Best & Worst Foods to Eat with Gout | Reduce Risk of Gout Attacks and Hyperuricemia

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Best & Worst Foods to Eat with Gout | Reduce Risk of Gout Attacks and Hyperuricemia

Gout is an inflammatory monoarticular arthropathy that is caused by monosodium urate crystal deposition within particular joints in the body. The urate crystals result from hyperuricemia (high levels of uric acid in the blood), which is derived from purine metabolism. Purines can come from a variety of different foods, with some dietary selections having high purine content, and other selections having lower amounts of purines. In this lesson, we discuss the worst foods to eat with gout (foods and beverages that have high levels of purines), and the best foods to eat with gout (foods and beverages that have lower levels of purines).

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Simple solution for gout::: 1.Stop eating packed food. 2. drink lots of water including lemon juice with salt, green tea, lemon grass+ginger tea etc. Eat cherry, strawberry, kiwi, blackberry. Eat whole grains like wheat, cracked wheat, barley, sorgham, millet, quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat, burglur wheat etc. Use olive oil for cooking. Use cumin, ginger and garlic and lemon for cooking. Eat lots of carrot, cabbage, celery and beets. Stop drinking coffee, tea, soft drinks, sugar, ghee, peanut, white rice, wheat flour, maida, whole milk, fat yogurt, urad dal, channa dal, toor dal, moong dal etc. Also avoid chilli, tamarind, spinach, sweet potato, dosa, idli, avoid all fermented food. Extra care need to soak your gout area in epsom salt hot water for 10-15min everyday. You will be cure within 3-5 days once it started. This what I do for my hubby whenever he get attack gout. Not taking any extra medical checkup. I learnt this over and over experimenting on hubby. Hope this will helpful for you. Happy to share with you


Almost EVERY website article I have read on Gout says coffee is NOT an issue. In fact they encourage extra coffee intake.


Had gout when I was 18 so young n been having it ever since asking for prayer 🙏


I’m 40 and got my first gout attack 3 weeks ago. The attack came on in the morning and got so severe I could not walk for two days. This happened in my big toe and I am at 90% a month later. It’s still inflamed though. Worst pain I have ever had. I was eating a ton of sushi and drinking a lot.I was also drinking a ton of Coke Zero


I am, as I type this, having a gout flare. I am in tears. I have been to the doctors and take my medicine but they have never really asked me about my diet. I don't make a lot of $ so diet is not the best. I didn't realize that food had so much to do with my gout. I MUST make changes because my job has me in my feet up to 10hours a day!


I gave up sea food, and alcohol and only drank water with occasional cups of coffee. The gout attacks remained constant. After experimentation, through my Doctor with various gout meds l found that colchicine was the best for me and gave me very quick relief from gout. However the attacks kept coming. Eventually my doctor put me on full time colchicine. This was successful l have been gout free for the last few years. My doctor prescribed two colchine tablets per day, one in the morning one in the evening. I am happy with the results.


I too have tried all the home remedies mentioned in this comment section; lemon water, avoiding red meat like the plague, known high purine foods such as mushrooms, seafood like shellfish, etc...even with proper hydration and exercise/weight loss but still got flares. It wasn't until I got on Allopurinol prescribed by my primary physician and followed up care with a Rheumatologist that the flare ups went away. For gout patients, therapeutic relief comes when uric acid blood levels are under 6.0 ng/dl. Most times it's only achievable with Allopurinol. Unfortunately it's a lifelong medication. it is what it is. good luck my friends


Everyones body is different. I had my only 2 attacks within about 2 months of each other. Then i looked hard into my diet. I cut out mushrooms and luckily I have been good for over 6 months.


He didn’t mention the types of fish to avoid, Cod, Lox, haddock, tuna . I would advise anyone with gout to do your research and monitor your diet carefully to avoid flare ups.


The basic advice I was given (I'm 63 and 325Lbs) walk more, as lack of activity gives the uric acid crystals a chance to take hold, drink more water and at the first signs of gout take Colchicine as prescribed. Cherries seem to work for me as well and I have them (frozen, defrosted overnight) at least 3 times a week. I'm on Allopurinol as well.


Having watched this video, others like it and reading comments I now realize I can eat/drink anything I want but I can't eat/drink anything at all. Progress!!


My god after reading all these comments of what not to eat, the only option left for me, is to chomp on a lettuce.


Thank you so much beautiful soul for sharing about food intake to get rid of Gout ..

Love and light with gratitude and so it is.


Berries of any kind are a must for gout sufferers. If you must drink choose cider.


I’ve unfortunately have been getting gout every so often for the last 30 years . I just had a spell of it 2 days ago, it usually lasts a week or two but today my foot/toe is approximately 80% healed . I couldn’t understand why everything I did was the same except for a slice of lemon in my 2.5 litre water bottle . I don’t know if that’s why but I’m leaning towards it is . Thought I’d share this with my gout family lol


Everybody has different foods that trigger gout flare ups. My gurantee's are beer, beans, shrimp, white bread (from the yeast), and unfortunately, red meat. I also noticed if I do too much walking/running, my ankles get sore and an attack follows. So I drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.


When I get a gout attack this is what I do,
Run 2 bowls of water,
1 as hot as you can stand.
1 of ice cold water.
First put the affected foot into into the HOT water, when you've got used to the temperature and it's suitably reddened up then take your foot out and plunge it into the icy cold water. It'll make you jump and take a sharp intake of breath and you'll feel a dull ache travel up your leg.
When the cold one gets too much place your foot back into the hot/warm water. Keep doing this and keep flexing your toes and stretching out your foot. Do this for as long as you can stand doing it then dab dry your foot and put some freeze gel rub on it well rubbed in, then keep it elevated for a while. It may not get rid of the pain but it will ease it A LOT 👍😉


Thank you ☺️. I wish more doctors would talk about food to help our bodies.


I have it in ALL my joints which is more common in women where as men often have it in the big toe joint ( diabetes changes that or/and if the kidneys are affected. ) it’s a horrible condition. My C reactive protein is always elevated. I take meds Allopurinol daily... and additionally Colchicine and steroids when I get a flare. Mom, brother and son suffer with it so there can be a strong genetic link. Cherries and cherry juice do help.


I have severe gout. What I've learned over the years is to stay away from carbohydrates. You can eat all the meat you want as long as you stay away from carbs. They discovered that meat increases uric acid levels when the person eats carbs. Meat with no carbs does not increase uric acid levels. I should know, I only eat meat. My main meat is fish, prawn srhimp and crab. I live in Vancouver Canada and I love fishing. Since I'm only eating meat I never have any problems with gout.
