Paulhus is a personality researcher whose work in dark personality traits, via a variety of psychometric methods, has yielded measures of the Dark Tetrad. His work has also validated measures of socially desirable responding, perceived control, free will and determinism, and over-claiming. His work has been published in over 150 articles and books, and his current citation count exceeds 43,000.



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I did an experiment years ago... I took an online version of the dark triad and tucked the results away. A couple months later I drank a half rack of IPA and took the test again with all the questions sorted differently. In my mind before hand, I figured I would be 10-15 percent, but certainly not over 20 percent more evil when under the influence of alcohol... The actual results socked me, I was 50 percent more evil when I had an alcohol buzz... And that is why I don't drink.


I've met a few REAL psycho/socio paths in my life. I'm telling you, they cannot be helped. I'm sorry, but it's best to just leave them be. I'm talking about a person who is genuinely incapable of empathy or sympathy, and sometimes they don't even know anything is wrong with their behavior. Yeah, they excel in business and administrative positions, but that's only because they don't hesitate to run over others.


I've always noticed that most people love getting the chance to be mean as long as they have a perceived moral justification. They get off on it and relish the opportunity to humiliate or damage someone as long as they're not judged by their peers.


"Always be prepared for the worst in people" Niccola Machiavelli


Beat me beat me cried the masochist. No, no said the sadist.

On a more serious note, power strongly attracts sociopaths, which is why we get so many bad politicians. Most of us just want to live out our lives in peace.


Delroy made an interesting point about how the crowd cheers for the violence in the hockey fight, but once someone is clearly hurt they hush, their enjoyment turning to empathy. I think this is similar to how normal people can enjoy the sadism contained within fiction (Mortal Kombat, Game of Thrones, etc.), yet be repulsed by real life violence. There's a "safe zone" of violence, a line where our innate sadism ends and our empathy begins. Personally, I love gory movies yet I can't stomach the local evening news.


The scary thing is the way that social media can corale these types of people into these pathological communities.


I'm a veteran and unfortunately have been diagnosed with severe PTSD. What is most frightening is knowing I have killed thousands either by my physical hands or a bomb loaded by my crew and finding rest in the midst of the moral distaste. At times I indulge the thought of their bodies being burned and torn limb from limb and fantasize about being more morally bankrupt than I already am. I hate that about myself. I tell myself that isn't me and I can overcome the evil thoughts. Thankfully, I have God. Without Him, there is no help innocent people. As Paul said " I do the things I do not want to do, and the things I want to do, I do not do. It is no longer I, but the sin that is in me. " When Paul asked for the thorn to be removed, God said no, His grace is sufficient. Thank God it is, for my own soul and the innocent, thank God.


Every time somebody chooses to pull out their cell phone and start recording somebody in trouble who could really use some help. Sadism.


Interesting conversation. We are not to rejoice in others misfortunes. We offer assistance and prayers. Thank you Jordan ✝️❤️


For some reason, I'm imagining these two scholars as medieval monks in the 8th century meeting and sharing their findings on demonic possession by candlelight. Each eagerly listens to the other as they discuss the laborious translation of old, weathered tomes, and the challenge of ascertaining applicable nuance from the very general and poetic descriptions of different spiritual disorders.


Mortal Kombat didn't plant the seed, it simply appealed to something that's inside of all of us.


I sat on the sidewalk with a homeless older black man one Saturday night in a busy area of town and it was a shocking experience; multiple people that walked by throughout the night hurled vicious curses and threats at this man with absolutely no provocation. The man wasn’t begging, blocking the path, saying anything to anyone, or doing anything at all other than merely existing. It was utterly horrifying, gut-wrenching, and awful to witness. It nearly brings me to tears to this day when I think about it. The man told me that it was a normal every day part of life for him. Sadism, and evil, are very real. When your gut tells you that someone is evil, I would listen to your gut. There are some people that just almost have no soul for lack of a better term. They’re almost not fully human; more like a reptile; no feeling or warmth behind their eyes. They’re incapable of doing anything that’s truly altruistic. They’re too primitive for that. They’re constantly looking to obtain and/or protect things, experiences, influence, and statuses that satiate their appetites. Simply avoid these people at all costs and pour all your energy into the opposite kind of people.


Most psychopaths simply do not care about punishment and simply don't fear any possible punishment. Many psychopaths tend to relish the chaos and disruptive effects of their actions. I've known a few of them in my lifetime, mostly in my own family. It's not that they don't learn from the punishment they receive, it's more like they don't fear what can be handed down as a punishment. Most people that are psychopaths know what they are and usually take pride in being the evil of the world... Just our take on it.


I am married to a sociopath/ASPD/NPD in my life. they cannot be helped. I'm sorry, but it's best to just leave them be. I'm talking about a person who is genuinely incapable of empathy or sympathy, and sometimes they don't even know anything is wrong with their behavior. They are heavily overrepresented in leadership positions even though all are underdiagnosed as they believe that they are perfect. Yes they excel in business but that's only because they don't hesitate to run or climb over others and have no moral compass.


I did my undergrad in Psych in the Vancouver area. All of my Professors talked about Dr. Robert Hare as if they were talking about a rock star. He was the Elvis of the Vancouver Psychology scene.


As a long time player of Magic the Gathering, I've noticed over time that those who play strictly control decks have sadistic tendencies. I'm talking about people that only run control cards and have no other win conditions built in. Literally they play MTG for the sole purpose of not letting their opponents play or do anything (absolute control). They take pleasure in the fact that their opponents are wallowing in misery as they endure 40 or 50 turns of not getting to do anything, but wish the game was over, while also having hope that the game can somehow be won. Only to eventually lose by running out of cards.

It is my opinion that those who hold their opponents hostage in a match to watch them try to do anything and stopping all attempts at ending the game. These people have sadistic tendencies.

Esper control in particular is especially egregious. It is built specifically to do these things in a match: destroy all creatures, counter spells, gain life, look at opponents hand and discard before they can play anything. Let's make some connections: (destroy all creatures) in other words bring down everything the opponent has worked to achieve, (counter spells) denying them any chance of building themselves back up, (gain life) gaining so much life advantage over their opponents that they lose hope, (hand peeking/discard) when you're willing to go as far as invading someone's privacy and stealing or destroying their belongings in order to gain advantage over them. These type of people lack creativity and are sadistic.

I don't know... maybe I'm just a very sore loser 🤣.


I remember years ago reading Dr. M. Scott Peck's book, "People of the Lie" where he argued that there needed to be a new personality disorder, as in Evil Personality Disorder. Being raised by an evil parent, maybe I'm biased, but he convinced me.


I think the violence in video games and movies could be due to the fact that people need to vent. Some people cannot put into words as eloquently as others, so this type of violence to pixels on a screen is a good outlet. I also think that it shows just how much these people understand that such violence is not acceptable in real life, they are aware that it is a bad thing. That's why they only do it in a safe, controlled environment. It's because they're civilized and in need of such an outlet.
Or it can be chalked to a simpler explanation: morbid curiosity.


I cannot fully rationalize this, but I think it's very important that often, likely even in most cases- satisfaction in brutally murdering your opponent in a competitive video game has nothing to do with sadism and most of these people would never want to hurt a mouse.
