Phil In The Blanks | Borderline Personality Traits 1-2

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Phil In The Blanks | Borderline Personality Traits 1-2

Learn about borderline personality disorders, characterized by a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and emotions, as well as marked impulsivity. Dr. Phil offers insights and strategies for dealing with someone who has borderline personality disorder, emphasizing the importance of talking about what they deserve rather than what they need. BPD is “the most stigmatized disorder of all” and he encourages people to seek help.
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I was diagnosed with BPD at 15 by a doctor who shouldn’t have diagnosed me that young. But lo and behold he was very right, as I was rediagnosed at 25. I resonate with the indentity issues so much. I literally have no idea who I am sometimes, what my core values are, etc. I feel like a child or dog sometimes, like when somebody leaves me, even to go to work I feel like they will never come and my sense of time is warped and I panic.I stayed with a man for 7 years who beat me because being alone felt worse than him hurting me. My mood swings aren’t daily ALOT but they are sometimes hourly. I have been doing dbt and cbt lately, and hoping I stay in treatment this time. But you know how is BPD girls are lol even now my mind is racing and I’m rambling. 😩 oh and the suicide and suicidal ideation. It’s horrible. I feel terrible for my family when I snap on them and am immediately humiliated. It’s a life long battle but I’m gonna keep trying. I have to. But I feel alone.


When I was growing up, my late mother, quite often would be very suspicious that I was up to something sinister. She was determined that she was not going to be fooled by me, and that I should be thoroughly punished. I was sincerely trying to be a good little girl, but no matter what I did, she would falsely accuse me of things and stir my dad up to beat my butt. Later he began to catch on, so instead of beating my butt, he would make me apologize to my mom for things I didn't really do. All this created a great deal of anguish in my life. When I became an adult, at family gatherings at my house, everything seemed fine and happy until everyone went home. Then the call would come about what a bad hostess I was, or how I didn't serve Grandpa enough coffee, even though I served him 5 cups, or I deprived Grandma of having a baked potato when everyone else got one, even though Grandma insisted she didn't want a potato. Then she would tell my dad how I mistreated my grandparents so horribly. This would in turn stir up my dad's righteous indignation against this villain of a daughter who is torturing the grandparents.
Fast forward to my 60s. I still have flashbacks of the trauma. And, when others falsely accuse me of things and I become a surprise villain, it is too painful to continue in that relationship.


Here’s what it likes being with a BPD ( true story )

Get on a plane to see my dying dad. 5 mins in Driving back from seeing him she starts a rage fit. Is on a plane less then 24 hours from flying. While I’m trying to process my dad on his deathbed…

Fun times…………………

People don’t do it. Anyone in a relationship. You are 95% a codependent. Get therapy to break the trauma bond and attachment and you can get to the point of leaving and saving yourself from early death


36 year old female. I grew up in a house of addiction and extreme violence. Diagnosed BPD, Bipolar, PTSD, DID, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, insomnia... I know I'm not an easy person to be around and I've been trying to get help my entire life. I've had therapists/counselors tell me they can't help me, that they're afraid of me. Meds, and I've been on many over the years, have never helped me. They most often made my rage and suicidal ideation worse. In February 2020 I stopped my meds and tried to manage with a healthy diet and exercise. It worked for about two years, I felt amazing. Now I'm back in one of the deepest, darkest depressions I've experienced since last autumn. Trying so hard to get myself back up, some days are good, but this is a lifelong battle I'm sure.


He answered so many of the questions I’ve had for yearsss in one video. He’s hands down the best in the business. Thank you so much, Dr. Phil!!!! ❤


Nope. I have compassion for them, but I will NOT go through more PTSD from some unhinged Borderline personality ever again. There is a reason the FBI considers this one of the 4 most DANGEROUS personalities someone can encounter in their lifetime, and that can turn their entire life upside down (or much worse).

40% of US and UK prisons, both male and female, are populated with people diagnosed (forensically) with BPD/EUPD.

No more. Never again. I wouldn't with BPD on my worst enemy. Likewise, I wouldn't wish someone with BPD on my worst enemy.

These people can traumatize you so badly that they leave you with CRIPPLING PTSD that takes you *years* to fully recover from, leaving you like a shell of a corpse that you don't recognize.

...and god can't help you if they have a comorbid Cluster B personality disorder on top of BPD. They can act like a total sociopath, without any provocation whatsoever. Absolutely TERRIFYING when they go into that sociopathic rage.


I have bipolar, BPD, and PTSD, and agoraphobia. My therapist quit on the day of our last appointment, and I couldn’t see my new one for 4 months. Yes, life can be very difficult. I felt sort of abandoned emotionally, because my last therapist never said goodbye or that he was leaving. Perhaps he didn’t know? I just take my medications and try to get through each day. I was married for 13 years, divorced and single for 3 years, and have been married to my second husband for 18 years, & only harmed myself once, during my first marriage. Now, I am thankful and focusing on living a much more healthy emotional/mentally healthy life, but I still have anxiety, but for many legit reasons, and not imagined. Whenever I must leave home, especially when I’m not in my local shops, my IBS and IC starts going bananas, and I feel like I can hardly get from one safe, public bathroom to the next, and it becomes embarrassing, but after I’m focusing on something else and get all of my bathroom trips done, then, I’m better. My prescription medicine helps, but I never knew what BPD meant, because I saw it on some insurance paperwork of mine but didn’t know what any of it meant. Thanks, Dr Phil


I'm BPD, you make me feel like an awful person, thanks


Excellent analysis; and beautifully compassionate.


But you are talking about the extreme end of bpd, which as a doctor i find odd … you must have been taught that its actually a broad spectrum of degrees ! These people have been damaged by some or many forms of abuse as children, they need help NOT stigmatising


Dr. Phil thank you. I didn't know who I was. Now I know who I am and what I am. I am a Christian. I am a Child of God. I am a prayer warrior.


Oh my goodness, this particular talk 100% confirmed an event that just happened to me. I call it an emotional “drive by.” I love this woman dearly but I set a firm boundary *immediately* and was called “angry” for doing so. Then, everything I already laid down was repeated back to me as if they were in charge, and then they did the whole “push the person away before they can abandon you” thing. Just…absolutely wild. I really want to suggest therapy without that suggestion sounding like an insult, cause she literally does this to every single person in her life. Not sure what to do because I really don’t want to communicate with her again.


Well said. I wish I knew then what I know now about BPD. Would have saved me years of confusion and pain. I look back now and am shocked with what I put up with


Im helplessly witnessing a borderline destroy my loved one’s life, self esteem and identity as well as her children’s. Absolutely no remorse. They will suck you dry and leave you for dead as best outcome. Human nightmares.


Following with interest Dr Phil l value your insight and l enjoy learning your analysis 😊


Its gotten really bad with the guy I've been communicating with since late January. This guy ticks off so many boxes. He lives in Russia where there's the prevailing mindset of distrust (mostly by men) of the medical industry and definitely a deep-seated distrust of psychiatry and mental health care. The culture is very opposed to therapy over there unless the person's well-off. He needs real help!


Doctor Phil, there is plenty to recognise to identify people's psychological ID and then to manage or cope with for example Malignant Narcissistist, it's exhausting to you. . . Doctor Phil, I am sure that you have to treat everyone the same but understand their personality and align with things you have in common with them to chat to them about those with them and exchange information with each other, I think like attracts like. . .in any relationship. . .


Another great lot of information ...i am not BPD but i have issues i seem to cross over all different personalities you have described about 2 or 3 maybe i am a mixture😅. Oh well 😮
Love yr work❤


My ex left me I was diagnosed with major depression PTSD. I tried to commit suicide as a teenager, and doctors say oh she'll grow out of it. Plus those days shit like that were swept under the rug anyway. And I sought help while we were still together. The medications they gave me made me feel more depressed. I got sleep paralysis I wanted to kill myself worse. My husband never acknowledge d my birthday our anniversary. Valentine's Day it's like he really hated me he left me living in my car in the winter and he moved on right away but out of three relationships so far none of them worked out. He made a lot of promises he never kept I think he got sick of me I get that because of my mental illness but he knew about it before we got married. One day we went into this sports store he saw a skateboard and all of a sudden he couldn't take anymore and left to go skateboard and party with younger girls. I was 4 years older than him. I trusted him he let me down.


I have the diagnosis however I spent 4 years in DBT, the gold standard treatment for BPD.
Btw, a person isn’t borderline or a borderline. They’re a human being with a disorder. Do you call a person with cancer a cancer?
