The Shocking Truth About Eggs : Best Way To Eat Eggs ?

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Many people are concerned about eating eggs on a daily basis and raising their cholesterol. They also have questions like,Can eggs cause heart disease? or What is the healthiest way to consume eggs? So in this video, Dr.Anshul Gupta MD , talked about the healthiest and right way to eat eggs for better health benefits and also talked about how many eggs you can eat safely on a daily basis.

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#EatingEggsDaily #RightWayToEatEggs #DrAnshulGuptaMD

About Dr.Anshul Gupta MD -
Dr. Anshul Gupta Md Is Board-certified Family Medicine Physician, With Advanced Certification In Functional Medicine, Peptide Therapy And Also Fellowship Trained In Integrative Medicine.He Has Worked At The Prestigious Cleveland Clinic Department Of Functional Medicine As Staff Physician Alongside Dr. Mark Hyman.He Believes In Empowering His Patients To Take Control Of Their Health And Partners With Them In Their Healing Journey.

He Now Specializes As A Thyroid Functional Medicine Doctor, And Help People Reverse Their Unresolved Symptoms Of Thyroid Dysfunction.

This Video Is For Entertainment ,general Information, And Educational Purposes Only.This Is Not A Medical Video And It Shouldn’t Be Considered A Medical Advice. You Should Not Make Any Changes To Your Medications Or Health Regimens Without First Consulting A Physician. It Should Not Be Used To Self-diagnose And It Is Not A Substitute For A Medical Exam, Treatment, Diagnosis, Prescription, Or Recommendation.If You Have Any Questions Please Consult With Your Current Primary Care Provider. Dr. Anshul Gupta Or Anshulguptamd Are Not Liable Or Responsible For Any Advice, Course Of Treatment, Diagnosis, Or Any Other Information, Services, Or Product You Obtain Through This Video Or Any Links, Websites Shared In This Video Or Channel.

Your Queries -
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right way of eating eggs
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As a vegetarian, I am very conscious of my protein intake and have been eating 2 hard-boiled eggs every other day for quite a while now. My cholesterol numbers are very good, with low LDL and moderate HDL. Your video confirms what I had hoped would be true - and I can continue eating my hard-boiled eggs! Thank you.


If we have Hashimoto’s is it best to avoid eggs?


Thanks for d info on eggs i can eat eggs without fear now


Thanks 4 the great information
I love boiling eggs .really appreciate


Thank you very much for your valuable information ♥️👍👍


How about if I have high cholesterol, triglycerides and Hashimotos ?


Sir inorganic chicken cause hormonal imbalance????


Thank you for sharing your knowledge Dr Gupta!


All doubts cleared. Thank you very much doctor for explaining very clearly all matters related to consuming eggs.


Are eggs forbidden for those with cancer? flour, seafood, meat, chicken, white bread, thankyou doc, god bless🙏❤️


Just recently found your site
Very informative
So u are a Functional Doctor
What state u reside in


We consume eggs regularly but we get eggs from local shops... We dont get country eggs or organic ones here... So is it safe to consume these eggs


Sir inorganic eggs cause hormonal imbalance???


Physican's Comittee with Dr Barnard just published video saying no eggs, based on science. This topic is confusing.


I have eating 3eggs a day for years l buy them fresh from a egg farm never buy eggs from supermarket there not fresh eggs have vitamin d and other vitamin


Sir ഞാൻ ദിവസം 2 duck egg വെച്ച് കഴിച്ചു രണ്ടു മൂന്ന് മാസം കഴിഞ്ഞു ശരീരം വളരെ ചൂട് അനുഭവപ്പെട്ടു ഒരു friend പറഞ്ഞു ഈ മുട്ട ചൂടാണ് എന്ന് അപ്പോൾ തന്നെ ഞാൻ നിർത്തി മുട്ട കഴിക്കൽ ഇപ്പോൾ ശരീരം നോർമൽ ആയി അപ്പോൾ മുട്ട ചൂടാണോ സാറിന്റെ റിപ്ലൈ എന്താണ് 🙏
