Sadistic Personality Types - Spineless sadism

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Spineless Sadism is a subtype of Sadistic Personality. Typical characteristics of sadism include getting pleasure from other people's suffering or asserting dominance through inflicting pain and humiliation and acts of aggression and violence.
The common traits of Spineless Sadism include being part of a larger group that bullies and abuses, gaining gratification from watching others in pain and distress and lying about their ability to inflict pain and misery.

Sadistic personality quite often co occurs with, among other things, narcissistic personality and psychopathy, and is one of four components of the Dark Tetrad.

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"..they get a kick out of disappointing people", and I got shivers: this sounds pretty nasty and sick. TY for your insights into these 'darker' sides of humans.


It really sucks when you face life having learned these behaviors as your “normal”. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger—- what a load of crap. What doesn’t kill you makes you the weirdo 9/10 times.


Oh, my goodness. I've had truly awful problems with my next door neighbour and this sums them up. I didn't come to this channel with them in mind but this is it in a nutshell. Some people are just evil. Interesting that they actually have labels!


I truly appreciate how spot on you are about narcissism and personality disorders. Thank you! The delivery is great and interesting as well.


BRILLIANT! I love the way you 'under-deliver' on this kind of vile behaviour - ive been on the sharp end of some horrific Spineless sadism. Once we really SEE whats going on - we can see them/it for what it is. Keep going; you ROCK!


I would love to see a video highlighting the dichotomy that many live under when their parents are well liked in the community but narcissistic behind closed door. My dad was a much admired doctor, my mum a justice of the peace. Terrible parents, both so angry and manipulative, but who would ever think that or believe me?


They spread ridiculous rumors about you in the workplace armed with a flying monkey. The moment you drop a single truth about them they are off and running to the bosses office to report you for ‘talking’ about their personal business


These traits sound like my dad, ex, and a female sibling of mine. In my case I think you have to be rather close to them as this behavior is subtle, they don't seem the type but they are. I've had ex "friends" like this too. Not necessarily in a group but acting out single handed.


Glad I got recommended this channel from the algorithm


Imagine being set up for a rape by your best friend who was comtrolling my lover the whole time. Buggery is a crime but unfortunately he got off due to my best friend withholding evidence. Not long after shacked up with her other friend. Bare in mind..they knew what happened to me. I'm out the other end now but still trying to shake off the cling on's. They had me in court 2 times, one for malicious communications and harrassment..I am writing about it. They don't want me to bring their shame and guilt up but they all abused me. It split this community. Me. I'm done with them all, but court will probably keep coming as long as I live hear so I'm leaving the country and will write from where I am going. They will not keep me down. I stand against sexual abuse and exploitation of children now at 52..they hate me because they know what they did..I'm 52 and stronger than before. I am an empath yes..but a very much more balanced one now.. they need the crowd. I'm on my own.


In my family, most laugh when someone is hurt. And, I realize that slap-stick comedy is a “thing” but it’s hard to reconcile in view of the many narcissists.


About the "if they get a kick out of dissapointing people" after having promised things, I think it's part that and part they want one to call and chase them down to make them feel needed. I dont do that but had to since he told me to buy computer parts and he would put them together but when they had arrived, he didnt so I was without a computer and had to call him about it, I never call otherwise because I dont want to disturb people. The way he replied was so sweet and "Ooh.." like he REALLY enjoyed me having to call him. It was validation for him.


This is so true! It's unnecessary cruelty


Drago mi je što ste pokrenuli ovaj kanal.


I have lived with a narc sadist, and my narc mother and covert narc MIL are both sadists.


Oh man...there are quite a few individuals I've come across who are spineless sadists. They definitely get great pleasure out of hurting others. It's scary when you think about it.


They get a kick out of disappointing people is so spot on. I have seen it first hand. Just so pathetic. 🤢


This is exactly a guy I was dating, he would even get aroused when I was upset. I thought he was an avoidant but knew something was off. Now it all makes sense.


Yeah..I see it through what happened to me. In a small town in N. Ireland it is very real


I found your video of the covert narcissist husband & stayed. I've seen other channels, but this would be 1 of 2 of the most accurate channels on this subject on YT. Has everything you need to educate & protect yourselves from getting involved with or in a relationship with these types (whether it's love or friendship.)
