Phil In The Blanks | 4 Kinds of Narcissists

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Navigating Narcissism
The term 'narcissist' is having a moment right now- but is the word being overused? It's important to know exactly who and what you are dealing with. An accurate, clear understanding of narcissistic behavior is essential to living with this condition.

Dr. Phil discusses narcissistic personality disorder and how to deal with individuals who exhibit this behavior. Narcissists have a pattern of grandiosity, lack empathy, and see themselves as superior. They can be difficult to confront since they manipulate and gaslight others. Dealing with narcissists involves setting boundaries and recognizing their behavior. Dr. Phil emphasizes the importance of protecting oneself, having a support system, and being aware of narcissistic behavior to prevent exploitation.
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When I was separating from a narcissist, I told him one time - 'You're wasting your time. I know exactly what you're doing, and it's not going to work'.
Instead of denying what he was doing, he said, 'If you didn't read those books, you wouldn't know!'
No shame or embarrassment. Just blaming the books, for shining the light on the manipulative behaviours.
That was probably the most honest moment between us. 😂


Thanks dr Phil. God save us, it is so mentally damaging trying to sift through their gaslighting and manipulating. Its gotten to the point where I just want to live in the mountains and get away from society. Its exhausting


Yes everything you have said is 💯 true! I have family members who are a narcissist and I have gone no contact. They are dangerous


100% it took me YEARS to figure it out


Thank you for talking about gaslighting


MeGain Markle to a Tee!
Almost every time she opens her mouth, she's talking about herself - how she's changed the world, stands for compassion & feminism, does good deeds for the poor etc.
The truth is, she's done virtually nothing, but twist the truth, and claim recognition for what other people have done.
In reality she's a bully, a narcissist, and has caused heaps of pain and suffering, to others.
She has no guilt, no shame, zero empathy.
Despite her actions being the very opposite of her words, millions of her followers actually do believe the lies, and manipulations.
They are either other narcissists, trying to keep the game going. Or just a naive target waiting to be conned.
Thank you, to Dr Phil for educating me, over the years. His shows have been a Godsend.
Love and best wishes to him, and all his family. ❤️


SPOT ON! Since I confronted my husband of 26 years - he has now become more frequent and consistent in his bad attitude.


My freaking mother! Doesn't matter if I am not the one calling them out. She will still take it out on me because I am the only family member who is going to therapy and carrying a diagnosis of PTSD because of her!


Meeting one is plenty for me. Thank you for this wonderful information. It has helped me and others. 🥰


so that last form of Narcissist... where i grew up the rich would build an addition on the YMCA or build a structure for the fairgrounds but they made sure that everyone new about it... there was always a placard saying who it was..


This video is for those people who don’t understand why people simply walk away and go no contact. It’s for those enablers and Pollyannas, that try to shoehorn victims into everything from an apologetic, fawning stance, where they need to beg to save an unsalvageable relationship, with a person, who will never improve and who will forever be abusive. For those who say the target or victim should keep trying and try a little harder. It is for those whose righteousness and assuredness is based upon sheer ignorance or even abuse by proxy.

If they can’t find their way to understanding what is really going on and that a victim NEEDS to leave that relationship, the best they they can do is to STFU and mind their business.


Great post! Never forget how the malignant narcissist tried to destroy Johnny physically, emotionally and his career. And she's still at it through her 39 mashed potato mouthpieces!


I am continuing to rebuild my life over and over again and being forced to repeatedly live through what a Narcissist I like to call "Darth Vader" did to me many years ago in the military. He and his "stormtroopers" (AKA Flying Monkeys) would tell everyone else the exact opposite that I would say about myself (and I also lived that truth I said about myself!). I continue to spread the word of the growing "pandemic" of narcissism and the growing number of videos on YouTube that more people should watch on the many subjects on narcissism. Seems many young people are growing up thinking "social manipulation" and winning by compromising your integrity is not only OK but is the only way to win.


I’m 52 and grew up with narcissistic father, probably fits the covert category best. I don’t know what to to to live my own life


Omg yes thank you for breaking this down ❤


I love listening to you Dr Phil! Can you please help us and help my son realize he needs to get out of his relationship now not later, life is so short!


I've been married for 46 years. We married very young, I was 18 and he 22. By the time I was 20, I had two kids and a high school diploma. At 21, I went to college and became an RN. That's a story in it's self. I don't think most people can truly understand what a narcissist is until you've been close to one, like you can talk about the bonding 'episode' after your first child, it really is a particular once in a lifetime event, but you don't truly understand it until it happens. You can study narcissistic personality disorder but it's not even close to experiencing it. I didn't know it was even a thing. My N was shy. We're in a very small town so everyone knows everyone's family. His family were good people but loners. It was like an inherited trait almost. It made me sad to think how being afraid to talk to strangers in a line at the movies or anywhere must feel. I'm the exact opposite. My long story, I'm cutting short.
1. I wasted 30 years with "How do you think that makes me feel." "How would you feel"
2. I married a man terrified of being seen. ie We were married by a JP because in an actual wedding, people would be looking at us. Using the vast pool of wisdom amassed in my 18 years, I knew I would love him out of his fear. I did. In 20 years, in 2 decades, I took a man terrified of strangers or being the center of attention-ever and with love, humility, patience, love, humility, determination, love, humiliation, my growing fear, I taught him to be terrified of NOT being seen. In my fairytale, he would realize how deep my love was because I lived with the jealousy, control, demeaning, emotional torture. I stuck by and gave him self confidence, enough to overcome his fear. In reality, he didn't understand the secret code. Empathy is the first ingredient in almost all positive human emotions. Without it, actions make no sense. Without empathy there is no humor. I taught him why people do or say things, how they act, what is appropriate to say and when to say it. He is unable to read the room. What he learned is simply by rote. He is no different than an actor learning his lines. He does nothing unless he is assured to receive oohhh & Nothing.

Did he realize how much love it took? Nope. There's a part of him that despises me because I know both who he is and what he is. I know how weak he is, but most of all I know his true past. I know his true history not the history he created. Narcissists don't worry about tomorrow. If events occur that reflects poorly on them, they just rewrite it. That's why they have nothing to regret. I'm the one who knows that the deaths of his parents, the friends and family that are just how things go, he's never mourned, been sad, blue. His feelings have never been hurt. Here's the kicker, why people have a hard time really grasping this disorder. It is my fault that I know what he is but more so, I know what he is not. He's got contempt that stays just below the surface. I'm somehow to blame for having this knowledge. No doubt Dr Phil understands what this is and can, or has, explain it.
What I have is a set of bizarre autoimmune disorders. I'm 64 and know what it really is. Rage. Rage buried deep, it's just like Sherman's march to the sea. It's getting out and leaving scorched earth in its wake.


Me watching this realizing I might be a narcissist 😅


These types you speak of at this point are "created" Narcissist-and can be dealt with easily by removing applause and praise. But textbook narcissist so to speak are not so easily recognized or dealt with-as I am sure I am preaching to the choir lol


Consistent pattern of behavior that's right.
