My Husband Treat My Son Like A Dirty Trash Can 🥺💔 Reddit Stories

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👀 Full Story ( Details + UPDATES )👇

My husband and I have been together since my oldest (13) was 2. I was told years ago I would never be able to conceive another child, due to only having one fallopian tube (one had to be removed) and having significant scaring. However, we did end up pregnant last year by some miracle and I just gave birth to our daughter 3 weeks ago. Everyone was over the moon, including my son. He had wanted a sibling and had been asking since he was easily 3 or 4. But my husband is weird now. Or at least in my eyes. And I guess that is what I'm here to talk about..

So.. if my son kisses the baby on the FOREHEAD my husband starts freaking out ("don't you ever kiss that baby again, that's disgusting, you could give her a virus" etc etc). If my son moves even a centimeter while holding the baby, my husband is freaking out ("don't move like that! You're going to hurt her head.") If my son blows raspberries on the babies belly, my husband tells him to stop, saying he's being too rough. He has become an -(Word Removed)- helicopter parent, filled with paranoia and anxiety (but refuses to be seen by a doctor) and it's just.. I'm starting to rage. To a point where I have an appointment to get tested for postpartum rage but I truly don't think I have it. I think my husband is triggering me.

But here's the massive issue... My MIL came here yesterday and full on kissed our daughter right beside her mouth and my husband didn't say -(Word Removed)-. Just sat there smiling. So, I stepped in and said exactly what he said to my son. I said "don't you ever kiss that baby again. That's disgusting. You are going to give her a virus." She immediately stopped. But then she started swinging our daughter in a football hold with her head pointed down toward the floor. She was going pretty fast, to a point of a startle reflux. So I immediately told her to stop holding the baby like that and that she's being too rough. She says "I've had 4 kids, I am not dumb", so I said "I don't care". She stops, hands off the baby and then left maybe 5 minutes later. My husband asks why I'm being such an -(Word Removed)- to his mom, so I said "why are you being such an -(Word Removed)- to my son?" He asked what I meant and asked for examples so I gave him the side by side comparison examples to his mother vs my son. He shakes his head and said I'm "making -(Word Removed)- up". I know for a fact I'm not making anything up at all (I've spoken to him before about getting for my son's case) and said plainly to back off my son or I'm going to treat all of his family members the same way he's been treating my son due to his paranoia and it will make it so no one comes around anymore. He says I'm taking -(Word Removed)- too far. That kids "have germs" and are "more rough and clumsy". I told him I didn't give a -(Word Removed)-.

And YES, I have talked to him about his comments to my son. Right in front of my son and in private. He says I'm blowing things out of proportion.


First of all, never tolerate anyone mistreating your kids.


What a pain you have a baby with this man. Run. Protect your son.
This man will never really change


He has been with you for 11 years and he still doesn't see your son as one of his own. That is a very big red flag and it is going to get worse. I would quietly put up baby cams around the house. He says you're making things up about how he is acting the baby cams will provide the truth. Plus you don't know how he's treating your son when you are not there. Stand your ground for your son. He needs you.


Everybody already knew he wasn't the boy's father, with his behavior being like that. To protect your son from growing up in a hostile home where he doesn't receive proper love and consideration, you'll have to break up your baby's family. It sucks, but this man has no love or respect for your son. Leave now and at least save your son.


Leave!!! Your son and you don't deserve that treatment.


Chances are the husband has been treating boy badly for 11 years when OP is not around. Now that he has his own he is not even gonna try to pretend. Son probably been tormentented without knowing how to express the harm done.
Husband probable thinks that new baby means that the OP is fixed now that she has baby with him. She will not leave even if he shows real intention towards the son.


Your son's self esteem will depend on how seriously you take your husband's actions. Will he forever be a second class citizen, or will he be made a priority?


tell him “show my son with respect or else will divorce you” I guarantee it will work if it doesn’t pull up with the pappers


The way the mother in law respected her decision more than her husband is just sad. Like, sure, at first she was a bit rude about it but when she was told a second time to stop, she did.


Finally a parent who stands up for their kid. I'm getting of those so called parents who doesn't defend the kid who did nothing wrong


When he says it its fine but when you do the same its suddenly rude? Yeah hes a hypocrit, i advise counseling if you want this relationship to work, if not thwn leave him


This is horrendous! Protect your son! Wtf


Leave because his bad treatment towards your son will only get worse.My dad did the same thing to my brother and it has made me resent him for it.


Divorce that man and only allow supervised visits for your baby


Lady you're overdue to leave that horrible man. If it's so rude for you to do that his mother why isn't it so rude for him to pull that crap on your son?? If your not sticking up for him there's also gonna be problems between you and your son 😬


It's obvious she only views his children as his children, and he was only using you to be the reason to have a child for himself. Divorce him, try and get full custody, but odds are you'll probably end up getting half. And in court show the difference of being a father to your son versus being a father to his child, as the reason why there is a divorce going on right now


That's one disturbed husband and mother-in-law. He's a jerk. Leave him. He shouldn't ABUSE your son.


That’s where you say something like
“I’m using the same rules you told my son”


“You know I’m saying this because this is exactly what your son said to my son, and my son wasn’t even doing half of what you’re doing. You need to talk to your son about what’s appropriate and what’s not.”
